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  1. K.J.


    Okay, so today I got a tank divider for my 10g. Whatever they sell at Petsmart. Fit pretty well - there was a gap in the side about a millimetre wide. I put the male and female - Candi and Scragglypuss - in, and I definitely remember which side they were on because Scrags builds bubblenests, and...
  2. K.J.

    My Foster Kittens

    I'm not sure if Jenny is clear on her boundaries... she mostly sticks around for the litterbox presents and the old cat food :shifty: Well, I volunteer at an animal shelter and i've done fostering before. But some woman found these two - a third sibling was dead - alone in an abandoned car...
  3. K.J.

    My Foster Kittens

    Piper (b&w) and poppy (black). They're both 7 weeks old. Included a video with my Golden Jenny. The kittens have no mom, and were bottlefed. Here Here Here Here Here Here Here Video Sorry, i'd show you the pictures... but apparently flickr is a dynamic page :rolleyes:
  4. K.J.

    What Are Your Favorite Dog Breeds?

    My own special Golden Retriever. I love her.
  5. K.J.

    I Have New Fish Tank What Fish Should Be Added

    Nothing really, you've got enough in there as it is. :good:
  6. K.J.

    New Boy...

    Here he is. He's tiny, but he eats! As you can see he's got a bad case of 'funky fins,' but I have some fungus clear in there so he'll be good in no time. Name ideas, anyone...??
  7. K.J.

    Getting A New Betta Today...

    Don't tempt me... my mom would probably slap me. LOL! hmph... god knows i could use a gorgeous turquiose for only 4 - 14 dollars more than my sickly little baby! I probably should have, but considering it's not necessary to even have a filter, I figured I didn't need to. Loading pics of him now...
  8. K.J.

    Getting A New Betta Today...

    Unfortunately, something in the water - dropsy, perhaps - or something to do with unfiltered betta tanks killed my bettas, all not 3 days after water changes. So I have Candi left, in the 10g community tank with two platies, she's doing amazingly well, never aggressive, never chased by the male...
  9. K.J.

    Omg, Best Deal In The World!

    I don't think it's really necessary to say that you need a UV system just to care for your fish, if that's what you meant, because algae doesn't really 'dirty' the water, it just makes it look unsanitary.
  10. K.J.

    My New Golden Retriever Puppy

    Awww!! Babies!! I remember my retriever at that age.... sooooo cute.
  11. K.J.

    Pictures Of Jenny

    Aww, thank you. She has! That's the reason I haven't been on much, busy busy. Congrats! You will love her. They are such nice and loyal dogs. Some even understand when the river current is too strong so they don't pull you into it... :lol:
  12. K.J.

    Eggy Or Fat?!

    It's rather hard to get a fish fat. But an eggy female will be carrying extra weight only in her tummy (looking like she needs to poo or has eaten too much) and sometimes near the bottom it can be a bit bumpy (NOT scales sticking out! < dropsy, bad, just killed all my fish). A fat fish will be...
  13. K.J.

    Pictures Of Jenny

    Yup, she's a purebred Golden. She's I think, 8 months old... exactly, today :blink:
  14. K.J.

    Pictures Of Jenny

    Here are some pictures of Jenny at the Gray Wolf River.
  15. K.J.

    Questions About Leopard Geckos

    Can you keep them in a standard 55g fishtank? two is okay? What normal looking substrate can you have? (e.g, woodchips...?) Can you keep REAL plants in there, if they're not toxic? Do they stink? How much will the overall setup cost? I have a spare tank but I can't really spend LOTS of money...
  16. K.J.

    Bettas Aren't Breeding

    The female has been out for 48 hours, the male has built a M A S S I V E (bigger than I've ever seen) and the female isn't terribly afraid.. they've been conditioned 2 - 3 weeks, this is the second male I've tried with her #### is up?!
  17. K.J.

    You've Got To Be Kidding!

    Holy crap - 25$ for a 3/4 gallon tank?!!?! Humanity is doomed.
  18. K.J.

    Augh! My Dog Just Ate 1/2 Bottle Of Betta Bits!

    I can have bloodworm???
  19. K.J.

    Possibly 3 Males Left Out Of 7

    Food gone bad? bloat, dropsy?
  20. K.J.

    Will This Work For My Breeding Tank?

    I would consider emptying your 10g and making it a breeding tank - I have ammonia problems in my 10g with two fish at half level, I couldn't imagine a 5g.