Getting A New Betta Today...


Apr 27, 2006
Reaction score
Washington USA
Unfortunately, something in the water - dropsy, perhaps - or something to do with unfiltered betta tanks killed my bettas, all not 3 days after water changes. So I have Candi left, in the 10g community tank with two platies, she's doing amazingly well, never aggressive, never chased by the male platy, and full of eggs. I've set up a filtered 10g and I'm off to Petsmart to get a new one. Would've gotten a pretty HM at Petco, but I won't be there for a while... might divide the tank. Anywho, I'll probably try to get a young one. Wish me luck!
Unfortunately, something in the water - dropsy, perhaps - or something to do with unfiltered betta tanks killed my bettas, all not 3 days after water changes. So I have Candi left, in the 10g community tank with two platies, she's doing amazingly well, never aggressive, never chased by the male platy, and full of eggs. I've set up a filtered 10g and I'm off to Petsmart to get a new one. Would've gotten a pretty HM at Petco, but I won't be there for a while... might divide the tank. Anywho, I'll probably try to get a young one. Wish me luck!
If this tank is going to be filtered... shouldn't you cycle it? I mean it's better for the fish.

Anyhow, sorry to hear about your bettas with dropsy. I lost about three bettas at once due to dropsy... about two years ago. Good look with your new ones, and post pictures. :good:
Ugh, dont even say the D word :angry: I lost one of my favorite old boys to it last year :( its so hard to get rid of... Sorry for your loss*hugs*.

Also i can send you the CT in my sig just pay shipping. i need to make room XD.
Don't tempt me... my mom would probably slap me. LOL! hmph... god knows i could use a gorgeous turquiose for only 4 - 14 dollars more than my sickly little baby!
I probably should have, but considering it's not necessary to even have a filter, I figured I didn't need to. Loading pics of him now in a new thread.
i didnt cycle any of my 4gallon tanks, all i did was keep up with daily water changes and this was fine

but with my bigger tanks, they were cycled b4 adding any fish

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