Possibly 3 Males Left Out Of 7


i lurvs the feesh 3
Oct 26, 2007
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Ok im terrified somethings going very very wrong with the boys!
so far
# i lost goober too old age
#Hugh too old age
#bluey mistyrious..
#spartan mysterious (suspected old)
and now our newest gold HMPK boy seems too be listless:/
Heres the thing...
all tanks have perfect water, temps fine!

whats going on or is it due too bad luck?
Sorry I can't be of any help. It seems like a real mystery as to why you are losing so many at once. Fingers crossed your new boy makes it :flowers:
Sorry I can't be of any help. It seems like a real mystery as to why you are losing so many at once. Fingers crossed your new boy makes it :flowers:
Yeah me too!
thankyou netty your kind words are enough for me :)
makes me wonder when things like this happen if there is something wrong with the tap water -_-

sorry for your losses :rip:
makes me wonder when things like this happen if there is something wrong with the tap water -_-

sorry for your losses :rip:
we thought that tested the tap water but alls well there it is really a mystery!


thankyou :)
i swear too god my fave one is still living if he dies ill go completely potty!
sheeesh im heartbroken
bluey we lost was perfect show quality i gad big plans for him!
the girl sorority is thriving and all growing like weeds!
so not sure what it could be!
Clutching at straws here.......has anything been sprayed in the room that may have got into the tank?
Any chance a net or something was used on a sick fish and then used on all of the others during water changes or something?
have a look around the eyes, gills, and the mouth, also look just under the dorsal fin, base of tail and the area on the back between the dorsal and base of tail, is there any light colouring of the scales at all in these areas
Sorry guy i got disconected!

well the gold HMPK is still alive...
no net are used in diff tanks!
theres diff symptoms too each fish!
the gold HMPK is at the bottom had several water changes today!
and still no improvement...
could this be breeders bad luck?
ive heard of some people losing 8 or so fish males and there females being fine....
then the males stop dieng...
he has IAL, a 10 gall tank 3/4 full... the temp is 82,

awww im going spare!
help :(
list the sypmtoms as many illnesses have several symptoms and there may well be a link in there somewhere.
its not common for all males to get ill without a reason so the symptoms are very important to help out
Sounds like something has cross contaminated maybe.
Do you use the sme bucket or whatever for all of your tanks? Or did you perhaps stick your hand into one tank, and then another without washing your hands?

It's odd that they would all die so suddenly and close to one another?

Have you tryed medicating the tank the sick one is in?
are these males in a divided tank? just wondered as if they are i think i may have the cause of it but still waiting for a reply on the symptoms, oh and how long has this been happening for?

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