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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. K

    200+ Gallon Tank - What Would You Keep?

    I would put the largest puffer I could keep in that tank in it if I had the option to start up such a large tank. But, alas, I have to wait til the children grow up and move out for room for such a tank.....hubby already has a 90 and a 75 in the living room!
  2. K

    How Much Sand?

    If you live near a Petsmart check there. I have bought the black tahitian moon sand they carry and love it, I actually mix it up with a little of the white for a neat look. It is about $20-$25 bucks for a 20lb bag though. Here is a pic of my A. Modestus puffers tank with the mix
  3. K

    Feeding Puffer Fish

    I wouldn't recommend 1) throwing a bunch in there and letting the puffer "self feed", some puffers will just overeat which is not good for their health 2)feeding your puffer ONLY ghost shrimp is not a good idea either, they really need a varied diet of other foods like snails, bloodworms...
  4. K


    Yes, we have an albino bristlenose with our mbuna
  5. K

    Thinking Of Getting A Dwarf Puffer...?

    Yes, please cycle the tank properly before getting your dp...or it won't last long. A 10 gal would be fine for a single dp with a few otos.....I have a trio with 1 oto and 2 african dwarf frogs without any problems. Substrate is whatever you wish to use....I personally think it will be easier...
  6. K

    Ceylon Puffers

    Oh how I wish I could take one of those guys off your hands! I have been looking into puffers for some time now and have a tank I am considering moving everything out of to house one. I fell in love with the ceylons, but haven't seen any around here...but since I am in the US I don't think the...
  7. K

    Anyone Here Use An Eclipse 3 System As A Betta Tank?

    I have an eclipse corner 5 for one of our bettas and we both love it (Rainbow & I that is). The flow is really not that bad since the water actually rolls off the biowheel into the tank....not like it is being shot across the surface or anything. I just put a silk plant directly under the flow...
  8. K


    I have to agree with you kathy...spiders can spot an arachnaphobic a mile away....they ALWAYS find me and run me down. I have nightmares about middle of the night screams have awakened the entire house when I had the misfortune to have to use the restroom while everyone is asleep...
  9. K

    Pink Puffer

    Martha is absolutely GORGEOUS!
  10. K

    Is A Platy Species Tank Possible For Casual Hobbyist

    Take shouldn't be as bad as you are imagining. My experience with platy...for the same reasons...the kids loved them, esp the Mickey Mouse that the first drop of fry from each female was rather the 30-50 fry range. We of course tried to save them all...
  11. K

    Feeding Bloodworms And Daphnia

    Since I have dwarfpuffers, I have a cube of bloodworm to feed daily. A whole cube is too much for 3 dp's so the rest get scattered amongst the other tanks daily. Everyone loves them!
  12. K

    Individual Tank Bettas Vs Community Tank Bettas?

    I have 1 betta in a 5 gal corner tank with 3 panda cory....he is quite happy, bubbling and exploring....even spends alot of time hanging in the plant that is situated to slow down the filter current, something he isn't supposed to like :/ I also have another in my 65 gal community "misfit"...
  13. K

    Fun With Laser Pointers

    I have done the same with hubby's oscars....and the dogs....and the kids. Cheap amusement!
  14. K

    What Water Conditioner...

    I have had good luck with API stresscoat from day one, so I stuck with it.
  15. K

    Question On Converting Gravel To Sand.

    I wouldn't try burying the bubblewand in the sand....I did that and it constantly kicked up smaller particles, which actually made sense when I thought about it....duh. I used the suction cups to stick it horizontally on the back wall a couple of inches off the bottom so it wouldn't constantly...
  16. K

    Java Moss Illegal?

    I don't know where you are at in Ohio Kombat....but I just bought what was labeled as java moss at Something Fishy on State Rd in Cleveland. I am not a plant guru, so admittedly, he could be wrong....but having heard it grows well in low light conditions had been looking for it, when I saw it I...
  17. K

    Ps Demansoni

    All I can say is hubby's demasoni's bred in a tank with plenty of other africans much to our surprise! When doing a tank change one day he found 2 babies so we rescued them and they are growing out in our fry tank and then we noticed she looked like she was still holding....the 3rd is surviving...
  18. K

    Dwarf Puffer Tank

    Nice set up....your puffers will love you :) On a side note..I have found that most of the time that I see dwarf puffers in stores the look malnourished, but as long as they are basically healthy should become little piggies for you in no time!
  19. K

    What's The Strangest, Most Incorrect Advice You've Received In

    I think the worst advice/purchase I experienced at a store was when I wanted to buy clown loaches. I currently had only a 10 gal running, was cycling my 64 gal, and hubby was working on setting up his 90 gal, so I was explaining to the employee that I wanted the clown loaches now since they had...
  20. K

    Flare Flare Flare Flare Flare

    Is there anyway he is seeing his reflection somewhere and that is what he is flaring at? Mirrors can make them flare because they think another betta is nearby. I would imagine the only things to be concerned with is the betta tiring himself out, or possibly damaging his beautiful fins by...
  21. K

    Platies: Good, Or Bad Beginner Fish?

    If you aren't wanting a bunch of babies though you might want to stick to males only. Most females are pregnant when you get them, and with males and females, you will regularly get more babies.
  22. K

    Suggestions Please

    How about a betta?
  23. K

    Adfs Didn't Like Frozen Bloodworm

    My adf's also love frozen bloodworms and come running when it is feeding time!
  24. K

    New Nerite Snails

    Cool looking snails!
  25. K

    Disinfecting Fish Tank

    I agree with disinfecting with is cheap, easy to use, and safe. If you are at all worried about the chlorine, a water conditioner will neutralize it. Whenever I have to clean decor with bleach I just put it into a gallon of tap water with dechlorinator in it to neutralize any...
  26. K

    Bottom Feeders

    Our albino bristlenose does just fine with our mbuna tank....he has a little bit of nipping on his dorsal fin right now, but last night we found out that the demasoni was holding fry, released 2, and that could be where his nipping came from...he may have gotten too close to mama! He frequently...
  27. K

    Corys Or Frogs

    Is there a reason why you can't have both?
  28. K

    Frog Question

    The frogs should be okay with all of the other inhabitants, but you may want to question the girlfriends frog disappeared from a large pleco whose mouth was big enough to have eaten him. He shouldn't have been to blame, and the frog probably died from something else and the pleco...
  29. K

    Microgeophagus Ramirezi Blue Ram

    In my experience, which was rather limited, it depends on the ram. I had a male who wouldn't tolerate my dwarf gourami's, nor a bolivian ram, but the 2 females were fine with them.
  30. K

    Gravel To Sand?

    I don't know if it is the "right" way or not, but I did it by removing 1/2 the water and the gravel all at once, and slowly adding the sand a cupful at a time without removing the fish. If the sand is rinsed well it settles right away. There was one small mistake though, and that is that I...
  31. K

    My Spotted Rubberlip And Bn Plec Pics

    Nice algae wafer will bring 'em running everytime won't it!
  32. K

    Clown Loach Preperation

    Sounds like you had worse luck than usual (5 out of 5) OR you are dealing with direct worms. What other fish is there, any other unexplained deaths? Regardless: forget about PraziPro. It handles *some* cases, but fewer than levimisole. Get levimisole over the internet (I assume you are in the...
  33. K

    Clown Loach Preperation

    Secondly, internal parasites. About a third of loaches come with worms inside, and the effect may not be seen immediately. Instead, weeks or months later, you may have growth problems or the so called "Wasting disease". Thus, deworm preventively, in the Q-tank, you don't want to deal with the...
  34. K

    Cory Cat Pictures

    Great shots...great corys! I love corys, currently only have 1 albino, 1 bronze and 2 orange lasers...but hope to have room for more soon!
  35. K

    Super New Gravel Vac....

    I would definetely appreciate the I said, I tried a couple with little success and would be happy to invest in something that would make siphoning a low tank easier! Larger pieces of debris just don't want to siphon up into the hose when it is only draining into a bucket...
  36. K

    Super New Gravel Vac....

    What gravel vac did you buy? I have been looking at, and tried a couple of different ones to use on a sand bottom tank that is on the bottom of a tank stand. I don't get great suction with it being so low to the ground, but have found that I am not getting that great of suction out of the...
  37. K

    Your Favorite Schooling Tetra?

    My gold tetras are a beautiful vivid yellow, rivaling my honey gouramis, and stay in a nice school.
  38. K

    Yellow Labs And Kenyii Friend Or Foe?

    No expert here...but I do know that my husband has 2 yellow labs, an auratus and 2 kenyis in a 75 gallon along with some demasoni's, and a couple others that I can't for the life of me remember the name. There are some squabbles occasionally, nothing serious, and it seems to just be the nature...
  39. K

    Dwaf Puffers

    If you haven't done so already...check out dwarfpuffers. com....nice website/forum with loads of information. There will still be questions but I am sure you will enjoy your dp tank! I have a 10 gal with 2 f/ 1 m in it.....always begging for food.
  40. K

    Aristotle And His Toy

    I wish we could find something Bubba & Gump would play with....they haven't shown any interest in anything yet. They just enjoy running around the tank watching all of us.....the tank is situated on a wall that has a window area thru it so without any tank background they can watch the family...