Anyone Here Use An Eclipse 3 System As A Betta Tank?

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Fish Crazy
Nov 7, 2006
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California, USA
I've been thinking of getting one of these to use as a betta tank, but I've read that the 36GPH flowrate is too high for bettas since it has no flow control. These are pretty nice 3 gallon acrylic tanks with built-in Biowheel filtration and flourescent lighting. Petco has a sale on them for $36 and if you order more than $60 worth of stuff you get free shipping.

I guess if I do get one of these I'll have to put in some floating plants to dampen the water current. My current betta seems to love to sleep in the floating onion plant in my 2.5 gallon so I'll probably put one of those in the new tank when I get it. Anyway I just bought a new SD HM betta so I want something nice for him. :D
I'm not really sure but if you check on line at Petsmart they have free shipping for orders over 50.00 and they have a 5 gallon aquascene aquarium setup for only 37.99. They also have a lifetime warrantee on their products TOPFIN, just a thought.
Does the Aquascene come with an incandescent or flourescent bulb? If it comes with the former then I would have to buy a compact flourescent which would bring the price up. Also I prefer tanks without the hard front angles. Anyway thanks for the heads up.
I have an eclipse corner 5 for one of our bettas and we both love it (Rainbow & I that is). The flow is really not that bad since the water actually rolls off the biowheel into the tank....not like it is being shot across the surface or anything. I just put a silk plant directly under the flow to disperse it a little and then found the Rainbow prefers to sleep and hang out there. Oh well, apparently he forgot to read the page that said bettas don't like currents in the book I got him. :D

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