Gravel To Sand?

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Fish Addict
Dec 28, 2005
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My fish would benefit more from having sand rather then gravel. So how would i go about changing it? Take all the water out or just 70%. Also where could i put the fish when i do the change?
I don't know if it is the "right" way or not, but I did it by removing 1/2 the water and the gravel all at once, and slowly adding the sand a cupful at a time without removing the fish. If the sand is rinsed well it settles right away. There was one small mistake though, and that is that I apparently took too long and although I left some gravel in a mesh bag in the tank water I removed, I still went thru a mini-cycle. If I did it again I would 1) leave the gravel bag in the tank and work around it, or 2) plop it into another tank to save from possibly losing bacteria. The mini-cycle caused me to have to do daily water checks and small water changes, but we got thru it, and the fish love the sand bottom.
Basically... what to do is this:

- Remove tank water into a bucket (until full) and place filter/heater into bucket and switch on
- Put all fish in the bucket complete with filter/heater
- Remove remaining tank water
- Tank oppurtunity to clean ornaments/glass etc.
- Remove all gravel
- Rinse sand until water runs clear
- Place sand in tank and re-arrange decorations as required
- Fill tank half-way with new water
- Catch fish and place them back in tank
- Replace filter/heater back into tank
- Fill the rest of the tank with new water
- Dispose of bucket water and gravel

*Please make sure you have an established filter before switching from gravel to sand!
I just scoop the gravel out with a large fish net (avoiding any fish), and replace it with sand using a plastic disposable cup, gently pouring it out. Fish didn't appear to be very stressed and it was a whole lot less work and mess.

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