How Much Sand?

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Fish Crazy
Oct 26, 2005
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Hi, I want to set my 55g tank back up. I just moved and don't know this area but I doubt theres any decent fish stores around here. I'm looking for a black sand for the bottom of my tank. I just want it to be an inch deep at the most, how many pounds do I need? It's the standard 48inch 55g tank. Does anyone know a decent online store to buy it from thats not going to scam me or take forever to ship? I'm in the USA. Thank you!

Hi, I want to set my 55g tank back up. I just moved and don't know this area but I doubt theres any decent fish stores around here. I'm looking for a black sand for the bottom of my tank. I just want it to be an inch deep at the most, how many pounds do I need? It's the standard 48inch 55g tank. Does anyone know a decent online store to buy it from thats not going to scam me or take forever to ship? I'm in the USA. Thank you!

Actually I just found this,;N=2004+113555 Is this store safe?? How many pounds do I need of it >< I'm so broke.
Dr foster smith is definately very reliable and I would reccomend it for those of us in the US. You would need at least 50 LBS. If you're buying it there you might as well get 60 although most local fish stores carry it. I know mine around here do. Take a look at this on aquabid:

While I haven't purchased her sand I have purchased other items from her and she's very reliable. The shipping should be cheaper than at dr foster smith too.

If you're broke and want sand you might want to look into getting play sand, its a very natural color and most all fish love it. Mine cost $5 for 100 lbs and you can generally get a half bag for free from most places if they have them broken up.
Dr foster smith is definately very reliable and I would reccomend it for those of us in the US. You would need at least 50 LBS. If you're buying it there you might as well get 60 although most local fish stores carry it. I know mine around here do. Take a look at this on aquabid:

While I haven't purchased her sand I have purchased other items from her and she's very reliable. The shipping should be cheaper than at dr foster smith too.

If you're broke and want sand you might want to look into getting play sand, its a very natural color and most all fish love it. Mine cost $5 for 100 lbs and you can generally get a half bag for free from most places if they have them broken up.
Where do you buy this play sand thats safe for fish?
Toys R' Us has it here, most garden centers should sell sand.... Any place that sells kids playsets and sand boxes should have it..... I actually use normal fine sand meant for building since it's a nicer grain of sand that I prefer... Everyone warns against it but I haven't read of anyone having any issues at all when using properly. Just be sure to wash it out really well... My best recommendation for doing that is to use a not so nice pillowcase, just add about 20-30 lbs of sand into it and run a hose through it for 5 minutes or so swishing the bag around and shaking it to get all the gunk out of it :)

When you're done just add the sand and the rest of your decor... Then when adding water put a plate or something to break the water so it does't shoot directly at the sand.. This will keep any excess debri at a minimum... I always run a filter with a bunch of pillow stuffing (perhaps from that pillow you stole the case from LOL!) for 12-24 hours before attempting to do anything, it will clean all the small stuff out of the water for good. Then add your regular filter media and cycle like you would normally (fishless I hope) or add some mature media and go from there!!
If you live near a Petsmart check there. I have bought the black tahitian moon sand they carry and love it, I actually mix it up with a little of the white for a neat look. It is about $20-$25 bucks for a 20lb bag though. Here is a pic of my A. Modestus puffers tank with the mix
Also, just to mention it, if you know of something like a block making place (there are more than you'd think around, check your phone book) or auto-body paint shop where you are comfortable asking, you can get sandblasting sand for even cheaper than play sand...Just make sure not to get the black kind, you want the medium coarse white.

The black kind if actually very sharp and will cut your fish, so don't be tempted :)
I have the Tahitian Moon Sand and love it. Black substrates really bring out the color in the fish and in plants. It is more expensive and actually one of the items that is cheaper if you buy it from the local fish store than online. It will usually cost you about the same thing either way but shipping is expensive on it if you order online. Most places charge you the normal shipping charge plus and additional charge for "heavy" items.

How much you need really depends on whether you plan to have live plants or not. Without plants, you really only need an inch of sand. If you hae live plants, you need it deeper. If you put 2" in, you would need about 1.45 cubic foot of sand. You would most likely need 2 bags.
I use the Tahitian Moon Sand in my 55 Gallon tank and like the others I love it in my tank. When I started my 10 Gallon Betta tank I used that sand for it also. It really makes for a nice looking aquarium and it doesn't show fish poo too well either.

When I first started about a year ago I used the white sand and I'll never again use. It's really bad at showing fish poo. The black hides it alot better so it's not an eyesore till you can get it cleaned.

I used about 55 lbs in my 55 Gallon and prolly 10lbs in my 10 gallon tank. You can get away with less but I knew I was going to be putting plants in the tank so I wanted a little thicker substrate.
I set up a 29 gallon, a 5 gallon hex and two 2.5 gallon tanks with one 20lb bag and it was pretty deep but that still isn't as much area to cover as a 55 gallon. The 55 has 624 sq inches to cover while the 29 gallon only has 360, the 2.5s about 55 and the 5 hex about 95 for a total of about 565 sq in. One bag may do it but it will plrbably take 2 to get a good 2" base.
For a 55g, I'd go somewhere between 40 and 60 pounds, depending on what you intend to add. Plants, you'll want 60 pounds, sand diggers, around 50, just a nice cover up, 40 will work.

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