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Me too scared of big spiders, but I wouldn't kill it then again wouldn't know what to do, as you would not get me anywhere near it.

Me too Wilder, I've only got to see a Wolf spider in my kitchen and I'm running for the hills screaming! Pathetic really. But they do come in in pairs so if you've only seen one you know that that other one isn't far away................... :unsure:
I'm petrified of spiders - especially the giant house spiders we get over here (I looked them up and they're called tegenaria gigantea, don't Google if arachnophobic!). What I have learned from my pathetic arachnophobic postings on other boards is that when you see a spider in your house, it's generally a male seeking out a female (don't know if that's true for other species but it is for the house spiders). Thing is, the giants we see out and about are the males. Females are bigger. So when I saw the category 3 (see Phil Jupitus "Quadrophobia" for the categorisation reference), somewhere nearby was an EVEN BIGGER female.

Now that I've filled you in on that horrifying trinket of information, I'm going to go and vomit. :sick:
I feel for you. Disconnect the fixture and take it outside ( carry by cord) and leave it for a while. I have black widows and brown recluse as well as spiders the size of quarters that the people here tell me are wolf spiders. Not long agoI found a widow in kids room on the doorknob. Had to knock it in a jar and take it outside. euuuu . I'm allergic to spider bites so this thing scared me sh**less thinking it was going to get me. Haven't seen another one luckily (knock wood) and hope I never do.
kathyM I found one of the female wolf spiders your refferring to. I was using the bathroom and felt something tickling the top of my foot. I kicked and looked down and there was a wolf spider a little smaller than the size of my palm (I'd say 2.5-3" from legtip to leg tip not stretched) I caught the little thing in a jar and she is now living happily in a spare (cracked) five gallon I had lying around. I love her to death. She ate a cricket the night I caught her. It was great fun watching her carry it around and chew on it for hours...strange thing is I've had her for well over a month now and I've yet to find any cricket corpses or feces of any sort...

about the black widow spider...I wouldn't worry too much. I would turn on the light for an extended period as suggested and if that didn't work I'd put the fixture outside for a day or so. Good luck and be careful because even though she isn't likely to bite a black widow bite is a nasty thing to experience.
kathyM I found one of the female wolf spiders your refferring to. I was using the bathroom and felt something tickling the top of my foot. I kicked and looked down and there was a wolf spider a little smaller than the size of my palm (I'd say 2.5-3" from legtip to leg tip not stretched) I caught the little thing in a jar and she is now living happily in a spare (cracked) five gallon I had lying around. I love her to death. She ate a cricket the night I caught her. It was great fun watching her carry it around and chew on it for hours...strange thing is I've had her for well over a month now and I've yet to find any cricket corpses or feces of any sort...

Argh! You see, I bet you're dead proud of her (and quite right too, it's me with the phobia) but that fills me with terror that. 'Specially the cracked tank issue. Yes, common sense dictates she's not going to escape and murder anyone in their sleep, but rationality goes out of the window when I see one of them big beggars.

It's also a common myth that "they're more frightened of you than you are of them" (one of my Mum's favourite guilt trips for me). The two recent closest encounters I've had with those spiders, they've acted very aggressively even with other options. One ran right at me from under the TV cabinet when Baz's chair was nearer and safer. I squished it with a video (sad but has to happen here). Now the term for killing a spider in this house is "Brockovich the b*stard" - think you can guess which vid I used. This is how scared I am of them though - instead of cleaning said video and putting it back in the collection, I had one of the kids chuck it directly into the wheely bin.

2nd attack from a dangerous and aggressive spider was when I was watching Pitch Black a few months back. In less than a minute I went from "Ooooo Riddick" to "Argh get this bloody thing off me!!!". Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something move on my lap (light was off, only light from telly). I thought it was the light from the telly panning round, cos the film's full of that. Brushed my lap, heard something click on the laminate floor. It was a fair click so I assumed it was a lighter. Got up, turned the light on, nothing. Sat back down on the sofa and was in the process of saying "Aren't I brave, I thought it was a spider, silly me, but I didn't panic, did you see that?" when a 3.5"+ Linford Christie spider hurled itself at me across the sofa. I leapt up, got Baz to come and kill it, and when he got his big boot to squish it, it ran AT him.

So sod the "They're more frightened of you" malarkey, it's just not true. I think they know an arachnophobe from 100 yards and decide to torment us. They must die.
This would be my absolute nightmare. A great big dirty spider in my house. I've never been so pleased to live in England as I am now. :crazy:
Recently moved into a new flat and the first few days 2 HUGE spiders came charging out from under the tv cabinet. God knows what downstairs must have thought when my son used his size 11 boots to totally squash the horrid things!! yuck!!

Hi JackoUK. I live in Runcorn too!!!
I have to agree with you kathy...spiders can spot an arachnaphobic a mile away....they ALWAYS find me and run me down. I have nightmares about spiders....my middle of the night screams have awakened the entire house when I had the misfortune to have to use the restroom while everyone is asleep. That is the one thing about me that totally pisses off my husband....my fear of, and the necessity that he has to kill, spiders. Personally I think he is afraid of them also, otherwise IMO he should be proud to be the big bad man who has to take care of his little old wife's fears :p
LOL I know exactly what you mean. Unfortunately for me, my partner Baz is not far off arachnophobic hmself (not to the point of vomiting/fainting like I am *lmao*), so we tend to end up huddled together getting the kids to kill them. :lol:
Try living with someone who was raised with Buddhist beliefs- I'm screaming in a corner for him to get the spider and he has to put it in a pickle jar and take it outside. I'd kill it myself, but he doesn't like me to kill them. SICK SICK SICK!
don't be a whimp just catch it.. just be smart about it and don;t let it neat you..
i scooped up a black spider with a red dot (but probably not a black widow) into an empty jelly jar on Saturday night and sealed the lid on. thing is STILL crawling around in there.

as a note of explanation: i'm not sure what kind of spider it is, so i put it in the jar so i could carry it to one of the biology prof's for an ID. i just want to know if (1) its poisonous, (2) probably has friends living nearby, and (3) what i can do to make my home less appealing to spiders :lol:

it's weird. i see a decent amount of spiders in my apartment but no bugs. i can't decide if that's a good or bad thing.
why do you say probably pica?

does it have an hourglass shaped red spot?

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