Search results

  1. C

    new 4ft tank

    actually fronts can be in a 4 foot, you could have a trio and make some money out of it, and you can put calvus in with them, and syno cats
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    what to add?

    i know this sounds like too much, but when you add up the inches it really isnt. so dont go off on how i shouldnt add anything cause i have too many fish already please. its a 6 ft. 129 gallon tank with rockwork. 3 N. brichardi "Fulwe Rock" blue face 2 A. stuartgranti Maleri Chipoka 2 A...
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    Fish Intelligence Study

    i keep my green sunfish on his toes, he has to jump for his food most of the time, and i also feed more tubifex than he can get before alot hit the bottom. he swished his tail stering up the gravel and then whips around and picks the worms out of the clowd. i also put crawdads in occasionaly...
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    hair algae

    are they aggressive? one of my LFSs always has them, they are kinda ugly, bt seem to have personality, and might be a good addition of red to my tank.
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    biowheels make extra trickle noises, my aquaclears are THE quietest filter i have ever seen, you (im not at all exagerating) cant tell when they are on or off, and they are very good filters as well. go for aquaclears, i have peanguins and they make much more noise.
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    hair algae

    a huge amount of hair algae has taken a liking to my 2 gigantic amazon swords, i pull it off and of course it just comes back. i want a little fish/critter that will eat it. its a 25 gallon very heavily planted tank.
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    WOOHOO! Got A Job At A Fish Store!

    you can actually work at 15 (it might be 15 and a half), im gonna ask for a job at my LFS, its a mom and pop store, a very elderly couple owns it and they always seem exhausted, so i think they might like some help. did you actually apply and everything, or just aks them?
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    Future 29 Gallon African Tank

    that should be cool, but the ruby greens will only have 1 cool looking fish, if you dont know, they should be kept 1m to 2 or more f. and that 1 male will have really cool color, but the females will be really drab and boring. if you want breeding go for it!! you'll need plenty of rocks.
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    snail question

    sounds very possible that he took a trip out of the water, like they often do, then got air in his shell, so he is uncomfortable (the reason for being closed up alot), and floating for the obvious reason.
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    Any one from SJ, CA USA?

    im in winters only 1 hour or so away, i went to san jose to pick up some fish once.
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    what type of fish do you like?

    CICHLIDS!!!!CICHLIDS!!!!!CICHLIDS!!!! and more CICHLIDS!!!!! all the awsome fish i can think of are cichlids, besides a few oddballs.
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    Where can I get some multis?

    you guys are getting ripped off, my cichlid dealer has f0 1"+ multis for 8.50 each, and he has AMAZING shipping rates, and no minimum order that i know of. i can talk to him if you want. he has really nice quality fish, i stalked my whole 55 from him and all the fish are great.
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    Tank Size

    that all depends greatly on the type of cichlid you want. rift lake, west african, and a select few americans. i would go for a few shell dwellers personally. a little trio could go in a 5 gal if they were L. multifasciatus, but others need larger. you could get 1 lonely shell dweller of any...
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    possible new fish.

    they almost definitely will crossbreed, if you want more than 1 species of peacock in 1 tank you need to have all males, the females look almost exactly the same so you dont want to mix them. i would suggest some E-yellows, perlmutts, auratus, pseudotropheus (maybe elongatus or saulosi), or...
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    more fish (what to get)

    believe me the crayfish woudn't get hammered. they will fight back really well, if you've seen the big ones with my Green Sunfish (6 inches and would kill those malawi no question (but i still like malawi better). if a fish looks like it's gonna attack they just stand up straight and click...
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    first malawi tank

    i dont know who told you that, but DONT do it, 14 fish is way too many, inless you get small tanganyikans. with malawi you could get maybe 7 or 8 fish max, and that would be crouded, i have a 39 gal with about 9 or 10 various cichlids malawi and 1 victorian, and it's jam packed, trust me you...
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    Where Can I Find Blue Crayfish? *California*

    my LFS always has them in, not sure of scientific name, but they are called blue crayfish. im kinda far away though, sacramento, CA.
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    tanganyika substrate?

    if your getting shellies (which you should) you should really have a fine gravel/sand substrate, if you dont you will often end up with deformed jaws, they are so stubborn they will try and try to move something too large, and end up with a crooked jaw. i suggest a corner with shells, and some...
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    more fish (what to get)

    uck i dont like plecs in african tanks, but thats just my opinion, if i were you i would take out 1 or both of the plecos, algae will greatly promote breeding (as it seems you want), but with 2 common plecos, and a SAE algae wont have a chance. for cichlids, i would add maybe an EB or 2, or...
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    i want a killer

    i would like everyones opinions on what the MOST aggressive fish that can go in a 20 gal would be. i was thinking pignose puffer, but wanted to know what everyone else thinks. thanks