new 4ft tank


Fish Fanatic
Dec 15, 2003
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hey guys n girls
im gettin a new 4ft tank very soon and i wanted some thing nice a colourful to go in it that will grow big do u know what?
the help would b gr8 ta
I replaced my 3ft tank with a 4ft tank fairly recently and you'll be surprised how quickly all the space gets filled up
i have been thinking about cichlids but what one?
also i like the frontosa would u b able to mix
Fronts need a lot more space than 4 feet :/ mine live in a six foot tank, maybe you can just get one fish that will grow huge, like an oscar :kana: , I have a midas who lives in a four footer alone and I love him, he's like a tank puppy (but really aggressive, oscars are much more mellow,but I believe they should also live alone,maybe with a large plec) :)
actually fronts can be in a 4 foot, you could have a trio and make some money out of it, and you can put calvus in with them, and syno cats
I'm not trying to start a riot, but I honestly can't imagine full grown fronts living a full happy life within a four foot area. I'm already planning on getting mine something bigger than the 120 in the future,I'm thinking a 180 or a 200. They currently have the entire surface area of the tank to themselves and all they do is bicker and fight over territory (and occasionally play)
Frontosa grow slow enough that they can live quite happily in a 90 gallon for a long time, but eventually they will reach a point where I must agree with wuvmybetta - a 90 gallon is just no place for a harem of 8" to 12" Fronts. A 90 is enough for one 12" fish, if that.

If you are looking at having just one big fish then Oscars are great, as are Red Terrors, Managuense (Jaguars), and most of those large sized new world cichlids.

If you want more then one then you will want to go with a smaller type, like Firemouths (beautiful and pretty peaceful), convicts, jack dempseys, green terrors, severums, texas etc. Most of these would be limited to pairs, even in a 90, but you can probably get away with 1 specimen of 3 species.

Then, if you expand and start to look at other African cichlids (besides Frontosa) your options can really open up, but they are a discussion on their own.

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