Search results

  1. G

    Old Age?

    Thanks for the answers. I guess I just wanted to be sure that before I restock my tank, that they are just dying because they are old. I have always been surprised that they have lived as long as they have, because I tend to be pretty lazy about caring for my tank, but the rasboras have always...
  2. G

    Old Age?

    I have had a bunch of rasboras and one lonely black neon tetra for almost 8 years now. All of a sudden, I have had a mass exodus of fish in the last probably 3 months or so. The tetra isn't looking good right now and i am down to one last rasbora. I have been kind of expecting them to die of...
  3. G

    Little Pleco?

    I know hex tanks aren't popular... I love mine, though, and even when I get another going, I will keep this one, just because I like it so much. I don't really like tanks that are stocked to the hilt, anyways, so even if I calculate the surface area and use that as a general guide, I am not...
  4. G

    Little Pleco?

    Well, I found a lfs who would take my pleco and even traded me another fish for it. She is a pleco lover who thought he was "just beautiful" and put him into a 75 gallon. She said that if he outgrew that one, she would take him home and he could live in her 110 g tank. Made me happy, I was so...
  5. G

    Newbie With A Goldfish

    Thanks everyone for all the advice. The goldfish has been happily rehomed at our LFS... I think I am glad we didn't decide to give it a go with it... It would have been more than I was up for!!!
  6. G

    Little Pleco?

    Thanks for the reply :) The link was really helpful!!!
  7. G

    Newbie With A Goldfish

    <sigh> It is such a cute little fish, lol. My husband was liking the idea of getting a 20 g tank to keep it in (I was just looking at craigs list to find one) but he wants to have more than one in it. It doesn't sound like a good idea to have more than one unless there we go for a huge tank...
  8. G

    Newbie With A Goldfish

    So, would a local lake be ok for him, or does it have to be a pond??? I don't really know anyone with a fish pond. It is hard to believe that cute, friendly, little fish is going to eat all my fish!!! I don't think I am up to buying a 20 g tank for a rescued fish. Thanks for the responses.
  9. G

    Newbie With A Goldfish

    My MIL just stopped here on her way home from a party. Apparently the fish loving (note the sarcasm here) folks who gave the party bought 20 or so fish for centerpieces and told people to bring them home (in bowls that hold a pint or less and with no food no less). She brought it here because...
  10. G

    Little Pleco?

    I am one of those unfortunate people who got a common pleco without being very well informed about how big they would get... Anyways, I know now that he is stunted, because I believe that at over 7 years he should be bigger than about 6 inches or so? He is in a 35 gallon hex tank. I have been...
  11. G

    Pleco With A Blister?

    Thanks for the reply. So, I guess I will continue to just keep an eye on him.
  12. G

    Pleco With A Blister?

    I have what I believe to be a common pleco. I went on vacation a couple of weeks ago and my husband was watching the fish (he helps take care of them, so knows what to do). When I got back, I noticed that my pleco had a pinkish sore on his nose. They had just finished a treatment with melafix...
  13. G

    Filtration Question

    Thanks for the link... funny, that is the site I found yesterday after I posted this message. At least now I know it comes recommended!!! Any other good fish sites out there?
  14. G

    Filtration Question

    Thanks for the reply. I did find a page that sort of answered my questions about filtration. As for the plec and plants, I will definitely check into it on the plec and plants sections. He made quick work of the swords I put in the initially. My anubia lasted longer, but with two strikes...
  15. G

    Filtration Question

    Hi all, So, I am not terribly new to fishkeeping, but up to this point have just stuck stuff in there without really learning much about it. In my "sticking stuff that the LFS said would be good in there" I wound up with what I think is either a common or a sailfin pleco (or possibly a cross)...
  16. G

    Injury Or Something Else?

    Thanks for the response. I don't have any melafix... what is it, and can I just pick it up at any old fish store?
  17. G

    Injury Or Something Else?

    My plec got a hole in his fin yesterday. I was down and out with the flu when I noticed it, so I haven't been able to keep as close an eye on him as I would have liked. But, yesterday I noticed a small hole in the center of his big fin on his back (is that the dorsal fin?). It didn't look...
  18. G


    LOL, I have a 35 g hex tank and I love it. It is so cool looking :) I haven't had trouble with it, although I don't tend to overstock. The only time I got into trouble is when it came to adding live plants. I have been having a heck of a time with that. Guessing it is the lighting. Maybe I...
  19. G

    Hexagon Tank

    I have a 35 gallon hex tank and have been trying to add plants to it. I am super confused about how much light it should have, since most of the articles I can find on the subject do not relate to hex tanks (just that they are hard to light, LOL) It looks like yours are definitely growing well...
  20. G

    Harlequin Rasboras

    Thanks :) I tried searching, but I guess I didn't search the right spots!!! I want to see about getting some different kinds of rasbora and maybe some more harlequins after I move some of my fish into my new tank (which I haven't gotten yet... love to dream about it though!!!)