Little Pleco?


New Member
Feb 18, 2006
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I am one of those unfortunate people who got a common pleco without being very well informed about how big they would get... Anyways, I know now that he is stunted, because I believe that at over 7 years he should be bigger than about 6 inches or so? He is in a 35 gallon hex tank. I have been trying to come up with the dollars to buy a new, bigger tank, but really don't have the money or space.

I have a new LFS who said they will take him for me. The owner of that store breeds them. Is that a generally safe way to find a pleco a new home? I would be so sad to know that anything bad happened to him as I have gotten quite attached to him and feel badly that I have kept him so confined all these years due to my ignorance. It is hard for me to give him away, since he is a really cool fish. It would be better for him, though, wouldn't it?

Also, if I do give him away, I would like to get another pleco. I know that some are much smaller than commons so want to be better informed when I buy a new one. Does anyone have any advice on a type of pleco which will have as much character (and be as butt ugly, lol) as my current one that will stay small enough to live out his years happily and healthily in my 35 g tank???

thanks in advance!!!
Thanks for the reply :) The link was really helpful!!!
Well, I found a lfs who would take my pleco and even traded me another fish for it. She is a pleco lover who thought he was "just beautiful" and put him into a 75 gallon. She said that if he outgrew that one, she would take him home and he could live in her 110 g tank. Made me happy, I was so sad to leave him there!!!

She recommended a clown plec for me. I need to do some research on that one. Any advice?
I know hex tanks aren't popular... I love mine, though, and even when I get another going, I will keep this one, just because I like it so much. I don't really like tanks that are stocked to the hilt, anyways, so even if I calculate the surface area and use that as a general guide, I am not usually anywhere near that much fish. KWIM?

Thanks alot for the links. I really liked my pleco, but I think I might wait a while before I get another to see how much easier tank cleaning is without a super waste producer like he was... I think the clown plec is really cute though, so I may go that way in the future... I doubt I will ever have a tank big enough to comfortably support a common, so I may as well give up on them :(
I'd go for a bristlenose if you like character, being a panaque, clown plecs will eat bogwood and therefore will make more mess (sawdust poo - delightful *lol*) ;)

Besides, my BN will grow up to be "butt ugly", in a beautiful way...

Or there's always otos?

I'm no good at working out which smaller tanks are suitable though - but I'm sure someone will know whether that's be overstocking or not. But they grow to a similar size as clown plecs.

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