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  1. drag

    30 Gallon Saltwater Tank

    as long as you add live rock the dry sand will become live over time.... fairly quickly, weeks :good:
  2. drag

    Lawnmower Blenny

    i know they eat algae and have lots of personality , but i wanted to know if there a good community fish. any experiances with these fish, plan to add to a 170 gallon tank with mates 2 yellow tangs 1 maroon clown 1 six line wrasse 1 golden sleeper gobie 1 yellow watchman 1 cardinal bangaii 1...
  3. drag

    Snail Eggs

    i agree :hyper: this morning i saw one baby turbo. on the glass. so there probably more :good: i took a picture but its so small ... less than 2 mm is shows up as a white speck :angry: .
  4. drag

    Snail Eggs

    what are the chances of snail eggs like these will grow into adults? i bet its slim 2 none :/
  5. drag

    Uv Sterilizers

    well i bit the bullet and bought the coralife 6x 18 watt sterilizer good for up to 250 gallon .hope it turns out to be a good buy :good: planning on runing it 24/7
  6. drag

    Uv Sterilizers

    what beneficial things could it potentially kill?
  7. drag

    Uv Sterilizers

    any one use these.... recommend?
  8. drag

    Umbrella Mushrooms

    :angry: the mushroom ate one of my cleaner shrimp.mushroom is gone now it folded up on it and i could see the shrimp in it . so buyer be ware of these Umbrella mushrooms .. my 10 dollar coral ate my 20 dollar shrimp
  9. drag

    Refractometer Rhs-10atc

    yeah, i did calibrate it using ro water @ 0 ... and it read pretty close to the lfs "supposed" S.G what else could be used for calibration.. i was not aware that ro calibration at 0 is not perfect. :unsure:
  10. drag

    Refractometer Rhs-10atc

    it is a S.G meter ... it is supposed to be a lot more accurate than floating hydrometers or needle type hydrometers
  11. drag


    i added some cheato a month ago and is growing slowly but it seems i heard it grew like crazy something like doubling its size in a week? is this right .... if so was wondering on input on why it is growing at a snails pace ? nitrate is @ 25 ppm. so it should have plenty of food. cheato is in...
  12. drag

    Refractometer Rhs-10atc

    i bought this RHS-10ATC refractometer new on ebay, was wondering if anyone else had this type model and there experiance with it. in short is this a good meter? long story short i have been using a corallife deep six hydrometer religiously for 2 years now. i always rinse it with tap water...
  13. drag

    Umbrella Mushrooms

    cool ... :good: tnx
  14. drag

    Sump Help

    when i set up my 170 gallon i didn't have a lot of time either.. so i just used my old 30 gal glass tank i had. i went to Lowes as they cut glass and had me some pieces cut. i made only a couple of compartment live rock, skimmer, bubble traps, and return compartment. only took the time to drive...
  15. drag

    Umbrella Mushrooms

    any one know any info on these guys... sold as umbrella mushrooms from , starting to grow , hope its not a fish eater.
  16. drag

    My New Sump Setup!

    looks like apitasia to me 2 i made the mistake of letting one grow and well lets just say i had a sea of them in my 30 gal. SUMP LOOKS NICE
  17. drag

    Refugium Lights

    how long to leave the light on in them... all day?....all night?.....24/7? all i have in a there is some chaeto in a 13 gallon . i bought a 2 foot fixture at the home depot with two t5 15 watt lamps( plan to get some type of grow lamps in it later but for now i hope these will do)
  18. drag

    Sump Plumbing

    actually that pic is from the first day i set it up and did not know how to get rid of those bubbles ,.... if you have bubbles... more than likely your problem is your return pump is not big enough to return as much water as your draining. ( so when you added that smaller overflow in your video...
  19. drag

    Sump Plumbing

    i think your right.... in just a couple of days theres quite a bit of Detrius in the tank. ill go with your suggestion of just cheato. now i bought a 2 foot fixture at the home depot with two t5 15 watt lamps( plan to get some type of grow lamps in it but for now these will do)... when should i...
  20. drag

    Sump Plumbing

    :blink: what kind of problems did you have with the sand? i thought the pods would need some form of substrate to thrive.
  21. drag

    Sump Plumbing

    finally plumbed my fuge... its got 13 gallons in it. so what to put in it i was thinking like 4 inch deep sand bed with some chateo and a grow lamp. i added those extra 90's in the fuge so water pressure would not disturb the sand.
  22. drag

    Death To Aptasias

    i havent seen any in my 170 gal. and hope i never do. i only tried joes juice before , i never tried regular lemon juice. but if that wouldent work your idea sounds good. heck id try just about anything to keep them under control. :shifty:
  23. drag

    Mandarin Dragonet

    yeah i figured it would be ok in a tank this size 2. i dont plan to add anything else until i have the fuge and lights set up. thanks :good:
  24. drag

    Mandarin Dragonet

    i have a diamond goby ive had for three years now. he sifts sand all day long but also eats flake and frozen foods :good: . i was wondering on peoples thought about a mandarin goby in the tank also. i know it will be next to impossible to find one that eats flake or frozen food. but i wonder if...
  25. drag

    Death To Aptasias

    yeah i got like 6 of them in my 170 gallon :good: well i was using joes juice and it was not really working. then i moved to my house and i left the tank behind for a month in my parents house till i could set up my 170 gallon. it got totally out of hand i mean there must have been 300 - 400...
  26. drag

    Lighting For A 170 Gal

    what do you think of these icecaps .
  27. drag

    Death To Aptasias

    i had a 30 gallon tank that got infested with aptasias :angry:. so as i started my 170 gallon i used all new cured live rock :good: . the old 30 gallon live rock i took out of the tank and let it dry for about 3 months. then i filled a 30 gallon trash can with regular tap water ( figured the...
  28. drag

    Lighting For A 170 Gal

    any specific mh ballast brands to look into???
  29. drag

    Sump Plumbing

    good idea,.... ill try to drill a breath tube. :hyper:
  30. drag

    Sump Plumbing

    i added a pice of pipe with a 90 in the bulk head it seemed to cut the noise in at least half. any more tips on quieting the overflow bulkhead?
  31. drag

    Lighting For A 170 Gal

    yes i do want to make a hood/canopy because it is in my living room and at that hight of the tank i need one unless i want to blind myself anytime i sit on the couch. i probably wont buy pre made , i made my last one for my 30 gal. plus i think its cheaper to buy separete ballasts and lamps...
  32. drag

    Sump Plumbing

    yeah the power outage scenario it worked great with about 3 gallons of spare space for more water after it was all said and done. :good: i had an idea after the overflows were trapping air bubble over time. :crazy: late night at about 10:30 i was watching the 1939 old wizard of Oz rerun...
  33. drag

    Lighting For A 170 Gal

    i need some advice on what type of lighting to go with i think its definetly got to be metal halides . but how many and what kind??? tank is pretty deep like 30 inches or so. 6 feet long and about 18 inches wide. on my old 30 gal i had 4 VHO bulbs like 95 watts each or so. i might integrate...
  34. drag

    Sump Plumbing

    ok as promised some pics... eshopps overflow eshopps overflows and return my coralife 220 skimmer i did not add the bubble diffuser as the two bubble traps are working excellent. i used 4 unions total so i can get everything apart for maintanance later. skimmer and return pipe return...
  35. drag


    :dunno: any one know of any good sites for info on refugiums. im thinking of incorporating one into my sump set up but need advice on what to place in it. such as deep sand bed plants lighting etc..... :dunno: im thinking of using a 20 gallon used acrylic tank i got from the LFS for 20 bucks...
  36. drag

    Sump Plumbing

    ok, well i'm putting the final touches on the plumbing ( for now, i plan to add a 20 gal refugium later) hopefully ill post a pic tomorrow. i used a couple of unions so i can get it all apart for maintanance. :good: i did prime, thanks for the advice.
  37. drag

    Sump Plumbing

    Cool, How long should it take the glue to fully cure to where the chemicals wont harm the fish? .... i cant wait :crazy: and any special precaution like washing in fresh water before use or something?
  38. drag

    How To Get Water Into The Sump?

    overflow boxes work just fine . because of there desighn they do maintain a syphon heres a link to how they work .
  39. drag

    Sump Pumps

    well based off of your 600 gal per hour that the lfs agreed with, i times that by two since it will be two overflows @ 600gph = 1200 gph i went down to the lfs and after some consideration opted for the mag 1200, hope it will be just right.
  40. drag

    Sump Pumps

    im going to go with an internal.