My New Sump Setup!


Fish Addict
Dec 21, 2007
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Well tock my time done things proper and hears the out come.....










well there it is !! Tank is looking poor at the min :( but soon to come back :good: ..

so ill explain...

water comes in from the left goes thur the bottom sump, pumps up thur a uv then in to a t with a slow flow in the refugium and also back to the tank

then the refugium overflows back down in to the sump , were the skimmer skims.... :hyper: :good:

bottom two lights are 5100k bulbs / top bulb is a 6500k i think

water sitting a little low in my tank cos of my down pipe but thinking ov buying one already made !!

ALSO... whats this?



thats already in my refugium x2 other one hides :rolleyes:

soo what you reckon????? :good:
Nice Gary, looks great!

everythink look ok to you???? there was a cupple questions but its late and im tired so i forgot :crazy:

EDIT: I rember one in the chamber next to the skiimer can i fill this up with sponge?
Wow man nice plumbing! And the critter in the pics is an aiptasia anemone...ummmmm most people will tell you to kill it...and from experience I can tell you that it will more than likely spread to the main tank, however, I dont kill mine. I let them grow. Theyll bother corals and possibly fish and possibly your hand. Joes juice or peppermint shrimp will help knock em out if you'd like.
Wow man nice plumbing! And the critter in the pics is an aiptasia anemone...ummmmm most people will tell you to kill it...and from experience I can tell you that it will more than likely spread to the main tank, however, I dont kill mine. I let them grow. Theyll bother corals and possibly fish and possibly your hand. Joes juice or peppermint shrimp will help knock em out if you'd like.

haha thanks :good:

i didnt think it was an aiptasia anemone as i no what they look like witch i thort are more like this ... clicky

I thoort mine looks more like this pics borrowerd from littleme...clicly2

witch is called Rock anemone , i thort mine looks more like that! it moves too.? i didnt think aiptasia anemone can move?
looks like apitasia to me 2 i made the mistake of letting one grow and well lets just say i had a sea of them in my 30 gal.

I would say keep it if its in your bottom sump... anything it could release has to go through the UV... so it wont be able to reproduce in your display.... so if you can control them so they stay in the bottom sump, then you should be fine and they could actually be good for filtering the water as seen in the sump concept video on Reef Videos.... so get some joes juice and watch your display... if any appears, kill it, but in the sump, prob be a good thing :good:

Ox :good:
nice set up. I would go a deeper sand bed in the sump. you may have it 6" inches deep just hard to tell from the pic. nice set up though
Thanks everyone !!

apitasia do they move from rock to rock? as this morning that "thing" has moved ??? it moves quite fast too .... :unsure:

Its in the top refugium but still has to go thur the uv on its way back up! :hyper:

Still got abit of tidying to do! and find out if its ok to use spondge in my sump as my lfs told me not too :S

As for the deep sand bend i will be adding a nother bag of live sand :good:
Prob not good to use sponge as this will grow bacteria and collect biological tank debris and prob turn into a nitrate factory...

And for the DSB.. doesnt necessarily need to be live sand... go with the regular old sand because most of the sand is prob alive already... no need to spend the extra money... but of course, you can if you want

Ox :good:
Prob not good to use sponge as this will grow bacteria and collect biological tank debris and prob turn into a nitrate factory...

And for the DSB.. doesnt necessarily need to be live sand... go with the regular old sand because most of the sand is prob alive already... no need to spend the extra money... but of course, you can if you want

Ox :good:

Thats what my lfs said about the sponge... lol but in there sumps all they good in is sponges lol

What i dont get it how to filter out little particles

i have some old sand thats been sat in a bin cos i had to much this ok if i wash it out?
You can use a sponge if you like, just make sure you use a big coarser one and clean it out weekly

My only other advice is reflectors for the lights, and/or the spotlight type of compact flourescents
You can use a sponge if you like, just make sure you use a big coarser one and clean it out weekly

My only other advice is reflectors for the lights, and/or the spotlight type of compact flourescents

Ohh thanks i mite use spondge and clean it out weekley for a little while!

i tryed to find the spotlight ones (like on your sump) but over in the uk our shops only seem to sell the flourescents engery saving ones!

defo will be adding reflectors tho!! thanks ski!!

and i just got two seio m820 pumps thur the post :D already fitted in my tank! :shout:
Still tinkering with the sump and refugium... as now i got a spare 2100l skimmer pump i just hocked it up to push the flow to my refugium so the return pump only had to pump back to the main tank till i can find a bigger pump!

but its 2100l skimmer pump too much flow thur the refugium???

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