Mandarin Dragonet


Fish Crazy
Nov 30, 2005
Reaction score
houston TX
i have a diamond goby ive had for three years now. he sifts sand all day long but also eats flake and frozen foods :good: .

i was wondering on peoples thought about a mandarin goby in the tank also. i know it will be next to impossible to find one that eats flake or frozen food. but i wonder if theres enough pods in there for them both in a 170 gal.

right now its just the tank and sump (with some LR in the sump) i plan to add a 20 gallon refugium here pretty soon.

this tanks been set up for about 6 months now
i have a diamond goby ive had for three years now. he sifts sand all day long but also eats flake and frozen foods :good: .

i was wondering on peoples thought about a mandarin goby in the tank also. i know it will be next to impossible to find one that eats flake or frozen food. but i wonder if theres enough pods in there for them both in a 170 gal.

right now its just the tank and sump (with some LR in the sump) i plan to add a 20 gallon refugium here pretty soon.

this tanks been set up for about 6 months now

You really should have the 'fuge set up and running for a while with some Chaeto. How long has the tank been running?
You SHOULD be ok to do that, but waiting till the refuge was up and running would be much safer :)
yeah i figured it would be ok in a tank this size 2. i dont plan to add anything else until i have the fuge and lights set up. thanks :good:

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