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  1. C

    All snails die in my tanks

    Hi Have you been using any medications or additives Snails can be sensitive to certain things
  2. C

    Platy with Fin Rot

    I agree Get several 25% waterchanges done daily is ok Get the water tested assuming all is ok do a course of esha 2000 I have had great success with this over the years
  3. C

    It's been awhile...

    Hey link I've just recently rejoined and also remembered my details lol I've been on here for many years with a massive gap in between until today
  4. C

    Best external for 145 litre tank

    Hi Depending on budget Fluval 205 or preferably 305 Or hydra 1000 but there expensive
  5. C

    Stingray Collection

    Yeah I'm gonna have a pair of p14 in big tank and pair Of black diamonds in 6x2 Female p14 is coming soon
  6. C

    Stingray Collection

    The pearls did breed she had 3 pups 2 were still born and one lived Bad thing was the mother died a few days after having them The 2 dead pups died about 2 weeks before birth and poisoned her P14 is not from richard his are not breeding
  7. C

    1000 Us Gal Project

    James look on the monster forum stingray section
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    Stingray Collection

    I also have this young p14 male
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    Stingray Collection

    i saw those hybrids for sale on ac some of them looked quite nice
  10. C

    Stingray Collection

    Hello mark The little pup is a leopoldi I don't know about the ban these rays are all captive bred Next rays are male leopoldi and female pearl Both around 9" disc
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    Stingray Collection

    Next is a little male pup very young only few months old He has a 4x2x2 to himself
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    Stingray Collection

    Thanks all The female is too young for breeding
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    Stingray Collection

    thanks sorry the pictures are low quality they are taken on phone cam
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    Stingray Collection

    Thought I'd share some pics of my rays First off a male pearl and female henlei both around 12" Living in a 6x2x2
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    1000 Us Gal Project

    hello richard i just been reading your thread on the other forum about the rays that was a close one,glad all turned out well
  16. C

    Gar Id Please Help

    oh dear :unsure:
  17. C

    What Ray For A 6X2X2?

    i have kept and bred rays in london tap water for years and so have many people i know yes they are sensative and will die fast in nitrite or ammonia but nitrate is not so important ime mine is usually 60-80 i would go for a male retic or hystrix he will be ok in a 6x2x2 for many years maybe...
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    1000 Us Gal Project

    nasty bite marks :crazy: i would not of been brave enough to leave them to it i would of taken her out
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    i took a video of another tank to share this one has mature male pearl and young high back redtailed gold arowana what you think
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    Rays And Arowana

    thanks oh the substrate is dorset pea shingle and the catfish is M.Tigrinus thanks for looking :good:
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    Rays And Arowana

    thanks all the flagtail got a taste for sucking on rays discs so had to go in a different tank yes the rays are a unrelated pair :good:
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    Rays And Arowana

    i took a vid of my tank to share sorry about the algea i had to take the flagtail out a week ago,you dont realise how good a job they do until they go,i have not had to clean the glass in years :rolleyes:
  23. C

    Large Catfish Recommendations Please

    i mean adults are not so often seen
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    Best Barb For A 100G

    id go with torpedo there are others but not as attractive imo
  25. C

    Large Catfish Recommendations Please

    you dont see them that often meybe your lfs could order them for you
  26. C

    False Siamese Tiger ID help

    they wont be pulcher £20 is about right for a 2" indo
  27. C

    Large Catfish Recommendations Please

    possibly the pimelodus pictus? there is a profile in the fish index they would be fine
  28. C

    Large Catfish Recommendations Please

    a group of leiarius pictus is a bad suggestion the tank is not even big enough for one
  29. C

    Clarification On Datnioides

    definatly agree about the yellow on the ngt its much brighter than the it. st have the colour of ngt and solid markings of it,best of both worlds
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    Pearl Arowana

    surely they will be silver aros at that price
  31. C

    1000 Us Gal Project

    looking good i expected the pulcher to look small in there but it dont must be 18"? after the scobina are gone i would get afew more female rays in there maybe pearls or leos,give the male some variety :nod: get some nice hybrids as well as the p14s
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    Maidenhead Aquatics

    put the fish bag in a bucket and use airline to trickle water in to it for 40 mins i always use half dose of esha exit and 2000 with discus as precaution
  33. C

    7 Foot, 1074 Litres, 284 Gallons.

    i started off with 8 denosoni in with my little rays now i have 1 left could be the arowana picking them off tho im not sure you would think they would be too fast to catch but they aint
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    1000 Us Gal Project

    lince looks good i bet its loving all that room to swim they are so active
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    6X2X2 Pics

    they are in a 6x2x2 and will end up in a 7x3 here are some other pics from the tank
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    7 Foot, 1074 Litres, 284 Gallons.

    seems to me it depends a lot on the individual ray in terms of how predatory they are i have kept big motoros that would not catch anything and a small flower ray that would catch everything sounds like you have a feisty one if its stealing fish i wouldnt add a small tigrinus :D
  37. C

    6X2X2 Pics

    i finally picked up a female leo to go with this male she is slightly smaller but should grow faster than him and catch up soon enough here she is
  38. C

    7 Foot, 1074 Litres, 284 Gallons.

    i have known rays to do this after a move like richard says its adjustment to ph etc. its always gone by the morning when ive seen it,how long has it been doing it?
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    7 Foot, 1074 Litres, 284 Gallons.

    shame about the ray,those rays are very picky feeders and its hard to put weight on them tanks looking good