Large Catfish Recommendations Please


Fish Gatherer
Oct 1, 2008
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I am looking for a suitable catfish to go with my current fish in my 168g. There is a GT, Oscar and Severum and an Armoured Birchir at the moment. The Birchir is the one I am most concerned about regarding compatibility, even though he doesn't stay on the bottom all the time (likes hiding up in fake floating plants). I also definitely want to get another Birchir in the future.
The tank has a 3ft square floorspace, with plenty of hiding spots.

Any ideas?
Lima shovelnose

or a group of bigger Pimelodidae like Leiarius pictus
Cories? :lol:

No be seriously good opportunity here to get something pretty special. How about a few good medium/large plecs like L14 sunny plecs or similar?

A good big catfish is the Jaguar catfish do great in trios and get to about 10 inch so if you can get some decent sized ones to add now they should stay too big for the bichir to eat. Some of the bigger synos would be pretty cool as well :)

Thanks, going to look up your suggestions in a sec.

What about the Synodontis multipunctatus? I know they are African, but have read they like deeper tanks, so may appreciate the 2.5ft depth of mine?
I think the cuckoos might be a bit small really for the bichirs? Not sure though I was thinking of things like Decorus :) Maybe even some big featherfins.
possibly the pimelodus pictus?
there is a profile in the fish index
they would be fine

I really like them, could get a trio of them. How big do they get though, as seen some conflicting info? Also do they swim all over or stay mainly in the bottom?
Pims usually get to about 6 inches, a trio is fine but 6 would be best :nod: they go all over and are pretty mental really great fish. I had a pair a while back but changed stock a lot and they went to Star4 but quite considering some more atm.... I had mine as adults so not sure how fast they grow.
Pims usually get to about 6 inches, a trio is fine but 6 would be best :nod: they go all over and are pretty mental really great fish. I had a pair a while back but changed stock a lot and they went to Star4 but quite considering some more atm.... I had mine as adults so not sure how fast they grow.

Thanks, I do like them a lot, but I'd need to get them as adults I think or it may be too risky. Hmmmm.
you dont see them that often
meybe your lfs could order them for you
There fairly common round here all 3 of the lfs i often go to have them in one had in about 25 when i went in yesterday. They are expensive though there about £10 for one about 1" so for a fully grown one it will be quite a bit.

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