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  1. F

    First Pics Of My 90 Gal

    well my tank is not completed yet, i still have to build a hood for it and i would like to get some more nice rocks in there to get some more hiding places for them too..... i am also going to change my backround soon too, it is nice but it gives a greenish hue that i don't liek that
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    Whats The Fastest Way To Cycle A New Tank?

    i also used biospira in my 90 gal and it worked flawlessly....i would 100% recomend it...
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    Water Not Clearing Very Well

    thanks guys... i did rinse my sand when i added it to the tank...but i have never syphoned it since it has been in the tank.... would a power head or 2 in the ends of the tank help this do you think? i don't want to have to change filters, i figured these 2 would be plenty for my fish, but i...
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    Water Not Clearing Very Well

    well my tanks still seems to have a lot of debris floating around in it..... it has been set up for about 6 months i guess and i am not noticing any big difference in the clarity of the water yet... ok maybe it is me just being very picky, but i want the crystal clear water i see when i go to...
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    What To Put With A Pair Of Convicts?

    hi guys, i have this gorgeous pair of convicts at the moment, always together, they don't leave each others side, they have only been in the tank for about a week or so and are about 2"-2.5" long...... i have a 90 Gal tank (with a mixed central/african community) i only did this for a short...
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    Weird Setup At Lfs

    no they were quite young, the cats were about 3-3.5 " long and the convicts were about 2.5" and the rest were under 2" i guess
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    Weird Setup At Lfs

    i guess the cats would eat the rest when they big enough hey??... but besides that , would the fish survive alright in an arrangement like that?...and would adding a couple more labs and a foursome of cobalts or anything make for less aggression ?....someone told me it would, but i wasn't convinced
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    Weird Setup At Lfs

    clown loachs and 1 red tail shark are known to work with africans, but my worry was about the types of cichlids they had in with each other.... liek the convicts and Kenyi with the yellow labs and auratus, etc.....
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    Weird Setup At Lfs

    well i went to my LFS yesturday and they had quite the odd set up of cichlids in the biggest main tank, probly about 75 Gal. there was: 3 pictus?(i think) catfish 4 clown loaches 1 red-tail shark 2 convicts 2 yellow labs 2 Kenyi 2 red zebras 2 auratus i guess my question or comment...
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    Time You Use My Bio-spira....

    yah thats what i mean..... i meant that if i don't fully stock right now when i am using bio-spira, i will have to add the rest of my fish slowly right??.... OR can i save one pack of bio-spira becaus ei am stoicking such a small load to begin with then add more fish at one time later on, and...
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    Time You Use My Bio-spira....

    well guys, everythig is now setup and some of my fish are on their way (i could only get some of my stock this order peroid as the supplier was low on most of what i was loking for).... i have a 90 Gal and i am goijng with a Mbuna lake malawi community tank with a couple clown loaches and Syno...
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    My Diy 88 Gal Tank And Stand

    thanks.... i was thinking of adding a crown moulding on the top and bottom of the stand (at the very top and where it touches the floor) but i think i will wait until my DIY hood is complete because i might put the moulding on the bottom of the stand and on the top of the hood for a nice flared...
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    Fishless Cycling Using Seachem's "stability"?

    i am debating whether or not to go for the seachem stability to help quick cycle my tank.....i have heard great stories so far about people's experiences with it cycling their tank in very short time (i read one guy cycled his 20 gal in 6 days, wow)..... my question is it worth the money and...
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    My Diy 88 Gal Tank And Stand

    yes that is correct........^^^ in pic #2 (top right) it is a side view of the legs i designed to be in pic#3 (bottom left) the pic is a side view of the bottom ladder with the 2 end legs attached to it i know i know.....pretty crappy "pic" i did there, hahaha
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    My Diy 88 Gal Tank And Stand

    thanks a lot guys for the comments..... as for building the stand, i kind of made 2 "ladders", one for the top, one ofr the bottom......then i made some legs ( 8 ) of them and attached to the bottom ladder, then i simply placed the other ladder on top of the legs to fit firmly on the shorter...
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    Frontosa Or Convict?

    yes....looks like it to me frontosa
  17. F

    What Part Of Fish Keeping Go You Like Best?

    to me #2 and #3 go together too closely to choose one....i chose #2, the looks of the tank. but to get the good looks in your tank you must first be a fish keeper and have the fish colors matched and all the tank perameters met to get the full effect of a beautiful LOOKING tank and as close to...
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    My Diy 88 Gal Tank And Stand

    well guys here is my tank me and old man built a couple of weeks measures 54"L x 22"H x 18"W, i think it works out to about 88 US Galllons (may be mistaken , but close anyway , haha). i think for me it will be a useful amount of about 80 Gallons to where i will be filling it...
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    What Exactly Is Bogwood And Where To Get It?

    like topic says....maybe i am just beign dumb, but where do you get bog wood?....from an actual pond or something?...or do you make it by soaking it? i obviously have no a little heads up would be nice guys since i love the loook it gives a large tank, and i want to have some in mine...
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    Fluval 404 Good Filter For 80 Gal?

    like topic says....i am considering buying a fluval 404 and a rena xp3 for my 80 gal, should this be a good setup? whats the benifits of each ?....which one is better?
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    These Cichlids Sound Good In 80 Gal?

    thanks a lot!! i was thinking about that myself that the same species may not work out that well together and cause aggression i just wasn't positive.... and i hope my LFS is compitent enough to get the correct number of males and females that i order....because they have been wrong all too...
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    These Cichlids Sound Good In 80 Gal?

    well, after a lot more research and reading around in various places i have come up with a list of possible tank mates to house in my 80 Gal. let me know what you think and if there are any advise and/or other fish that work well with what i have so far please let me know aswell i am planning...
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    Can I Use Rocks From The Ocean In My Fw Tank?

    thanks...i figured that would be the method i would use.... i was also wondering this... my GF is an Artist who makes a lot of different types of sculptures from clay. would this be safe to use in my tank?....als o i have a lot of plant pots (tericota (sp?) clay pots) aswell around the house
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    Can I Use Rocks From The Ocean In My Fw Tank?

    i know it is a stupid question.... but i was out today walking along one of the local beaches and i picked up a lot of really really nice rocks i thought would be nice to add to my tank. the plan was to pressure wash them off and boil them and then add to my tank.....would this be a good idea...
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    Omg This Needs A New Home

    go grab it for me and send via AIR MAIL to Canada......haha
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    Is This Filter Good For Me?

    thanks for the info... i was hoping it would be sufficent (since i ordered it last night), hahaha i'll have to look into the aqua clear 500 unit aswell
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    Is This Filter Good For Me?

    i was at my LFS today and i ended up talking to the guy there and we decided between us that the Rena XP 3 would be a good choice for me and my 80 gal is rated for 170 gals.... will this suit my size of a tank quite...
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    Which Cichlids Can Go 2gether?

    thanks alot, i am more than anything loking for color and activity in my tank... so i am pretty sure i willk be going with the electric blues/yellows (4-6 total)to start, so would something like these be a better choice do you think to add to those 2 species: .... - frontosa (1 or 2) - clown...
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    Which Cichlids Can Go 2gether?

    thanks , thats kinda the response i was wanting....soem guidance as to where to start ...... i do really like the electric blues , yellows and angels so i guess form there i will begin to research and find out what else i can add, one by one to my community..... i hear some people say Bala...
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    Which Cichlids Can Go 2gether?

    i am wondering which cichlids (either african or new world) can go together in my 75 gal tank? i really like the electric blue and yellows, festivum cichlid, cockatoo dwarf cichlid, convict cichlid and i will have a community tank wioth others such as ......Angelfish......Blue acara.... clown...
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    What Fish With Fw Baracuda?

    thats what i told him too..... so they are very hard to have anything else with them?...waste of time?
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    What Fish With Fw Baracuda?

    my buddy really wants to get 3 or 4 FW baracuda and he has about a 75-80 gallon tank... what would you recomend to him as good tank mates?
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    can i use beach sand??

    is there a good process of cleaning beach sand form contaminants? i am using an 80 gallon tank and going with SW, i live in Newfoundland, Canada (most easterly place in North america, and is an island) so we have easy access to tonnes of different types of beach stones and sand almost...
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    can i use beach sand??

    well i am wondering if i can use beach sand and stones from my local very sandy beach that is near my house in my SW aquarium??? why or why not? thanks -Brad
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    fish stores in canada??

    thanks a lot guys, much appreciated :cool: -Brad
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    fish stores in canada??

    hi there guys, i am trying to find online stores or sites that offer saltwater fish and saltwater products that originate in Canada most of everything i find is US based companies with shipping the continental US only. :crazy: can anyone head me in the right direction? thanks -Brad
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    hood question

    yah thanks for the reply, i've been reading lots of DIY hood threads in the past couple days and i've decided to go that route aswell, that way i can set it up exactly as i want to.. -Brad
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    tank is whats next?

    well i mean , i do of course have a budget but i want a good system and i want something i will have for years to come ... i guess what i am looking for is a list of "good products" to be using and the best places to get them from -Brad
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    hood question

    hi guys, i am looking for something use for a hood/lighting unit for my custom built ~80 gallon tank. it is 5 ft long and has two 6" braces acrross the top that are 14" in from each side, is there something i can buy that will fit my tank fairly well?? thanks -Brad
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    tank is whats next?

    under the guidance of another member i switched this thread form teh "beginner questions " forum to here hoping for a respone: well like i have stated, once i have my tank completed and tested and totally sealed and mounted on my stand what should i do/purchase next in order from the very next...