What Part Of Fish Keeping Go You Like Best?

What part of fish keeping go you like best?

  • The Mechanical - Lights, heaters, filters, ect

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Appearence - Aquascaping, keeping the tank clean, making things LOOK nice

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Fish - I like choosing the fish, and matching colors. I could care less about the appearence of

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Fish Aficionado
May 11, 2005
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You must choose one!
Although it might be very hard, randomly select one!
Fish got me interested in the hobby, but am currently focused mainly on the plants / aquascape. This will change though and in a couple of weeks when I add more fish, they will be the top interest again.
I do it for keeping the fish, I do like keeping my tank tidy, but the fish are the thing that got my into the hobby. I am useless at making my tank look good, if I even tried to make my tank look as good as members tank on here, it would just look cluttered and messy. :(
I figured if the tank looks good and is clean with pretty plants that are doing well, I can only assume that the fish are pleased. It's all for them, it's all for them :hyper:

Well, maybe just a little for me. :rolleyes:
I choose fish i guess. I like all three of the choices really, but ultimately it's about making the fish comfortable and happy. Putting it all together is what really makes it fun.
I shose appearence. the only way mty parents let me get into the hobby is if I kept the tank uber clean, which i did, and They let mje get more and larger tanks...
to me #2 and #3 go together too closely to choose one....i chose #2, the looks of the tank. but to get the good looks in your tank you must first be a fish keeper and have the fish colors matched and all the tank perameters met to get the full effect of a beautiful LOOKING tank and as close to the natrual environment as possible for them!
Oh man! Don't tell me I'm the only person who gets off on building stands, filters & related stuff! If I could find a way to build heaters cheaper than I can buy them for I would be building them too. I've already cut a vent into the main trunk of my forced air system to heat the fishroom, so the heaters hardly run at all when the furnace is running.

Most of my tanks are bare bottom, with a heater, filtration, and maybe a plant for fish to play with, or piece of pvc for plecs to hide in. Easy to keep clean, fish are happy & healthy. If you understand how things work you can build your own, saving a ton of money.

The main reason for building my own stuff at first was the way commercially made stuff was so cheaply designed & built. Store bought stands suck, & for the price of a hob I can build 2 filters that hold more media, and are easier to maintain. Get some parts & pieces & experiment. Eheim had to start somewhere.

I chose for the appearance but i agree that part of what makes the tank look nice is the fish.

Anyway you didn't list BUYING the fish, i get so excited when i know i'm going to get a new fish, thats the best bit!
I agree with Fishface that it is VERY difficult to separate 2 and 3. When I'm buying new plants I keep thinking of the fish and how they're going to enjoy them, seeing individuals darting in and out of them. And water changes- well, I'm not doing it for my own benefit. And again, my enjoyment of the fish is enhanced by seeing them move in their environment, fry peeping out from a plant, a guppy diving under the bridge, catfish emerging from the bogwood. It's a little piece of nature in my rooms and in nature plants and animals belong together.
It is hard to chose one, but its intresting to see what people think.
Tolak - I have a good stand right now for my 55G, it only cost me $200+..

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