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  1. J

    Needlenose fish

    i am still crying over the loose of this fish
  2. J

    progression of the 180 part 2

    coooool what u going to put in it
  3. J

    Needlenose fish

    :( :( :( :( as of 9/4/03 my needlenose is dead :( :( :( :( he ate a fish that had a disease. i ghad put this fish in my tank thinking nothing was wrong with it but about after a day of being in there he had this huge white spot on his back and my needlenoswe ate him that day and died...
  4. J

    Needlenose fish

    sorry no pics i accutacly caught it bye luck when i was fishing on the miss. river about 1-2 years ago with my bad. i was realing in a fish about a foot are so long and this guy jumped on my line and ate that fish i was i think 14 when it happen my dad was holding me in the boat and his frien...
  5. J

    Needlenose fish

    i don't think it is a channel cat i hjave cought asome of them on the river and they do get big in fact one i caught was 45" long and had a fish about 10" long in its mouth i really don't think it is and i hope it is not i will try to look for a pic of it on the web.
  6. J

    Needlenose fish

    i really don't know what kind of cat he is he is grayish with alot black spots on him. he has never been agg. before that i know of though
  7. J

    Needlenose fish

    my catfish is eating his feeders!!! will he get agg. and attack him cause he is eating his food? i have never seen my cat fish actually eat one but i will look at him about 10-20 mins after feeding my needlenose(4 fish tiwce a week) my catfish will have the big lump in his stomack like he has...
  8. J

    10 new species.

    really cool i want a "punk"
  9. J

    Where are your fishtank(s)?

    i have got 2 tanks and they r in my bedroom my mom want let me put them in the living room and i rreally don't want them in there because i payed for them and i weant them in my room.
  10. J

    Sand instead of gravel

    will ur filter suck it up my filter is strong it will pull a small sworttail toward it when it swims bye so i had to get ride of my swordtails. will the filer suck the sand up?
  11. J

    Smarter fish.

    we can't stop catching fish. i live in the south and we have a port thats next to out town about 50 miles away and they bragan 100000000 of fish in every day yes i know thats a lot but people have to make a living and we have no short on them. so i don't think u should bann them
  12. J

    Some pictures of my planted tanks

    i have always wonder this what do snails do for planted tanks? how do i get my plants to stay in the ground(gravel)?
  13. J

    Never again!!

    i am gladmy wal-mart does not sell life fish. but i only have 1 fish store in 50 miles of me and the 1 i do have that is close's to me has the same problem wal-mart has all young kides working there that don't know a guppy from a neon :P
  14. J

    building a community???

    never heard of that pink fish good luck with ur tank
  15. J

    Me and My Wolf!

    nice dog/wolf
  16. J

    Is it time???

    hang in there they should be there sometime today
  17. J

    does anyone have guppyes?

  18. J

    does anyone have guppyes?

    ok if u want to get rind of them how many r we talking? and i am not feeding him these i am feeding him there babies.
  19. J

    does anyone have guppyes?

    kossy how did u become a ass. mod
  20. J

    more ******* fry

    yea that would be a problem i think
  21. J

    Needlenose fish

    i have seen him open his mouth to be about a 1in. what should i do about feeding him?
  22. J

    does anyone have guppyes?

    i was useing them to breed them after the fry that they had got older i was going to feed them to a needle nose gar and they problay want die over shipping i have got fish over the internet before and they did not die.
  23. J

    does anyone have guppyes?

    i have no idea how u would get them across the border may be ask the post office? and if u don't mind i could have a piar of the ones from the last batch like 1 male and 2 femlaes and i don't care how many from this batch. how many where u talking about giveing me?
  24. J


    i think it is cause of the water changes
  25. J

    Immunity to ick--possible?

    never heard of it but it would be cool to see what is said about them and if could really happen. i am lucky i have never had ick but everyone talks about it thought.
  26. J

    2/3 Fish dead in a week

    everyone makes mistakes it will be fine
  27. J

    pebbles has gone missing

    i did feel bad for u but now i am happy for u!!!
  28. J

    Needlenose fish

    will someone answer plzs
  29. J

    does anyone have guppyes?

    yea i will take them!!!! are u goin to give them away as fry? are r u going to wait till they get a little bigger? i don't care which one.
  30. J

    more ******* fry

    hey if u don't want them i will take take them
  31. J

    does anyone have guppyes?

    hey everyone does anyone have a pair of guppyes that they don't want? it would help me a lot thanks.
  32. J

    What Size are fry when born?

    how hard would it be to spott swordtail babyes?
  33. J

    how does it take to pair

    opk heres my tank setup for it i think there might be a problem. i am using the tank as a tank to put my feeder fish and i was also going to use it as a tank to breed? will that be find? r will the feeder fish(little swortails) eat the swortails babyes?
  34. J

    I have babies in a cycling tank! HELP!

    we have all lost fish i lost 6 in in 2 days cause i forgot to check my ph and it was off the reader. so just hang in there
  35. J

    Cant decide!

    i heard just the oppiste of smb i heard the they were very aggo.. but i could be wrong i have never had one
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    the have only fought once i think and the move the gravel before they fought then they moved it after they fought.
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  38. J

    My new guppy just gave birth

    that would be cool to watch my swordtail is about to have babyes
  39. J

    how does it take to pair

    how long does it take for swordtails to pair i have 6 3MALES AND 3 females? how will i know when they pair up?
  40. J

    Fish of the month

    luve all the fish but like davep the best. where u get it from and whats it called?