Is it time???


Jul 27, 2003
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Idaho, USA
Sunshine is swimming in one spot...not really swimming...more like floating. she has been in the same spot for almost 10 minutes now, only moving when one of the others bothers her. She is just flipping her finns, and every once in a while, she thrashes her head from left to right.

Does this mean she is close to going in labor, or is she in labor? Or is it something totally different...please help...I want to make sure that I can keep the babies, so I need to know if she is near...
what i would do is put her in the breeding net for the night if you want to keep the babies ive never had fry befor but ive seen a fish going into labor then havin her babies and i think thats what your is about to do.
lots of luck
Here is a picture of her She was moving her head around so it is kinda blurry...sorry about that.

yeah im thinkin shes about to pop so i would put her in the bredding basket and if she doesnt do it tonight watch her quite a bit during the day if possible g/l
I got her in the net...she isn't very happy with me. :sad: But I put some food in there, and there is those little plant I guess she is all set...she keeps trying to find a way out. :lol: Hate to tell her she isn't getting out until I let her. :/

I can't keep an eye on her tomorrow because I have to work...should I leave her in there? I have a net over the filter, and the tank is heavily they would be able to hide...but then I would have to try and find them to get them out...I just don't want her to eat them if I don't get home soon enough after she has them.

Thanks for the help! I appriciate it!!! A TON!!! :fun:
well i would leave her in there at leased until you got back from work then if she hasnt had them take her out for a little while and then later put her back in she should have them anytime now(im not an expert though)More luck with the female
She should be having them very soon, hang in there :thumbs:
See, I'm scared about this happening to me :no: . If I miss it and she does start going into labor, is it alright to put her in the birthing tank? Will she abort the babies if I move her during this time? I'm worried :crazy: , I can't sleep at night....I just want everything to go alright. :unsure:
You sound just as paranoid as me Ron!!!! :lol: Neither Sunshine nor Tigger has had the babies yet. I put Sunshine in the breeding net about...umm...let me check...4 days ago, and still no babies...but she is still fat so I don't think she has aborted them. Tigger is HUGE now!!! Oh my goodness....I think I'm gonna get another breeding net this weekend so that I don't have to mix the babies, keep track of whose's whose. :) If they ever have them that is. :rolleyes: I'm tired of waiting...:p

The frogs keep tricking me. How I have the breeding net placed in the tank, I have the frogs' climbing trees right behind they sit there during the time I'm gone. So when I come home and check if she has had the babies yet, I turn on the light which startles the frogs and they move, so I see shadows in the the net. So I think there is babies, and then when I bend down and look, there isn' was just the frogs. :sly: :grr: :S :/ :sad: :-(

So I just have to keep waiting.... :rolleyes: :S :blink: :crazy: :zz
well i did that to Louis who is a black/blue spotted female, but she got stressed in there so i let her out and bugger me by next morning she had dropped load in my big tank!!

The buggers ended up behind the filter housing which i couldnt get too with a net!!! i manage to get them all in the end.

She is pregnant again (really fat but wont drop because Superman wont let her :lol: ) so i'm going to have to seperate her to a birthing tank so she can give birth in peace!! :look:
Yes, wow, I never knew it would be this stressfull, I got 4 hours of sleep last night because I kept checking on them, and when I wasn't checking on them, I was thinking about checking on them! :-( :zz
It will be ok mate, as long as you have loads of plant cover for fry to hide it will be fine, the buggers will use the gravel to dive into and filter housing etc to hid from preditors.

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