does anyone have guppyes?


Fish Crazy
Aug 11, 2003
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hey everyone does anyone have a pair of guppyes that they don't want? it would help me a lot thanks.
yea i will take them!!!! are u goin to give them away as fry? are r u going to wait till they get a little bigger? i don't care which one.
You can have them now if you'd like, but how do I get them to you accross the border? If you want a couple of bigger I have 9 from the last batch that are in great shape...5 males 4 females.
i have no idea how u would get them across the border may be ask the post office? and if u don't mind i could have a piar of the ones from the last batch like 1 male and 2 femlaes and i don't care how many from this batch. how many where u talking about giveing me?
You realise they will proabably die...why don't you just buy some of your own?? ;)
Im with kossy on this one it cost a lot of money for proper shiping and puffer pack would be smarter 2 give them 2 a petstore

also what are you doing with these guppies i belive puffer pack has the right 2 know if they are going 2 be breed 2 be eaton or what
Yes shipping etc...will probably cost more than buyign them from a shop. Don't forget you can breed them incredibly easily so why don't you go for that. You would need a 2:1 ratio female/male. ;)
i was useing them to breed them after the fry that they had got older i was going to feed them to a needle nose gar and they problay want die over shipping i have got fish over the internet before and they did not die.
Ohh ok...I still reckon you should buy some off your own then maybe you can have fry nonstop ;)
i am with kossy, guppies are cheap and using pufferpacks for food is probably offensive.

you cant be that poor that you can not pay for a few guppies??? and i expect puffer to pay for shipping etc? lol what a joke
ok if u want to get rind of them
how many r we talking?
and i am not feeding him these i am feeding him there babies.
I have probably 12 males, 20 females and 40 babies right now. I should have read the whole thread though. I'm not really interested in them becoming feeders, I though you were just a newbie that really liked guppies. I could feed them to my own fish if that's what I wanted to do with them.

Seriously, when I started I got 2 males and 5 females, had fry the next day and at least a batch every two weeks thereafter. You could easily start your own.

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