Needlenose fish

jerenycool said:
i really don't know what kind of cat he is he is grayish with alot black spots on him.
he has never been agg. before that i know of though
Sounds like a Channel Cat to me. They are usually olive, grey or something in-between and have spots when younger but sometimes lose them as they mature and they get dark grey-black at maturity.

If it is a Channel you got one heck of a fish there. He'll eat everything you have in that tank and they are pretty aggro too.

What size is it?

I've seen them sold in lfs's before but people don't realize they can get almost 60#'s.

Hopefully it's another type of catfish.
i don't think it is a channel cat i hjave cought asome of them on the river and they do get big in fact one i caught was 45" long and had a fish about 10" long in its mouth i really don't think it is and i hope it is not i will try to look for a pic of it on the web.
jerenycool said:
i don't think it is a channel cat i hjave cought asome of them on the river and they do get big in fact one i caught was 45" long and had a fish about 10" long in its mouth i really don't think it is and i hope it is not i will try to look for a pic of it on the web.
Holy crap dude!!!!

That is massive!

I don't like to mention on an aquarium site that I fish about 150 days a year and many Bass tourneys and have fished since I was 5, but I have to now to give you your props. I have never ever caught a cat that big in my life! :unsure:

Great job man. If you got pics could you PM them to me by chance? I think that's the bigtime, jerenycool. B)
Sounds like a pimelodus pictus to me, nice little cats that will never get more than 7" in a tank but they love feeder guppys :)
sorry no pics i accutacly caught it bye luck when i was fishing on the miss. river about 1-2 years ago with my bad. i was realing in a fish about a foot are so long and this guy jumped on my line and ate that fish i was i think 14 when it happen my dad was holding me in the boat and his frien was helping me real him in!!!
:( :( :( :( as of 9/4/03 my needlenose is dead :( :( :( :(

he ate a fish that had a disease. i ghad put this fish in my tank thinking nothing was wrong with it but about after a day of being in there he had this huge white spot on his back and my needlenoswe ate him that day and died about a day later. in the day after he ate him and before he died he did not move r eat he just set at the top of the tank.
sorry to hear that. thats horrible. where were you getting your minnows for him? One of my needle nose broke his beak this week. I hope he can still eat. Bad week for needlenoses. wolfefish

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