My new guppy just gave birth


Fish Crazy
Feb 21, 2003
Reaction score
Ontario Cananda
I don't know how many babies there is. I counted 13 this morning when I got up and then a whole lot more just under an hour ago. They are cute little buggers.

No I didn't get to see it :no: That would have been really cool. But last night before bed I checked on her and thought I saw a baby peeking out, I thought it was my imagination. But maybe it wasn't! Maybe I'll see it next time, I'm sure there will be a next time.

It is very cool to see Guppies having babies...I have seen mine everytime she has given birth and lets see shes had 3 batches so far...They pop the baby out and its like curled up and the minute it out it straighten out and swims to the top for air then goes and hides :lol:
If your female guppy didn't die within the next two weeks, then she is fine and you can be sure you'll have another batch. My female guppy died a week after birth and I found out that it is common for some female guppies to die shortly after birth. Probably because some female can't handle the birth. She was quite large and gave birth to probably 20 babies. I didn't see her popping out because I was too busy trying to catch the fry and take it out before it get eatten. I had suspected that my female was old. I had her for a month and brought her home while she was pregnant.
I have watched a guppy give birth, it was amazing sight!!!!!! since then i haven't seen any of my guppies give birth.

How are the little babs doing?
They are doing really well so far. I thought I lost a few but they were just hiding, I found them after work again. My tetras will for sure eat them, but I don't mind I need some population control. I don't expect any more babies for a while as I don't have any mature males(the mommy was the only adult I got).

:hooray: :hooray: Congrats on the babies, make sure to feed them about 3 times a day otherwise you'll lose some! Good luck and keep us posted! :thumbs:

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