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  1. F

    Complete Water Change....

    :( You were right, 100% water change wasn't good at all... I had some wierd worms that no one could identify, and lost 3gouramis, 6swordtails, 5mollies, and 2 tiger barbs. The fish didn't really have any symptoms, they would just one day become lathargic and not eat, and within a few hrs go...
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    Complete Water Change....

    I wrote about my worm problem on here a few months ago, and still haven't gotten rid of them. I lost 4 more fish since then so my last resource is to take the remaining fish (1 large sucker, 1 large shark, 1gourami, 3tigerbarbs, 3mollies, 35gallon tank) out of the tank, get rid of the gravel...
  3. F

    Strange Behavior

    I've had 3 Bettas of my own since late August, all are very energetic and playful. My sister got two bettas at the same time. One, was won down the shore and had a 3hr car ride home but made it perfectly fine. Then both fish made the trip with her to school, and again were fine. She brought...
  4. F

    What's Your Favorite Tail Type?

    I like Crown tails ;)
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    No I don't think they were fry, they were so teeny tiny that u almost needed a magnifying glass to really see em. They seemed to be coming out of the filth being sucked outta the gravel. (also is there a way to get more suction in the vaccums? Maybe a larger one? Because it couldn't suck up...
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    I had 3 swordtails (2died 2wks ago, which was about a wk after I bought them) and 1 died today. I also lost 2 mollies this week. (There only symptoms were that they were swimming funnny, do and occational flip here and there, yet continued to eat) The worms, I only noticed in the bucket after...
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    Nope no live food or plants! I have no idea how they got in. I thought maybe through a fish I had added about month ago? I'm gonna do some research online about em, but don't even know where to begin....
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    The tank is 30/35 gallons. The shark is small maybe 8in tops. Nothing on any of the fish is red or inflamed. And the only time I actually saw the worms was in the buket after vacuuming the gravel. I can't see them actually in the tank. They are extremly tiny. I think on the ring of the bucket...
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    Hi, I was vacumming out my tank this afternoon, and after the second bucket filled with water, left the bucket on the ground and went to clean the vacuum. When I came back for the bucket, all of these red pulpy looking things came out of the water and were all around the top water line. I got a...
  10. F

    White Spots?

    I just went to check on him, thinking maybe i'll put him back, and he was dead :( I hope he didn't die from shock of being placed in the new bowl, he looked a little scared when he went in. I am going to bring him back to the petstore, bc they'll look at him and test my water again. Thanx for...
  11. F

    White Spots?

    Thanx for the link to the diseases, its def not ick. Kind of looked more like the skin bacteria. The little guy seems ok, so I may put him back with the others tonight. Its hard to explain the white on him, its sort of like the scales themselves just turned white, nothing growing on him or...
  12. F

    White Spots?

    No they aren't cottony at all more of just white coloring on him, like the scales look discolored. I ended uo taking him out bc he was hiding in the back in the dark and I thought it was a little strange, I'm just really scared he will contaminate the others. What should I do now though?
  13. F

    White Spots?

    Hi, I have a male orange swordtail that I got a week ago today and added to my 30gallon tank. I checked the water conditions and everything is fine there, however this little guy appears to have some white patches. I noticed the first day he had a little white on him, but just figured it was his...
  14. F

    Anyone from New Jersey?

    I'm pretty sure th Shark Aquariam is now a furniture store :/ I'm not sure of fish selection, but there is a place called the Pet Shanty a little farther west on 22, they have a lot fish. Also even farther down is a place called the Ocean Gallery2. I've never been in it, but have heard good...
  15. F

    Male Dwarf Gourami

    Mine spit at me too! Everytime I put a hand over the top they spit at me, I thought it was the funniest thing and love watchin em do it. I don't know their real names but, I have two orangy ones and one yellow. The yellow one bullies everyone in the tank if they get too close, and one of my...
  16. F

    Net Cleaning

    Thanx for the replies, I wasn't sure about bleech and was afraid to try it! I haven't had any problems with em but wasn't sure if they were clean enough with just hot water. :)
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    Gourami problem

    Yeah figured its not, poor little thing I just hope he's not suffering. Wish I could do something.
  18. F

    Net Cleaning

    I was wondering how other people clean their nets. I had been using just v hotwater but want something that will actually clean and kill any bacteria. I was about to buy a net cleaner at the store today, however none of the workers could find a price for it and I ended up leaving w/o it. So I...
  19. F

    Gourami problem

    Some how the fish is still alive! Its like a miracle fish, 4days I've been thinking it'll die. It's still lying on its side, but isn't bloated or anything else strange. However, now he's not eating either, I even tried a pea. So I guess the poor little guy is still on a downward slope :(
  20. F

    Gourami problem

    Fishie seems to be doing a little worse now, i think i may have scared him a little bit too. The only way i could clean out the hospital tank was to move the fish to a different bowl for a min or two. He fought around in the net the v breif time he was in it. When I put him back in the...
  21. F

    Gourami problem

    I have a 35gallon tank, but the sick fish is in 3 gallon bowl. The tank is cycled and the water levels are all good. I've had him about 25days. I do think now that the stuff on the btm is just food that went bad, so i'll vacuam asap. As far as anything actually on him, he looks totally fine, no...
  22. F

    Gourami problem

    I have 3 Gourami's and noticed that one seemed a little listless and wasn't swimming around, so I decided to take him out of the tank incase he was sick. I gave it a little food, and it ate it, but then started laying on its side on the btm of the tank. I called its death about 20X but then it'd...
  23. F

    Vacum how often?

    :) Thanx for all the replies!!
  24. F

    swordtail sick?

    Thanx for all ur help :)
  25. F

    Vacum how often?

    I have a 30gallon tank that I just got from a friend (fish and all). The tank was totally cleaned and brand new gravel put in. I have 2 larger fish (a shark and a sucker fish) and then 3swordtails, 2 Mollies and 1gurami. Everything was cleaned on Saturday (4days ago) and have noticed a lot of...
  26. F

    swordtail sick?

    When i went back up to take her out she was (what i thought) swimming to the top of the tank. But then slammed into the heater (which wasn't on) and fell to the btm of the tank. So i finally get her out and into a new bowl, she she seemingly had gone into convulsion, and is now officially dead...
  27. F

    swordtail sick?

    will do right away, thanx for your help
  28. F

    swordtail sick?

    working on the tank stats... all of the other fish seem fine. Not sure about her bathroom issues, lots of fish so its a bit hard to tell Should I def take her out of the tank, or could it scare her more? :sad:
  29. F

    swordtail sick?

    I have recently added some new fish to my aquariam, 3 diff pairs of swordtails, all female, and a gourami. As of last night all the fish were doing well. However, this morning i noticed one of the swordtails sitting on the btm of the tank. I thought it was a little strange and maybe she was just...