swordtail sick?


New Member
Sep 7, 2005
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I have recently added some new fish to my aquariam, 3 diff pairs of swordtails, all female, and a gourami. As of last night all the fish were doing well. However, this morning i noticed one of the swordtails sitting on the btm of the tank. I thought it was a little strange and maybe she was just resting. I kept checking, and she'd only move to different spots, swimming very slowly and hiding.

I don't see any signs of diease other then not being active, apparent heavy breathing and didn't eat during todays feeding. I also noticed at one point that her pair was sort of guarding her this morning and by the afternoon had a few times slammed her body into her.

I don't know what to do :(
Or bless her not sounding good, need tank stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph, feed her some peas if you can she could be constipated, though i sounds like a bacteria infection, what does it look like when she goes to the toilet, plus does she look bloated.
working on the tank stats...

all of the other fish seem fine.

Not sure about her bathroom issues, lots of fish so its a bit hard to tell

Should I def take her out of the tank, or could it scare her more?

My guppys used to stay with a sick one it's sad, i would issolate her, to be honest she not going to make it with the heavy breathing as well, they can get that with bacteria infections, sorry, sound like a swim bladder problem due to poor diet to many dried foods.
When i went back up to take her out she was (what i thought) swimming to the top of the tank. But then slammed into the heater (which wasn't on) and fell to the btm of the tank. So i finally get her out and into a new bowl, she she seemingly had gone into convulsion, and is now officially dead.

So this leaves me with two questions...(sorry if they are dumb but i'm very new to all this)

1. What precautions do I take to make sure the other fish will be ok
2. For the future, how early on should you remove a seemingly sick fish from the tank? (This time i was hesistant bc i didn't wanna scare it if it was just hiding)

Don't worry about it you got her out in time most deseases are contagious if they peck at the dead body, sorry, just do a few daily water changes, sorry for your loss, R.I.P.

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