White Spots?


New Member
Sep 7, 2005
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Hi, I have a male orange swordtail that I got a week ago today and added to my 30gallon tank. I checked the water conditions and everything is fine there, however this little guy appears to have some white patches. I noticed the first day he had a little white on him, but just figured it was his coloring, however now, it appears to be more. He's swimming fine and eating, so other then the white look he's got is fine. I was wondering what ick looks like and if this could possibly be it. The white spots look more like its in the scales then something growing on him.

I'm hesistant in taking him out of the tank, bc it'll be hard to get him out and will prob shock him, and I also have no way of heating the water in the extra (1gallon) tank.

thanx for reading ;)
Hi, I have a male orange swordtale that I got a week ago today and added to my 30gallon tank. I checked the water conditions and everything is fine there, however this little guy appears to have some white patches. I noticed the first day he had a little white on him, but just figured it was his coloring, however now, it appears to be more. He's swimming fine and eating, so other then the white look he's got is fine. I was wondering what ick looks like and if this could possibly be it. The white spots look more like its in the scales then something growing on him.

I'm hesistant in taking him out of the tank, bc it'll be hard to get him out and will prob shock him, and I also have no way of heating the water in the extra (1gallon) tank.

thanx for reading ;)

How big are the spots? Are they like the size of a grain of salt, or more like the size of lead shot?
Are the scales raised behind the spots at all?
Do the spots look like spots, or are they fluffy like cotton wool?
No they aren't cottony at all more of just white coloring on him, like the scales look discolored. I ended uo taking him out bc he was hiding in the back in the dark and I thought it was a little strange, I'm just really scared he will contaminate the others. What should I do now though?
Here is a website with pictures of what some common diseases will look like. http://www.fishpalace.org/Disease.html#Lernea

What temp is your normal room temp? If it stays warm enough the swordtail may be ok on the 1 gal without a heater. Do you have any aquarium salt? It can be used as a general tonic. Try using about 1/4 teaspoon for 1 gal water.

Also, what are your water stats? Ammonia, Nitrite, and nitrates?
White patches on the scales is there any white around the scales, as white patches can mean parasites or bacteria, any flicking and rubbing or grey to white trialing mucas, also can you post water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph, how many litres is the tank, plus how many fish and which type, and what do the gills look like.
Thanx for the link to the diseases, its def not ick. Kind of looked more like the skin bacteria. The little guy seems ok, so I may put him back with the others tonight.

Its hard to explain the white on him, its sort of like the scales themselves just turned white, nothing growing on him or raised. And no other sign of a problem except for the fact that he was hiding in the back btm of the tank.

He's in a 3ogallon tank with, 2 female swordtails, 3dwarf gouramis, 2mollies, 5tiger barbs, a sucker and some type of (timid) shark, they are all doing well. I keep the water at about 78degrees and room temp is only about 62 :/ All the water stats are ok, I checked them this morning.
Does the white patches look milky in appearance.
I just went to check on him, thinking maybe i'll put him back, and he was dead :(

I hope he didn't die from shock of being placed in the new bowl, he looked a little scared when he went in. I am going to bring him back to the petstore, bc they'll look at him and test my water again.

Thanx for all your help though everyone
Sorry bless him, R.I.P.

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