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  1. T

    Possible Tb?

    hi. my platty (boo) over the last 3-4wks has changed shape , she has lost weight and looks like she is "sucked in" just behind her head. she is still active and feeding well.she just looks wierd. at first i thought the weight loss was due to her giving birth but it has got worse over time. ive...
  2. T

    Pepper Cats Age?

    hi can any1 please tell me the average age of pepper cats?? had my tank for over a year now but recently one of my pepper cats died . it showed no sign of any illness. now today another is sitting looking like its not going to last long, its not panting, no spots,swellings etc just looking warn...
  3. T

    Help! Any Advice

    sadly she didnt make it. :rip: (custard) found her on her side at the bottom a while ago. thanks to everyone for the advice. At least we have 11 babies safe and sound . Does any one know if this happens alot to new mums or were we just unlucky! :-(
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    Help! Any Advice

    hi. yes it has alot of plants to hide in which she is doing. we did a water change and increased the oxygen. its 1male to 4 females . we have turned the lights off.
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    Help! Any Advice

    she is down at the bottom but it more upside down than on her side. she is using side fins and her tail now and again but she looks like she is floppy :(
  6. T

    Help! Any Advice

    hi. can anyone help. my female golden twin bar platty has given birth yesterday to at least 20 fry that i saw. she had disappeared the day before hidding under an arch. when she did not reapear i looked for her and discovered her. She was not able to swim. she is breathing ok and her front fins...
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    Help Very Sick Cardinal

    well he didnt make it. i did a 25% water change. should i treat the tank still for velvet do you think? :rip: :byebye:
  8. T

    Help Very Sick Cardinal

    please help. i had white spot 4 weeks ago that only affected my cardinals which were then new to me by 3 weeks! treated the tank in correct way etc and it all cleared up fine. NOW ONE OF MY CARDINALS is gasping for air and seems unable to swim( floating with the tank current). i noticed it last...
  9. T

    My Plattie

    ok thanks :D
  10. T

    Fry Growth Rate?

    thanks for the help. yes she is very pretty and she knows it too lol :* im looking forward to seeing how the baby turns out.. at the moment its just got a yellow tinge and what looks like black on the tail so i think its gona be just like mum :D
  11. T

    Which Plants..

    hi im quit new to fish and plants too...but so far so good and my amazon sword is growing like mad...,.ive loads of new take it from me that if i can grow it anyone can!!! :D
  12. T

    My Plattie

    heres a better pic of my yellow female does anyone no what type she is? oh and my little guppie sneaking into the pic! lol
  13. yellow_plattie.jpg


  14. T

    My Plattie

    heres the other type I have a mickey mouse platie :D
  15. small_pic.jpg


  16. T

    Fry Growth Rate?

    trying again>> yes it works lol
  17. T

    Fry Growth Rate?

    ill try again....fingers x oops well its in the members aquarium under "my platie" at least its on lol :lol:
  18. T

    My Plattie

    heres a pic of my platie can ant one helpme with what type it mite be...sorry for pic quality
  19. yellow_fish.jpg


  20. T

    Fry Growth Rate?

    thanks I do have some pics but im not sure how to put them on ..i tried pasting them but no luck! :S
  21. T

    Fry Growth Rate?

    thanks. at the moment im giving ground up flakes.... if anyone can tell me the proper name of my yellows id be gratefull :*
  22. T

    Fry Growth Rate?

    well im not sure what type i have being new to this ! I know that 2 adults are red mickey mouse platies ( 1 male 1 female) the other 2 adults are larger, both are bright yellow with a flash of black on the edge of their tale and they look like they have pink rosie cheeks???? ( both females)...
  23. T

    Fry Growth Rate?

    Hi. as im new to all this can some one please tell me how quickly platie fry grow.? I managed to rescue 1 lilttle fry and have him safe in a breading net. but I was wondering how long it will be before he can swim free in the main tank with out being eaten etc...
  24. T

    My First Fry

    :D I can hardly belive it. Turned on my light this evening and there he/she was!!!! its about 3/4mm long. hiding at the botom of the tank in the gravel. Im so proud. I didnt even know one of my platties was pregnant! Dad is a orange mickey mouse and im guessing the mums a yellow. is this the...
  25. T

    White Spot Outbreak... Again !

    cardinals, rummy nose tetra, platys and pepper corys its the cardinals that have the white spot! the others all ok.
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    White Spot Outbreak... Again !

    will i have damaged the carbon filter? can i put it back in after or will i need to get a new 1?
  27. T

    White Spot Outbreak... Again !

    hi.ive had white spot too!!.... im going to sound really stupid now, but why do you have to take the carbon filter out.. it does not say to on my instructions for white spot!!! i have king british white spot control.
  28. T

    Please Help Me

    hi lil. Im in the same spot as you at the moment as I have white spot too!!! (well my fish have!) Im using king british as well and so far so good. just gave my little tank its second dose today as its every 48 hrs on the instructions. lots of kind people have given me advise on my thread "...
  29. T

    HELP! Newbie with white spot!!!????

    thanks for the help. fingers x all will be ok. so far all fish seem ok, they are not acting different . just the little cardinal looks like he's got a bad case of dandruff. :/
  30. T

    HELP! Newbie with white spot!!!????

    oops! i ment 30% water change.... left 70%in sorry my bad typing!
  31. T

    HELP! Newbie with white spot!!!????

    PLEASE HELP! I have a 70litre tank now for 3 months with a box problems! i have 4 platys,2 peppered corys,3 rummy nose, and just aquiered 4 cardinals 2 weeks ago. looked last nite and realised one of my cardinals had small white spots. had a restless sleep to discover this...
  32. T


    hi. I have 2 female yellow platys, an orange mickey mouse female and an orange mickey mouse male which all get along great. If anything the orange male prefers the yellow females!!!! so i dont think the colour has alot to do with ur problem. may be you just have a grumpy fish! :/
  33. T

    breeding age for platys??

    hi. can you help! at what age will platys breed? I have 2 adult golden females and 2 young mickey mouse platys 1 female 1 male which are about 1/2 to 2/3 the size of the adults. the young male follows the two adults like a shadow, but the females dont seem to take any notice of him,its quite...
  34. T

    help with new peppered cory's

    thanks to every one. I went and got some catfish tablets and my peppers seem much happier. tho im finding that the platys and rummys are very keen on the the catfish tablets as well and seem quite content to eat their own food then push the peppers off and eat theirs as well!! I tried feeding...
  35. T

    help with new peppered cory's

    thanks for the advice. I have a 3 foot tank with plants and bog wood so they should be happy. I will try feeding them with pellets. should i feed at the same time as i feed the others . At the moment i do this every other morning?
  36. T

    help with new peppered cory's

    hi. please can some 1 help. I am new to tropicl fish keeping. I have 4 platys and a couple of rummy nose tetras and and have now just added 2 peppered corys to my tank. until now the other fish have all got on fine but now the peppers seem to be chasing any fish that come near them. the rummys...