HELP! Newbie with white spot!!!????


New Member
Sep 3, 2005
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PLEASE HELP! I have a 70litre tank now for 3 months with a box problems!

i have 4 platys,2 peppered corys,3 rummy nose, and just aquiered 4 cardinals 2 weeks ago.

looked last nite and realised one of my cardinals had small white spots. had a restless sleep to discover this morning that the spots have lessoned over night.Is this white spot???
I quickly did a water change this morning and have turned up the temp to 26-27. as i read this helps. do i need to remove any fish!!!??? what is best to treat it? and sould i do a water change more regularly. at the moment ive been doing a 70% change once every 3-4 weeks.
PLease help i'd hate to loose any fish! :sad:

ps ive just added some king british white spot control, it says to add every 48 hours until spots are gone. when should i do another water change?
(not saying this is correct, just what i did)
When i noticed 3 of my fish had white spot, i did a 50% water changei got some WS3 (white spot 3) and added it to the tank (it said 1 drop per gallon) so i added 29 drops, left it 48hour, 50% again, added WS3, (spots started to go). I did the 50%, 48hr, treatment another 2 times, and then it was fine.
Make sure you do it once more after you have no spots (the 50% and treatment)
did the whitespots co-incide with being right after one of your 70% water changes? 70% changes could easily shock a cardinal tetra into suceptibility to disease like whitespot. Do you have access to a quarantine tank? If so I'd reccomend quarantining him with your current tank water
The whitespot parasite has many life cycles and only one of them being visable half way through, so the chances are that some of your other fish also have it- do not use salt to treat your fish as you have many that are intolerant of it.
I find "anti whitespot" by interpet is an effective treatment, all treaments though for whitespot take a lengthy time to rid the tank of it- you will need to continue treating yoru fish for a further 2 weeks after the spots have disapeared as the parasite will still be present in the tank. I would not issolate your fish but instead treat the tank as a whole otherwise you will find eliminating it from your tank difficult as it has a habit of coming back just when you think you have got rid of it.
It would also be good if you test your water for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates and post us your stats as your tank will still be doing a thing called cycling no doubt.
SkiFletch said:
did the whitespots co-incide with being right after one of your 70% water changes? 70% changes could easily shock a cardinal tetra into suceptibility to disease like whitespot. Do you have access to a quarantine tank? If so I'd reccomend quarantining him with your current tank water

oops! i ment 30% water change.... left 70%in sorry my bad typing!
we used ws3.. it seemed to do the trick for us.. i found that upping the temp to about 86 helped a lot (it speeds up the lifecycle of ich).. but you will have to watch your platy's, as aren't a big fan of higher temperatures. check your pH as ours dropped and the medication wasn't working properly. follow the instructions on the bottle of medication carefully.. and you should be fine..
it is good that you caught this early, as we didn't notice ours until it was quite far advanced (got it when we'd only just begun keeping fish).
one good point is that once the fish get over the white spot, it does tend to make them a little more resilient to another attack!
good luck!
we used ws3.. it seemed to do the trick for us.. i found that upping the temp to about 86 helped a lot (it speeds up the lifecycle of ich).. but you will have to watch your platy's, as aren't a big fan of higher temperatures. check your pH as ours dropped and the medication wasn't working properly. follow the instructions on the bottle of medication carefully.. and you should be fine..
it is good that you caught this early, as we didn't notice ours until it was quite far advanced (got it when we'd only just begun keeping fish).
one good point is that once the fish get over the white spot, it does tend to make them a little more resilient to another attack!
good luck!

thanks for the help. fingers x all will be ok. so far all fish seem ok, they are not acting different . just the little cardinal looks like he's got a bad case of dandruff. :/

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