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  1. Kyanite14

    What are these tiny specks in my planted aquarium?

    This was as zoomed in as I could get, they’re tinier than poppy seeds, but they don’t seem to move, although it’s hard to tell with how small there are. I feel like the sheer quantity of them rules out fish eggs, could it be some sort of mold or algae? I do have an algae issue on the sides of...
  2. IMG_3143.jpeg


  3. Kyanite14

    Fish still have spots on day 7

    Have you tried raising the tank temperatures? Ich doesn’t survive well in heat. Try SLOWLY raising the temps to about 87F. I’m not familiar with the brand you’re using, so I have no idea how effective it is. I would try to do more natural methods before using more of that stuff, medications like...
  4. Kyanite14

    Reunited Jewel Cichlids

    The pet store I visit a lot had a pair of jewel cichlids for a few months, a male and female. I remember checking in on them every visit and watching them swim together happily. My tank is only 20 gallon, so I knew I couldn’t take them home, especially with my neons and guppies 😂. One day, I...
  5. Kyanite14

    Fish still have spots on day 7

    Do you have a photo of the fish? Has the ich spread or moved at all?
  6. Kyanite14

    Is this ich?

    I did a couple of water changes yesterday, I had some green water from algae I was trying to deal with. Looks like the spots haven’t multiplied, and it seems like it’s mainly on one tetra. They’re so faint that I don’t think it could be ich. I feel like @GaryE could be correct about epistylis...
  7. Kyanite14

    Is this ich?

    My room hit 87 because of the heat wave, and I’ve been dealing with a large algae bloom for the last month or so. They don’t seem all that bothered by the spots like ich seems to do. That does sound more plausible than ich since the guppies are unaffected. Unfortunately my phone camera isn’t too...
  8. Kyanite14

    Is this ich?

    @GaryE any idea?
  9. Kyanite14

    Is this ich?

    My ammonia is 0 and ph is 7.4, I just noticed these tiny dots on the neon tetras tails, but it only seems to be on the neons and ONLY on their fins, I didn’t see any on the body. They’re also super small, much smaller than the usual ich I see at pet stores. I haven’t added anything new to my...
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  11. Kyanite14

    ChatGPT in the Aquarium hobby

    I’m curious what opinions it would give on other topics. This one it seemed to lean democrat because of the gun control law suggestion. If we ask it other political topics, would it try to stay neutral, lean left, lean right? If the question is repeated by a different user, would the answer be...
  12. Kyanite14

    ChatGPT in the Aquarium hobby

    It does have a cut off year, so it’s likely outdated. It kept telling me it’s info is cut off at September 2021
  13. Kyanite14

    ChatGPT in the Aquarium hobby

    So I’ve been messing around with ChatGPT, mostly quizzing it by asking it questions about fish diseases and parameters. So far, all the information it’s given me has been accurate. I know it learns from previous experiences and also gets its info from the internet, but has anyone had any...
  14. Kyanite14

    Differences between Saprolegnia and Columnaris?

    I actually made a post about the gourami in question, he developed it the day after I brought him home. After he died a few days ago from dropsy I decided to start doing more research for diseases, as I actually did notice some off behavior in the days before his death, but didn’t know what to...
  15. Kyanite14

    Differences between Saprolegnia and Columnaris?

    Yeah, when my gourami had columnaris I first tried Kanaplex to no avail. I also added salt and lowered the temps, which slowed but didn’t reverse it. It finally went away after I added Jungle fungus cure, which I had to order online because the FDA restricted it for carcinogenic ingredients...
  16. Kyanite14

    Difference between Ich and Epistylis?

    Oh wow! It almost looks like salt crystal formation. It also kinda looks similar to fungus in the fact that it’s fluffy, but doesn’t quite look the same.
  17. Kyanite14


    It never spread from the Gourami, and was actually pretty slow. I kept the water around 72 and it never really got worse than a white tuft in his mouth.
  18. Kyanite14

    Difference between Ich and Epistylis?

    Oh ok. Do you happen to have a photo?
  19. Kyanite14

    Difference between Ich and Epistylis?

    Ok, that makes sense. The store has been having a lot of issues with ich (and possibly epistylis) maybe bringing this up could help.
  20. Kyanite14

    Difference between Ich and Epistylis?

    That’s so much more clear thanks. By any chance? Does the malachite green or formalin stuff they use to treat ich effective at all for epistylis? I only ask because this pet store I go to always uses that when they see white spots even if they look like the bottom photos.
  21. Kyanite14


    Good news! When I did my water change today I tested the water (last time I did was 2 weeks ago) and ammonia was 0!
  22. Kyanite14

    Difference between Ich and Epistylis?

    Do you happen to have side by side photos?
  23. Kyanite14

    Difference between Ich and Epistylis?

    I don’t have any issues in my tank, I’m just curious. I’ve seen photos of ich and epistylis side by side, but I just can’t tell the difference. In addition, are they both parasites? If so, then why do people online suggest treating epistylis with antibiotics?
  24. Kyanite14

    Differences between Saprolegnia and Columnaris?

    I’ve been doing research on multiple fish diseases for future reference, but these two are confusing to me. I dealt with a columnaris infection once, but not saprolegnia. What I know so far: Columnaris is NOT a fungus but bacteria Saprolegnia is a fungus? Both are cotton like, but columnaris...
  25. Kyanite14


    I’ve tested it and it’s zero. I also use prime before adding it in. It only became an issue after I used nitrofuranzone/kanaplex treatment.
  26. Kyanite14


    I’ve been having issues ever since I last used antibiotics. My tank was cycled beforehand, and I used carbon to remove it, but ammonia has stayed at .25 no matter how many water changes I do. I’m not sure why it won’t recover.
  27. Kyanite14


    I don’t plan on getting any more fish anyway, once my tank goes I’m going to start a new one. I haven’t replaced any of my filter media since I started the tank, but it’s covered in brown algae and rinsing doesn’t work that well. I also at one point put the tank through antibiotics (the...
  28. Kyanite14

    What happened to my guppy?

    I noticed the black and blue ones usually mind their own business, the blue seems like the “beta” fish (pun intended). The one in my pfp is definitely the alpha and the orange one in the photo I provided in this post next chases the alpha quite a bit. I have another one that’s a snakeskin which...
  29. Kyanite14

    What happened to my guppy?

    Maybe, but I’ve also seen the fish steal worms from each others mouths before. For all I know he turned around right as another fish was trying to go for it. Oh well, at least he’s otherwise ok.
  30. Kyanite14


    The day after I first brought him home a couple months ago he developed columnaris, and it took a few weeks to finally cure it. Do you think that previous infection weakened him? I know how sensitive these guys are.
  31. Kyanite14


    I hope so, I know I could’ve just let him die but I didn’t want him to suffer, I also didn’t want him to cause an ammonia spike if I didn’t catch him right when he died.
  32. Kyanite14


    I mean, other than his lack of interest in food and hiding away, he seemed normal. I always chopped it up to him being scared of the guppies, as they always got to the food before him. He DID eat though when it fell right in front of him, he just didn’t have the same interest as the others, who...
  33. Kyanite14


    Update: I decided to decapitate him, as it seemed like the least painful option if done right. One slice, and he was fully severed from his body. I really hate that I did that, it LOOKED painful but I was told that it wouldn’t be… and now I’m freaking out that I didn’t NEED to kill him, like...
  34. Kyanite14


    I think my Dwarf Gouramis has Dropsy, I found him gasping on the floor of the tank with a distended belly and slightly pine coned scales. What should I do?? I heard that at this stage it’s incurable. Do I put him out of his misery? I don’t have clove oil and it’s the middle of the night :( I...
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  36. Kyanite14

    What happened to my guppy?

    Ok, good to know. That red stuff on the lining of his tear, was that blood? It’s gone now, but it’s weird to think that fish bleed when they’re always suspended in water.
  37. Kyanite14

    What happened to my guppy?

    I switch between pellets, algae wafers, and black worms, they go the most crazy for the black worms which I was just feeding them. Maybe one fish got greedy and tried to take a worm from the black guppy?
  38. Kyanite14

    What happened to my guppy?

    Do the tails grow back? I’ve seen the guppies chase each other sometimes, but the fin tearing started within the last month. Would sexual maturity/breeding season stuff have anything to do with it? I’m just worried they’ll continue shredding each others tails and cause fin rot or other infections.
  39. Kyanite14

    What happened to my guppy?

    5 male guppies, a dwarf gouramis, a nerite, and 6 neons
  40. Kyanite14

    What happened to my guppy?

    I had JUST finished feeding my fish and was putting my black worms back in the fridge, when I came back, one of my guppies tails had been ripped and had some sort of red stuff on the tear (blood?) It was hard to get a clear photo. My smallest blue guppy also has tears in his tail, more so than...