What happened to my guppy?

I switch between pellets, algae wafers, and black worms, they go the most crazy for the black worms which I was just feeding them. Maybe one fish got greedy and tried to take a worm from the black guppy?
The other fish may have mistaken the black guppy fir the blackworms. They are the same colour
Do the tails grow back? I’ve seen the guppies chase each other sometimes, but the fin tearing started within the last month. Would sexual maturity/breeding season stuff have anything to do with it? I’m just worried they’ll continue shredding each others tails and cause fin rot or other infections.
What I've already mentioned before could be an option in this case. But also dominance (hierarchy for instance) can be an option. Once all know their place in the tank, the dominance mostly stops. But yes, also females can be nippy at males if they don't allow them to mate with them. And don't forget that even female guppies can become dominant (even towards males).
The other fish may have mistaken the black guppy fir the blackworms. They are the same colour
Maybe, but I’ve also seen the fish steal worms from each others mouths before. For all I know he turned around right as another fish was trying to go for it. Oh well, at least he’s otherwise ok.
Guppies have hierarchies! The aggression you’re experiencing is probably just them figuring out the pecking order and will calm down when it’s figured out! The tails DO grow back- it just takes time. Clean water helps prevent infection. The more male guppies you have the less the injuries there will be, simply because the aggression has a wider distribution. Five male guppies is a good minimum to have. Also make sure to check your decorations to make sure there’s nothing sharp enough to tear their fins
I noticed the black and blue ones usually mind their own business, the blue seems like the “beta” fish (pun intended). The one in my pfp is definitely the alpha and the orange one in the photo I provided in this post next chases the alpha quite a bit. I have another one that’s a snakeskin which I don’t know where he stands, he’s kinda just there, Y’know? 🤷‍♀️

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