ChatGPT in the Aquarium hobby


Fish Fanatic
Jan 12, 2023
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So I’ve been messing around with ChatGPT, mostly quizzing it by asking it questions about fish diseases and parameters. So far, all the information it’s given me has been accurate. I know it learns from previous experiences and also gets its info from the internet, but has anyone had any experience with it? I’m curious to see what inaccuracies have been found while talking to it.

If it continues to improve, I’d say it’d be revolutionary in gathering information for the hobby. Instead of sifting through article for a specific question, the AI does it for you and phrases it in a way that’s easy to understand. This makes my researching must faster, but as of now I still have to fact check it to make sure what it tells me is accurate.
I haven't quizzed it on aquarium stuff, but I did ask it for the current president's age, and it was one year off.
I "told" it that it was wrong, and it apologized and said that it was wrong.
I then asked the same question and it was correct that time.

This morning I had it writing skits on random topics and it was actually entertaining.
i've made it write blog articles about fish, and it is mostly accurate, and with some minor adjustments, can be perfect.
I wonder what it would say if you asked it to solve a country's problem, school shootings for example. (Not to be morbid - I'm a teacher and that is on my mind.)
Here is its response.
Note: I am not posting this as my own personal political opinion so it should be allowed. I am simply copy-pasting what the Ai said.

The issue of school shootings is a complex and multi-faceted problem that requires a comprehensive approach. Here are some steps that could be taken to address this problem:

  1. Strengthen gun laws: One of the key factors that contribute to school shootings is the easy access to firearms. Therefore, it is crucial to implement stricter gun laws, including background checks, waiting periods, and restrictions on high-capacity magazines and assault weapons.
  2. Improve mental health services: Many school shooters have a history of mental illness or emotional instability. Therefore, improving access to mental health services and increasing public awareness about the importance of seeking help for mental health issues can help identify and intervene early on.
  3. Increase school security: Schools should have adequate security measures in place, including trained security personnel, metal detectors, and surveillance systems. This will help prevent unauthorized access to school premises and quickly respond to any potential threats.
  4. Encourage responsible gun ownership: Gun owners should be encouraged to safely store their firearms and prevent unauthorized access. Gun safety education and training should also be provided to individuals who own firearms.
  5. Address underlying social and cultural factors: Addressing the underlying social and cultural factors that contribute to school shootings, such as bullying, social isolation, and a culture of violence, is crucial. This can be done through education and awareness campaigns, promoting a positive school culture, and encouraging community involvement.
It is important to note that solving the problem of school shootings will require a long-term effort and a multi-pronged approach. It will require the cooperation and collaboration of various stakeholders, including lawmakers, mental health professionals, educators, and community leaders.
I think we'll have to watch this technology, as while it gather facts from postings, maybe even here, our hobby is crawling with myths and misreadings. It will be like anything else, I expect - one of the 3 sources you should always seek when you have a serious question. It's like a big wikipedia where people don't choose to participate.

I am curious about how the data will be collected, and if it will look at languages other than English. You would have different chatter in the USA about @otterblue's question than you would in most other countries.
I haven't quizzed it on aquarium stuff, but I did ask it for the current president's age, and it was one year off.
I "told" it that it was wrong, and it apologized and said that it was wrong.
I then asked the same question and it was correct that time.

This morning I had it writing skits on random topics and it was actually entertaining.
It does have a cut off year, so it’s likely outdated. It kept telling me it’s info is cut off at September 2021
Here is its response.
Note: I am not posting this as my own personal political opinion so it should be allowed. I am simply copy-pasting what the Ai said.

The issue of school shootings is a complex and multi-faceted problem that requires a comprehensive approach. Here are some steps that could be taken to address this problem:

  1. Strengthen gun laws: One of the key factors that contribute to school shootings is the easy access to firearms. Therefore, it is crucial to implement stricter gun laws, including background checks, waiting periods, and restrictions on high-capacity magazines and assault weapons.
  2. Improve mental health services: Many school shooters have a history of mental illness or emotional instability. Therefore, improving access to mental health services and increasing public awareness about the importance of seeking help for mental health issues can help identify and intervene early on.
  3. Increase school security: Schools should have adequate security measures in place, including trained security personnel, metal detectors, and surveillance systems. This will help prevent unauthorized access to school premises and quickly respond to any potential threats.
  4. Encourage responsible gun ownership: Gun owners should be encouraged to safely store their firearms and prevent unauthorized access. Gun safety education and training should also be provided to individuals who own firearms.
  5. Address underlying social and cultural factors: Addressing the underlying social and cultural factors that contribute to school shootings, such as bullying, social isolation, and a culture of violence, is crucial. This can be done through education and awareness campaigns, promoting a positive school culture, and encouraging community involvement.
It is important to note that solving the problem of school shootings will require a long-term effort and a multi-pronged approach. It will require the cooperation and collaboration of various stakeholders, including lawmakers, mental health professionals, educators, and community leaders.
I’m curious what opinions it would give on other topics. This one it seemed to lean democrat because of the gun control law suggestion. If we ask it other political topics, would it try to stay neutral, lean left, lean right? If the question is repeated by a different user, would the answer be consistent?
I’m curious what opinions it would give on other topics. This one it seemed to lean democrat because of the gun control law suggestion. If we ask it other political topics, would it try to stay neutral, lean left, lean right? If the question is repeated by a different user, would the answer be consistent?
Would it be an echo chamber for opinions? That's a good question. I suspect it could be manipulated.

But the democrat vs republican thing would only apply in the US. American politics with its massive propaganda networks doesn't really have exact mirrors in other countries with multi-party systems. It might be interesting to see what an overview would deliver up to users if it were to reflect an international consensus. Here, the percentage of citizens whose opinions would be fair game who oppose any controls on automatic weapons is tiny. While we have a growing right wing populist movement, our conservative parties were to the centre of the democrats for many years. If it takes into account Asian, African, European, South American, Australasian etc opinions the US divisions would be small potatoes in the global picture.

Much like the rest of the internet, I'm sure it will be manipulated to avoid that. It is a business after all and prejudices are profitable. Technology is wonderful in its possibilities, but it belongs to the corporate sector.

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