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  1. G

    How Many Otocinclus?

    Excellent news on the gourami and BN. As soon as they're out, go for it. Nice one with the water changes, too.
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    How Many Otocinclus?

    If you're going to get any, get 3. But with them on top of the BN and gourami, expect to do regular water changes. I.E. every 3 days or so. Any less and the otos and the gourami will die - in my experience, both tend to be very sensitive to big water quality changes. Which can easily happen in a...
  3. G

    How Do You Clean Your Aquarium?

    I used to remove all my fish for cleaning because when I started keeping fish somebody told me this is what needs to be done. But about 4-5 years ago I tested out both ways and the fish were far happier staying in the tank. As for cleaning the substrate, I use a python for the non-planted bits...
  4. G

    Guppies Or Pseudomugil Tenellus?

    For the next 6 months I need some fish in one of my tanks, just to keep the filter running and a bit of nitrate for the plants. I've currently got 2 otos and 1 endler in it, and was thinking of one of the above fish to go in with them (I was thinking about 4 of whatever fish I choose). I've...
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    My Tank: How Little Can I Get Away With?

    No problems with them, apart from one, which is turning sort of white at the top. A man at my LFS was explaining all of the things that plants need, so I got some fertiliser just in case. So does this mean that I can get away without fertiliser as well? I want my plants to survive, but I'm...
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    My Tank: How Little Can I Get Away With?

    I've got a 45-50 litre heavily planted tank. The substrate is just sand, there's a 36 watt bulb on it, which is on for 8 hours a day. I've bought some fertiliser, but haven't put any in yet. Basically I want to know how little I can get away with - I was thinking that maybe the short hours the...
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    Dwarf Riccia - Available

    jimbooo, you sure it's dwarf? I've just been there (and bought a tub), but it was advertised as fluitians. It is tiny though. I tried taking some photos but I couldn't adequately show its size. Anyway, how does one go about getting this stuff to form a pretty carpet-like substance?
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    Dwarf Riccia - Available

    Hmm. I went a few days ago and saw absolutely nothing. I think I better go back today... not that I have any space in my tank. I'm sure I'll think of something.
  9. G

    If You Had A Rio 125....

    A tonne of male Endlers?
  10. G

    Ethics Of Scientific Aquarists

    If you genuinely mean that, then that's quite shocking. (Perhaps you'd like to clarify how homeless people 'hurt' you?)
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    Ethics Of Scientific Aquarists

    We are, but this has nothing to do with treating animals badly. So a farmed fish has different neural processes than a wild one? Interesting hypothesis... And, more importantly, it's okay to abuse a dumb fish but not okay to abuse a clever fish? Isn't that like saying that it's okay to...
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  13. G

    Woohoo I'm Changing To Sand Tomorrow

    Compost is unneccesary, unless you're using plants which require it, and therefore already have it underneath your gravel. My plants' roots developed much better in sand (I removed one - one small one - a week ago and the roots stretched half the tank) than in gravel. Don't worry about it. As...
  14. G

    Stocking Ideas For A 10 Gallon?

    Killifish? They're good for small tanks. Or if you want a planted tank and don't mind maintenance then maybe 3 dwarf puffers? 10 uk gallons should be okay for that, as long as you have good filtration.
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    I think it's a great idea, I think with more information more people would be inclined to start keeping these fish. I know that in the past I have always been put off keeping them because I thought they were really difficult to keep, and killifish information isn't really available on the net yet.
  16. G

    Will Malaysian Trumpet Snails Unearth My Plants?

    I've been researching them, and people have said that they don't eat plants, but I'm a bit worried that they might dig them up, and lead to a mass migration of plants to the surface of the tank. Will my plants be okay?
  17. G

    Penguin Bio-wheel Filter In The Uk?

    ...Does anyone know if there are any? I've looked on ebay, but the only ones I've found have been from US sellers, and £50+ for postage isn't something I'm happy about. Also, I've tried looking around on the marineland website but I can't find an answer: do the actual biowheels themselves ever...
  18. G

    Lfs Multis Looking A Bit Pale

    I've seen some multis at my LFS, but I'm a bit hesitant about buying them because they're very pale. They are in a tank with no substrate, no shells or hiding places, and lots of other fish though. So... are they just scared, or do you think they're probably naturally that colour, and I should...
  19. G

    Name For Endler Buisness

    You'll also need to find out about postage. How much will it cost? Do you know how to post fish? How much extra will heating pads be in the winter? Where can you get a supply of postage materials from?
  20. G

    Name For Endler Buisness

    Probably best to keep it nice and simple with the name, PureBreedEndlers sounds better than PureBredEndlers, the second one sounds like they are bred purely but may not be pure themselves... (just a bit confusing). Not guru. That would put me off. I think that more importantly you should...
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    Smallest External Filter?

    I've got an Eheim 2211 on my 10 gallon. It's not exactly small, but it's got quite a low gph rate that makes it really good for smaller aquariums, if that's what you're aiming for. Or perhaps a hang on the back filter?
  22. G

    Where To Buy Ebo Jager Heaters

    And in the UK you can get them from (About half way down this page)
  23. G

    Newattino Heaters - Ever Heard Of Them?

    I found these little things on the internet, designed for tanks less than 20 litres. Anyone heard of them? Are they any good? And is the cheaper model not dangerous by being 'continuously on'? Wouldn't that just keep heating the water to dangerous levels? Or are there any other tiny heaters...
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    Im Gonna Try....

    :lol: Brilliant idea!
  25. G

    Want To Do A Mini Planted Tank

    If the tank's currently empty of fish then it would be very easy to just take the plants out, remove the gravel and put in some sand. Obviously you've got to be careful about the bacterial impact of this - maybe add a simple bubble filter for a week or so before you switch substrate for the...
  26. G

    Oddballs For A 5gal

    1 US Gallon = 3.785411784 litres Therefore furry rabbit's tank is 20/3.785411784=5.28344 US gallons 5 US gallons = 18.927 litres (I think you may be confusing US and UK gallons. 5 UK gallons would be 22.7 litres) Furry Rabbit: Have a massive read around. I'm planning on making a rather...
  27. G

    Krib Tank Size?

    What tank size would a pair of kribs need? I potentially have a densely planted, overfiltered 50 litre tank with 3 otocinclus' in it, and seem to remember somebody keeping a pair in a small tank, but obviously if it's too small then I wouldn't want to risk it. Thanks gf
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    Heater - External Heater And Wattage Questions

    I'm thinking of getting a hydor external heater for my 50 litre (ish) tank. Firstly, is 200 watts too much for such a small tank? And does anyone know anything about external heaters? Are they any good? Thanks gf
  29. G

    Keeping Killifish - Pseudepiplatys Annulatus

    I'm thinking about getting killifish for my 45 litre planted aquarium, namely Pseudepiplatys Annulatus, or 'clown killifish'. Does anybody know anything about these fish? To be honest all I know is that they grow to about 35mm. They would be going in with 3 otocinclus' and 2 endlers livebearers...
  30. G

    When Adding A Second Hand Filter

    Is this dangerous to the fish? Before I only had 2 little bubble filters in it, and I've just added an eheim 2211. I'm keeping the bubble filters in there for two weeks, to give some time for the bacteria to spread to the 2211. Should I leave the bubble filters running during this time? Or is it...
  31. G

    Gallons Per Hour Relative To Tank Size?

    Thanks! So a 10 UK gallon tank (45 litres) would need between 225 and 315 litres of filtration per hour? And there I was with my one bubble filter. *goes off to set up his eheim 2211*
  32. G

    Gallons Per Hour Relative To Tank Size?

    Is there a method for figuring out how many gallons per hour your filter should filter compared to the volume of water in your tank? Thanks gf
  33. G

    Fluval 104 For A 10 Gallon?

    This was suggested by someone for a planned 10 gallon (2 dwarf puffer and 3 oto) tank, would it be okay? Would it give too much filtration? (well... not too much, but... too much power?) Would it end up mercilessly sucking up my fish and blasting water back into the tank at 10 billion mph? Any...
  34. G

    Making A Cave

    Thanks - I'll have a look for some aquarium-safe silicon.
  35. G

    A 10 Gallon Dwarf Puffer Set Up

    Thanks for all the responses. I've got an Eheim 2211, but surely it would be too powerful? And all the other Eheim classics are more powerful that the 2211... The whisper filters wouldn't be able to hang on the inside because of the lid. The fluval 104 seems like a good idea, but is it too...
  36. G

    Making A Cave

    Hi everyone, I'm thinking of getting some dwarf puffers, and have read that they like caves to hide in, and I happen to have some pretty slate lying around, and would like to make it into two (very basic) caves. So basically my first question is: Is there any glue that works well (and obviously...
  37. G

    A 10 Gallon Dwarf Puffer Set Up

    I know this has been done before, but I didn't want to usurp anyone else's topic. I'm thinking of changing my 10 gallon (40 litre) to a dwarf puffer tank, and saw that Sir Minion said that 2dp and 3 otos would be suitable, but my filtration concerns me - I've only got two bubble filters. The...