A 10 Gallon Dwarf Puffer Set Up


New Member
Jul 30, 2003
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I know this has been done before, but I didn't want to usurp anyone else's topic.
I'm thinking of changing my 10 gallon (40 litre) to a dwarf puffer tank, and saw that Sir Minion said that 2dp and 3 otos would be suitable, but my filtration concerns me - I've only got two bubble filters. The tank has a massive lid, so no way of putting on HOB filters, and since it's only a small tank I wouldn't really want to take up a huge amount of space with a big inside filter.

Would weekly (or every-other-daily) water changes and sand-vacing be okay?
I know this has been done before, but I didn't want to usurp anyone else's topic.
I'm thinking of changing my 10 gallon (40 litre) to a dwarf puffer tank, and saw that Sir Minion said that 2dp and 3 otos would be suitable, but my filtration concerns me - I've only got two bubble filters. The tank has a massive lid, so no way of putting on HOB filters, and since it's only a small tank I wouldn't really want to take up a huge amount of space with a big inside filter.

Would weekly (or every-other-daily) water changes and sand-vacing be okay?

You can't cut the lid?
Some of the new internal filters do not take up much space at all. I have been looking at one for a Nano tank. There is one that even has a heater in it.
A sponge filter would work pretty well if you get a big one, also internal filters would be the way to go. An internal filter for a 10 gal wont take up too much room.
Ive always found that whisper filters are the best internal for small tanks.
I have a whisper internal filter on my goldfish tank, does a great job. Almost too great, cant seem to get any snails to breed in there. One downside is that while its very very quite, doesnt provide a ton of flow or gas exchange through turbulance.
i'm using a fluval 104 for my 12g. tbh i enjoy the fact there's little in there and also the fact it's wildly over filtered.

however i only starting using this after i get a bigger filter for my 24g and moved this one down.

personally it's all about external filters and you can get some bargains on ebay
i'm using a fluval 104 for my 12g. tbh i enjoy the fact there's little in there and also the fact it's wildly over filtered.

however i only starting using this after i get a bigger filter for my 24g and moved this one down.

personally it's all about external filters and you can get some bargains on ebay

Personally, I would use the eheim classic as it provides just as good filtration just a less GPH rating.
Thanks for all the responses.

I've got an Eheim 2211, but surely it would be too powerful? And all the other Eheim classics are more powerful that the 2211...

The whisper filters wouldn't be able to hang on the inside because of the lid.

The fluval 104 seems like a good idea, but is it too powerful for a 40 litre - 'up to 100 litres' seems a bit much. I'm all for an overkill of filtration, I have always understocked my tank to keep bioload down, but I just want to make sure an overkill of filtration doesn't mean an overkill of my fish.

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