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  1. Pidge1992

    Hey guys! My 10 gal finally cycled!

    Yes but secondary resources (multiple ones) also state that store bought specimens who have been acclimated to standard tank conditions will thrive in any oxygen saturated environment as the oxygenation provided by the current is the key factor to them thriving and I have more that adequate...
  2. Pidge1992

    Hey guys! My 10 gal finally cycled!

    Light is off 8 hours a night but on over 12 while I’m at work.
  3. Pidge1992

    Hey guys! My 10 gal finally cycled!

    Side note, tank photo was taken a few weeks ago before it algae’d up a lot. ?
  4. Pidge1992

    Hey guys! My 10 gal finally cycled!

    Already taken care of! This tank has a history of growing algae and even though it’s been dry, scrubbed, and restarted the glass and most things in it are already coated. I can see his little mouth marks on the back and it’s adorable. ❤️ I’m also leaving the light on excessively. Thank you! And...
  5. Pidge1992

    Hey guys! My 10 gal finally cycled! Based on this I may purchase a 2nd but tank size etc. is applicable.
  6. Pidge1992

    Hey guys! My 10 gal finally cycled!

    The link provided is for the wrong species. Mine is also known as a butterfly loach, it’s the Chinese one, max size is 3 in and they are very territorial and do not like others of their kind. Tank is over filtered and highly oxygenated. He should be fine, but thank you!
  7. Pidge1992

    Hey guys! My 10 gal finally cycled!

    My 10 is finally cycled! So I got some fish! I got 6 ember tetras and hillstream loach for now. I’ll likely add a few more embers later on. (Also I’m keeping the temp at 75, which should suffice/be decent middle ground for both the loach and tetras ?)
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  11. Pidge1992

    Proud of you fish tank

    Thank you guys! And yes! He does use his caves lol loves them and usually chills/sleeps in them or his plant lol
  12. Pidge1992

    Proud of you fish tank

    Right now I’m very proud of my betta tank! I was fighting a bacterial bloom and finally got it under control. So I’m very proud lol ?
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  14. Pidge1992

    Can you have too many tannins?

    Here is a quick photo I snapped... as for the fish I have Buenos Aires tetras, black skirt tetras, dwarf scissor tail rasboras, 2 variety’s of pleco, and a yo-yo loach.
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  16. Pidge1992

    Can you have too many tannins?

    So I soaked my new drift wood (mopani) for several days until it seemed they where giving off fewer tannins...apparently not long enough because it looks like someone dumped a package of tea bags into my tank. I’ve seriously brewed tea a lighter color... so my question is, can there be too many...
  17. Pidge1992

    Let's Talk Tank Vacuums.

    Python water changer has been a complete game changer for me. I love mine lol I never want to imagine life without it now.
  18. Pidge1992

    What's Your Dream Stock?

    All I know right now is that I want a pair of German blue rams lol and I’m sooo close to hopefully getting them.
  19. Pidge1992

    Hello, how to make sure water changes don’t affect the pH in my tank?

    Biggest thing is stable ph. Example (since everyone had already discussed kh and gh too) my taps ph is 8.5 and the kh is very high but my gh is basically zero. So my water is actually very soft but has high ph, the kh just makes that ph very stable, it NEVER fluctuates. That being said I keep...
  20. Pidge1992

    Tank meltdown....

    Ok! Final decision after talking it over with my MIL (lovely lady and fish expert lol) and the suggestion I received here I decided to just do a standard but thorough cleaning of the tank. As for the fish, they have been placed in the hospital tank but only because I only have paracleanse on...
  21. Pidge1992

    Tank meltdown....

    Will salt treat parasites? After reading the pinned thread on white stringy poop I’m 90% sure I have a parasite issue based on at least 2 fish and one of those is my pleco who is my absolute baby. Even if I don’t go into over kill on the main tank I still feel the need to hospitalize and treat...
  22. Pidge1992

    Tank meltdown....

    Remember my post about the dwarf gourami having scratches? Well he died abruptly overnight.... was fine when I went to bed and dead this morning... I’m devastated. He was healing... ugh... moving on. So when I posted about him I did a full water check and had experienced a really high nitrate...
  23. Pidge1992

    MTS is real

    My mother in law warned me and my wife at Christmas lol now I’m afflicted with no hope of recovery lol ?
  24. Pidge1992

    New fish

    I don’t have one handy but there are multiple breeders on this website. They can detail the incredible lengths they go through to breed quality fish including water parameters. Sadly, I don’t think they will make it this far into this post to answer and I don’t feel the need to justify my...
  25. Pidge1992

    New fish

    Soooo not sure why I’m chiming in on this thread... BUT now that I’m here and I got the headache from reading all this I can’t help myself... Most fish breeders keep fish in water very similar to their natural habitat otherwise they won’t typically breed. Thus the water does vary greatly from...
  26. Pidge1992

    Abrasion? Or worse? On dwarf gourami

    Yes it’s those two scratches! My mother in law (who is a fish expert) said the same. So I feel sooo much better now that I’ve had two experienced people tell me it doesn’t look like a big deal. Thank you so much ?
  27. Pidge1992

    Abrasion? Or worse? On dwarf gourami

    So I’m going to fill out the template provided but essentially I just got home from work and my powder blue dwarf gourami has an odd area in his head/face that looks almost like an abrasion.... Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): I’ve...
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  31. Pidge1992

    Pleco Appreciation Thread

    Posted with permission, my friends sailfin pleco that lives in our lobby tank at work. He’s gorgeous ❤️❤️❤️
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  33. Pidge1992

    What Pleco Species Is This?

    100% sure it’s a rubber lip lol I have one as well! Adorable fellows. Mine is about the same size as yours currently. They can reach 8 in in length but they more often reach 6-7 inches. ? so they are nice mid size plecos lol.
  34. Pidge1992

    How many bottom feeders is too many?

    Lordy... well that’s the first site I’ve ever seen listing them that big but I won’t argue... I’ll just get several more and hope they don’t lol ? thank you. and thanks everyone! All the replies are helpful!
  35. Pidge1992

    How many bottom feeders is too many? First site could pull off google but all the others say the same yo-yo / Pakistani loaches stay small...
  36. Pidge1992

    How many bottom feeders is too many?

    That’s the dojo loaches, I knew they got huge, I was asking about the yo-yo loaches since I already have one and plan to get more.
  37. Pidge1992

    How many bottom feeders is too many?

    Thanks for the reply’s everyone lol just settles me on my plans. No dojo loaches for now. BUT where are we getting that yo-yo loaches get that big??? Everything I’ve read says they cap out at 3 inches and both mine (which is a few years old and about 3 inches) and my friend who has several large...
  38. Pidge1992

    How many bottom feeders is too many?

    So I love bottom feeder fish like plecos and loaches. Currently I have 1 tank running and 1 planned. A 55 gal and a 60 gal respectively. The plan is to have 2 yo-yo loaches and a rubber lipped pleco in the 55 gal and to have a rainbow shark and my common pleco in the 60 gal. (And yes, I know...
  39. Pidge1992

    Advice on Regular water changes etc? updated

    I have a fully cycled 55 gal tank, I have a HOB filter and a sponge filter. My ammonia is 0 my nitrite 0 and my nitrate is never over 40. Water is crystal clear. I change 1/3 of my water and vacuum the substrate every other week now. I use a python water changer (this thing was life altering...
  40. Pidge1992

    Stocking list for 60 gal

    Really? I’ve never had an issue with my skirt tetras.... I have 5 black skirts in my 55 and they are so slow and lazy. My dwarf gourami actually chases them sometimes. My Buenos Aires tetras are the nippy chasers of the bunch that harass everyone... but I’ll def look into the ones you suggested!