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  1. K


    Almost any other fish would eat a guppy fry. They will breed and some might survive if you have a lot of think vegetation. What you could do is net the females before they give birth and put them in one of the little breeding tanks that hang on the inside of the tank. Then after she has the...
  2. K

    How is a livebearer’s offspring’s sex determined?

    I did some additional searching on the web found exactly what you two said. I also found out they don't know very much about swordtails (the fry I had in question). "other factor is that the female fry seem to be a lot stronger and more of them survive" I never thought about that and it...
  3. K

    Swardtail pregnant

    Your swordtail's gravid spot may not be as defined as a guppie's gravid spot. On my orange swordtails I don't even really see one, but you'll know when she is about to give birth. She'll probably pop about a week after you think she can't get any bigger.
  4. K

    How is a livebearer’s offspring’s sex determined?

    I always thought it was random, like in humans, but I have a batch of fry that all appear to be female. They are at lest three months old and definitely look female. The fact that they are all the same sex makes me believe some environmental condition determines it, like in alligators or...
  5. K

    Convict Pair Fighting

    I always thought it was the male that would get volent towards the female but not in my case. These fish are pretty young, 3 1/2 inches. They had once batch of fry but didn't do to well with them. I don't think I got food down to them well enough. They had about a dozen fry from there first...
  6. K

    New swordtail variation?

    I have some swordtail fry and they are AWESOME. The mother was one of the black ones. It looks like someone sprayed a white swordtail with black. There are some places that are still white, and some that are lots of little black grains on white. The father is a normal red swordtail. Very...
  7. K

    My Snake

    I love corn snakes. I've had quite a few snakes and my corn was the best. So nice and peaceful. Your is very pretty.
  8. K

    Albino and Black convicts mating?

    Thanks for the info. I did get a black/albino pair. They already have free swiming fry too.
  9. K

    Tiny organisms on dirtwood

    I have a peice of drift wood in my 20 gallon and it has little white things on it. They are some type of...bug? I don't know what to call them. They are definitly alive and move a lot. They don't seem to go anywhere except on the surface of the wood. They are on about half the wood, and in...
  10. K

    Paddle-tail newts with fish?

  11. K

    how'd you start?

    When I was about ten we had a couple fire bellied toads and we were told they would eat guppies. I bought a dozen and added them to the toad tank (2 inches of water). A couple weeks later they breed and I was amazed. During the next few years I would go fly fishing every couple days, which...
  12. K

    pH buffers?

    Can anyone explain to me exactly how pH buffers work? Or maybe a site (not too complex)? All I know about them is that they basically work by combining with the H+ in basic solutions, but I'd like to know more. I'm not planning on using any kind of unnatural pH buffer, I was just wondering.
  13. K

    My Betta Went "Sky-Diving"

    ...Well at lest you got a great name out of that little dilemma. :lol:
  14. K

    I think Something is Happening'

    Yea the cycle has started. Amminia rises then falls to zero, then nitrite rises. I've found that once the nitrite reaches it's peak it will fall pretty quickly. Are there fish in the tank? If not you probably shouldn't change any of the water till nitrites fall back to zero. Then when that...
  15. K

    Paddle-tail newts with fish?

    I wasn’t sure where to put this topic, so if there is a better spot for it could one of the moderators move it for me? Has anyone kept newts (specifically paddle-tailed) with fish? Well, I have one, and a fire bellied toad in a 10 gallon set up. On one side of the tank there is about 6...
  16. K

    Albino and Black convicts mating?

    Has anyone had black and albino convicts pair up before? I have a male pink convict paired with a female black convict, or at lest I think they are paired. They seem to have set up a territory and chase every other fish out of it except each other. They are only about 2 ½ inches long...
  17. K


    I've gone fishing everywhere and I love it. I don't think there is a thing wrong with it though. I have seen people be completely inhuman to fish, but the majority of fisherman wouldn't do anything that would increase a fish's suffering.
  18. K

    Where can i find (surprisingly) pure ammonia

    Wal-Mart has some. It's called Clear Ammonia.
  19. K

    Breeding Angels.

    I was looking around for information on other forums, and a couple talked about what happens if you breed angels with gravel in the tank. They said the fry would fall off the rock they were laid on to the gravel and get trapped between the pieces of gravel, and die there. I’m assuming you...
  20. K

    Breeding Angels.

    I know most people who breed them have angels in a tank made only for them, have no gravel, a slanted piece of slate, among many other things. But would they breed in a community tank setup? I’ve heard that they will fall in-between the pieces of gravel. Is this true? Can you still get some...
  21. K

    Science Fair Project

    Yea, I've heard the goldfish thing too. You could keep x amount of goldfish in light conditions and x in complete darkness. Then feed them the same amount of food, and have everything else the same. Then you could weight them and compare weight. Plus when you’re done, it’s cool to have...
  22. K

    Just another breeding convict question…

    Yea, alright, I'll probaby get a 29 if I can find a good deal. By the way, a 20H is 24 by 12 inches I think. Thanks
  23. K

    Just another breeding convict question…

    What’s the minimum size a pair could breed in? Nothing else would be in there, and I’d take the fry out after a week or two. Would a 20 high work or would they need something with a little more area on the bottom? Second, do you guys usually keep a couple other fish in with breeding cons...
  24. K

    HELP with fishless cycling

    I only added ammonia in my 10 gallon every 3 days or so. (It took about 1 week to cycle) Then again I had live plants and the dying leaves probably gave enough amminia to keep the bacteria alive. What is the temperature of the tank? If I'm not mistaken higher temperatures speed the growth of...
  25. K

    Fixing long lasting fry food.

    I’m breeding livebearers for a project, so I’m going to have a lot more fry over the next couple months. I was thinking it would probably be a good idea to have a lot of food made up for them. So I have an old canister that once held tropical flakes and I wanted to fix a big batch of fry food...
  26. K

    Pleco question

    I have whats called a stingray pleco (or atlest that's what the store called it). The owner said they are also called pearl plecos. They grow 2 or 3 inches max but they don't look like your normal pleco. They have long, wide fins like a stingray and spend ALL thier time on glass or flat rocks.
  27. K

    Parasite on my kisser?

    Well, if no one knows what to do, does anyone know of a good site I could try to read up on it on?
  28. K

    Parasite on my kisser?

    Yea, that would have been a good idea. Its too late now though. It seems like a parasite burrowing into the skin. I have a hospital tank almost ready. Does anyone have any ideas what I should treat him with? I think he might be getting weaker. I have 2 pink kissers (its a 55 gallon) and...
  29. K

    Parasite on my kisser?

    I just got a pink kisser for my 55 gallon. A pair of them actually, 2 days ago. Both seem to be acting very healthy, although one has something near his doral fin. About 1/3 of the way down there is some kind of sore, (its red) with something sticking out. About half a cm sticking out, and...
  30. K

    Questions on my two new Pirhana's

    Did they grow to full size in your 55 gallon knutty? How big were they and how many?
  31. K

    Methylene Blue, other uses.

    While reading one of the assignments for my biology class, I stumbled across something. I was reading about some blue skinned people in Appalachia. Apparently there is a genetic defect where the hemoglobin molecule contains Fe 3+ instead of Fe 2+. The disorder is called methemoglobinemia. You...
  32. K

    Dip test strips and high temp

    Yea, I figured it was almost done. Is it normal for nitrate to be that high at this point though though? I guess it doesn't matter that much, I plan on chaning 50-80% of the water when its done (as smb's link say).
  33. K

    Dip test strips and high temp

    My tank is currently cycling, almost done, and the tempature is around 90. Will this high tempature affect test results? I took reading with 2 types of tests and they seemed pretty different. The first kind, which I've been using through out the cycle, are the ones when you take a water...
  34. K

    With barbs are agressive?

    I know tiger barbs are very agressive and fin nippers, but which barbs arn't? And do they still school? Any experiences are helpfull too :rolleyes: Thanks guys.
  35. K

    Lots of Red Tailed Sharks?

    Alright, well consitering I don't have 30 gallons per fish, :S I guess I'll just get one. Thanks for everyones help.
  36. K

    Bubbles on the surface?

    Well, there isn't any film on the surface, there are just always bubbles being carried around the tank by the currents. It does seem like they are taking a long time to pop though. How do I figure out if its protein or alginate or what ever else it could be, then how do I fix it?
  37. K

    Bubbles on the surface?

    In my 20 gallon I have an airstone and all the bubbles lay on the surface. When I feed the fish (sword tails and mollies) they seem to have a problem telling the difference between food and bubbles. After seeing this I just put one of those hanging plants in the corner where the airstone was...
  38. K

    Lots of Red Tailed Sharks?

    Bala sharks crossed my mind but they get WAY to big. Though if my dream comes true, and I get a 10,000 gallon tank for free, I'm going to go all out bala sharks :fun: juliethegr8t, I use that site a lot too, and it happens to be the place I got this idea from ;) but I figured I'd ask on here...
  39. K

    Lots of Red Tailed Sharks?

    Duh! Okay so I guess that isn't going to happen. Are there any kind of shark type fish that I could add a small school of? (55 gallon though)
  40. K

    Lots of Red Tailed Sharks?

    Yea, I'm not sure if I'm going to try it yet though. In stores they usually have around 10 packed into a 10 gallon and I've never seen them fight. But then again stores don't quite set the best examples. If they are all sufficating they arn't going to worry about fighting are they. :lol: