never cook anything you give them. there are a lot of opinions about fishkeeping, it is a very personal and scientific hobby. you will see many different views here and none are wrong. what you will find is a unanimous concensus that harming or stressing the fish is NO GOOD. the time to ask questions is before you buy a new fish. I had 3 red bellies in another tank but the one got larger faster and had to be removed. I kept him at a friends house in a tank all by himself. the other two are in my tank ( 55 gal) and are doing fine. one gets pushed around a little but no harm is done. i have the tank setup in a divided manner so each claims his own territory. you must, and i repeat must, have time to clean up after them and feed them properly as well as have a good filtration system. they are not easy to care for. i spend nearly an hour each night feeding and cleaning up after them. the will shake chicken liver to pieces and make a complete mess of the water. worms are not bad. they tend to gobble them right up. never feed them any kind of beef as it contains too much fat and cholesterol. i stick to chicken livers , earthworms, and on occasion feeder fish. should you have them nipping at each other, and you will at some point, keep a bottle of melafix on hand. it speeds up the ehaling process. i have over 700 dollars in my 55 gallon setup, and i do noteven have a hood for the top. it is an expensive, yet rewarding hobby. if this is your first aquarium. i am new to this forum, but there are a lot of highly educated and experienced aquariasts here to learn from. i know i have. start from the beginnig and ask some questions. we wil do our best to answer them. =)