Lots of Red Tailed Sharks?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 26, 2003
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I've read that red tailed sharks can be like barbs, one is fine, and more then 6 is fine but anything else is bad. Is this completely true? Will 6 red tailed sharks be okay in my 55 gallon alone with barbs?
I know someone who had something like 7-10 RTS's in a large tank. She reckoned she never had any trouble with aggression. Unconventional, but perhaps it might work?
Larger than a 55 gallon? And did she have other fish in there too?

Edit: Didn't mean to hit submit :X
kevy said:
Larger than a 55 gallon? And did she have other fish in there too?
I don't remember how big the tank was, but it was Big. I believe she had it as a species tank - the whole thing started out when she hit upon a scheme to breed them. At the time I spoke to her about it, she hadn't been successful but I suppose it's people like that that end up with entries in fish books like "...some breeders report that these fish breed in such-and-such conditions..."

The only problem is, you have to have a lot of hospital tanks on stand-by if it all goes horribly wrong.
Yea, I'm not sure if I'm going to try it yet though. In stores they usually have around 10 packed into a 10 gallon and I've never seen them fight. But then again stores don't quite set the best examples. If they are all sufficating they arn't going to worry about fighting are they. :lol:
it wont work out for you they are always one or two that will out grow the other ones and the smallest ones will more than likely get killed I have been keeping sharks ever since I have been keeping fish and it is hard to house those things together I dont care how many you get when they start growing and become adults they get even meaner. They even chase my mollies and danios and my big angel fish around. I have heard every one say they will be fine but I sure have to say that they are wrong. when they are small is the only time I have ever been able to keep six of them together plus they have to have plenty of places to hide to.Mine had to seperated after about a month just as soon as they started to grow I had to put them in different tanks. They sorta put me in mind of a betta. I hope this helps you out some.
Duh! Okay so I guess that isn't going to happen. Are there any kind of shark type fish that I could add a small school of? (55 gallon though)
kevy - I think what you've read is correct (IMO). It's up to you really, but I think if you have a large enough tank (which has to be pretty darned large), you could keep 6 happily. Otherwise you're going to need to stick with one to be safe.

According to aquariumfish.net (who's info I have come to respect) -

"When they [red tailed sharks] live together in large numbers in a large aquarium, they get along well with each other. They quarrel but almost never hurt one another.

But if you have less than six sharks in the same aquarium, they'll begin to quarrel, and the weakest ones will be miserable. So if you keep Red Tail Sharks, keep one or keep several, but don't keep just a few together. This guideline is true for most aggressive fish." (Also - this website said barbs can be a good tankmates for these sharks.)

I'm sure it depends on each shark, since all have a unique personality, and also on your housing for them. If it were me, I'd go for it if I had your setup - rts's get around 5'' and longer, but if you have 6 that's only 30'' of fish in your 55 gallon. Of course, it's going to depend on how many barbs you have. Overall, it's up to you, good luck!
bala sharks are great they are the coolest shark that you can have they get up to 14 inches you would have to do the math on how many you get but they do best if you buy three or more.
Bala sharks crossed my mind but they get WAY to big. Though if my dream comes true, and I get a 10,000 gallon tank for free, I'm going to go all out bala sharks :fun:

juliethegr8t, I use that site a lot too, and it happens to be the place I got this idea from ;) but I figured I'd ask on here first. I didn't want to have any dead or beaten sharks on my hands. :/
It depends on the rts you get! They all have their own personality - some are agressive and some are not - mine is laid back!
Ive always had either rts or rfs in my tanks ever since Ive been keeping aquariums. So far Ive been lucky and they all ended up being laid back. My present rfs I have with 8 juvie angels and he prefers to hang with them. At feeding time when all the angels are grouped together at the surface, he is right there with them. Sometimes I think that he thinks hes an angel.
It could probably work but you would have to treat them in much the same way as territorial cichlids, As long as each fish had a minimum of 30 gallons of tank space and a clearly defined area to call home ie lots of plants and rocks/driftwood they should leave each other alone for a large period of the time.
Alright, well consitering I don't have 30 gallons per fish, :S I guess I'll just get one. Thanks for everyones help.

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