Dip test strips and high temp


Fish Fanatic
Jul 26, 2003
Reaction score
My tank is currently cycling, almost done, and the tempature is around 90. Will this high tempature affect test results? I took reading with 2 types of tests and they seemed pretty different.

The first kind, which I've been using through out the cycle, are the ones when you take a water sample and add a solution. Results:

Ammonia .5-1 ppm
Nitrite 4ppm

Personally, these tests are the ones I trust more, but only becuase they seem more logical. Maybe something is completely wrong in my tank, I have no clue.

This is the other test, I've only used it once (just now) during the cycle. I've used them before (same pack) and the results seemed accurate. They are the 5 in 1 Quick Dip Test Strips, made by Jungle. Results:

Ph 6.7
KH 20-30 ppm
GH 150 ppm
Nitrite 10+ppm Off the scale, it seemed several times darker then 10 did
Nitrate 150+ Too much for a tank cycling for a week?

The Ph, Kh, and GH seem okay, becuase that has been what my tap water has been in the past.

Anyone know what could be causing these high reading? Or which test is the accurate one?

Thanks guys.
I don't like multistrip tests, they are to subjective, I prefer the liquid type, I think they give a closer picture,
Either way, nitrite levels that high are encouraging. It means your tank is beginning to cycle - keep an eye on it because it could go to zero at day.
Yea, I figured it was almost done.

Is it normal for nitrate to be that high at this point though though? I guess it doesn't matter that much, I plan on chaning 50-80% of the water when its done (as smb's link say).

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