Search results

  1. M

    Cleaning an "all in one" tank

    I have a UNS 60A which is a 20-ish gallon "all in one" tank. It has a compartment at the back of the tank which houses the filter media and a power head to circulate water over the filter media and back through the tank. Today I was cleaning out the back compartment and took out all of the...
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    What Should I Do For Work?

    I will add one more thing.... if you are not able to get a paying job, volunteer somewhere. We call it an internship here in the states. Some internships pay minimal, others are unpaid to help young people get experience in order to land their first job. If you don't need the money right...
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    What Should I Do For Work?

    Couple of quick tips.... 1. Keep the resume to one page 2. Use spell check, grammar check, and all those tools to make sure you don't have any errors 3. Put your strengths up front - list things in order of what you think will make you stand out most for the job 4. Absolutely include...
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    What Should I Do For Work?

    Given your state of mind, I'd recommend you do something you enjoy. Go talk to the folks at your area fish stores. See what work they might have for you. If you really like doing it and it is keeping your mind active, then give it a go. Taking on work that you don't enjoy will probably lead...
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    Corys loving life

    My corys love this one spot in the aquarium under an anubias with low hanging leaves. When they're not looking for food or playing leapfrog with each other they like to hang out here in a group and nap. They are super skittish so I can't get too close to them for a photo so it's a little out...
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    Is this a bubble nest?

    Thanks, everyone! Well that's encouraging. I'm so glad this little guy is doing well. He's got a great temperament. Not scared of anything and comes right over to greet me when I walk in the room. Eats like a little water piggy, too. He's a great betta!
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    Is this a bubble nest?

    I got a veil tale betta about a week ago. He's in a 10 gallon QT tank with a few live plants, some floaters, and black water with lots of lovely tannins. He seems to be doing very well. This morning when I went to do the water change I saw all these bubbles on the top of the water. I have...
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    New betta died in QT tank - do I need to disinfect?

    The PetSmart's in my area are deplorable. The PetCo does a better job with their fish than my local fish stores (and I use that term lightly). I went in to get a betta from the 'best' LFS in my area and half the bettas were dead in their containers. I have gotten several tetras from this...
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    New betta died in QT tank - do I need to disinfect?

    I had just gotten him from PetCo last Saturday. So not quite a week old. He never acted 'right'. For a couple of days he just laid on the bottom of the tank. The past couple of days he did come up to the top and mid sections of the tank and moved around a bit, but it definitely was not your...
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    New betta died in QT tank - do I need to disinfect?

    So, unfortunately my beautiful new betta, Sky, died sometime last night or early morning. I had him in a 10 gallon quarantine tank with no other inhabitants other than a couple of baby ramshorn that hitchhiked in on some new plants. I had 2 silk plants in the tank, an anubias nana, and a...
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    So Long

    Whew. Glad you will still be around. We would really miss you! Thanks for being a mod.
  15. M


    My guess would be your nitrate level. Some fish can probably handle that but maybe not this one. Is it high coming out of your tap? Is it possible over dosing of fertilizers? I would do a larger water change than 25% to see if you can get the nitrate level down. You say you think you are...
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    New betta not doing well - Updated with video

    Okay here's a video of the little guy this morning. He is moving around more - not spending all day at the bottom, but occasionally resting there. If you watch the video he seems to be swimming okay and staying horizontal but when he stops moving his butt sinks down a bit. Is this normal and...
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    It looks like maybe velvet or a fungal infection. How is your water quality? Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate levels. What is the tank temperature and can you tell us about your water change routine? How much water do you change and how often? Do you clean the gravel or sand in the process?
  18. M

    What is this thing?

    I just meant that I didn't want them to breed. I want 3 and not any more than that.
  19. M

    What is this thing?

    Yeah, I don't mind snails in general but I have 3 large nerites in the tank now and got them in order to control the snail population. I don't really want a bunch more snails over populating the tank. Thank you!
  20. M

    What is this thing?

    Ugh. So I guess I just pick them off as I see them?
  21. M

    What is this thing?

    Just saw this on the glass in my tank. I thought it might have been a small piece of plant leaf, but it looks like some sort of water creature. Hubs says it's a snail but I am not sure. I have 3 nerite snails in the tank but haven't seen any eggs and they shouldn't be able to hatch in fresh...
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    New betta not doing well - Updated with video

    I have 5 gallon RO containers that I use for water changes. I fill with water that goes through a filter system to remove chlorine, chloramine, lead etc - basically a drinking water filter. My tap has 0 GH so I add Equilibrium to the RO container and let it brew. I also add the water...
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    New betta not doing well - Updated with video

    Yes, that's what I did. Dosed with Prime on Sunday. Checked parameters again yesterday and today and all good.
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    New betta not doing well - Updated with video

    @EllRog Sure - tank photo attached. I am keeping the lights off again today for stress related reasons.
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    New betta not doing well - Updated with video

    He moved out from behind the sand a bit. Better photo of his head.
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  30. M

    New betta not doing well - Updated with video

    Hi, everyone. Appreciate any advice on what, if anything, I can do to help my new betta. Here's some background info: Tank: 10 gallon quarantine tank with HOB filter on very low flow & heater sand substrate - thoroughly washed prior to setting up tank Original temp 77.5 - 78 degrees 0...
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  32. M

    Ammonia in new tank with seeded filter media

    So @Essjay - would Prime cause the ammonia reading in the API liquid test kit to show as 0? After 2 water changes on Sunday, the results yesterday were consistently 0 ammonia (I tested 4 times). Is this a false reading and there may be ammonia in the tank? I'm hoping not following 2 big...
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    How low is too low?

    I have a 10 gallon quarantine tank set up right now for a new betta. Originally I was going to just have silk plants in the tank but I have added a couple of live plants and plan to add a couple more in the coming days. He'll be in the QT tank for 4-6 weeks so I want to make it as nice a...
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    Pictus Catfish seems to be dying

    When you say the only thing you do to the tank is clean the glass, does this mean you are not doing any water change or cleaning the substrate? Can you post water parameters? Ammonia, nitrite, nitrate. How large is your tank? I think this type of catfish gets pretty big so it's not going...
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    Ammonia in new tank with seeded filter media

    I have water changed enough to get the level down to somewhere between 0 and maybe less than .25 - as of last night. I've yet to check this morning but will do so once the smallest member of the household wakes up. I've been monitoring the fish but he is so chill that it's hard to determine if...
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    From rags to riches! The story of my 55 gal and rescued fish.

    Ummmm... this is amazing (what you did - not the previous owners). I am so happy for those fish and so glad you are their fish momma now.
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    Ammonia in new tank with seeded filter media

    Thanks for the input! You know one of the things I love about this hobby is I am always learning something new. Just when I think I have things figured out I get schooled (pun intended). :fish: I water changed again (my second for today) and now the ammonia is somewhere between 0 and .25...
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    Ammonia in new tank with seeded filter media

    Hi, all! So I have a 10 gallon hospital tank that I set up earlier last week. I added 1 new betta to it midday yesterday. I have a new filter cartridge in the HOB filter and I added 1 filter floss pad from a well established tank. This morning I tested the water and surprisingly had...
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    Everyone meet Sky. Sky..... everyone.

    Yep, pretty much the same behavior. He has 2 or 3 favorite spots so far and he just hangs out there.... not much exploring yet. But I'm not worried. He's got lots of space and nice, clean water. I'm sure he'll be just fine once he figures out his new digs :)