New betta not doing well - Updated with video


Nov 2, 2020
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Hi, everyone. Appreciate any advice on what, if anything, I can do to help my new betta. Here's some background info:

10 gallon quarantine tank with HOB filter on very low flow & heater
sand substrate - thoroughly washed prior to setting up tank
Original temp 77.5 - 78 degrees
0 ammonia, 0 nitrite, less than 5 nitrate, 4 GH, 7 KH, pH about 7.4
Tank water treated with water conditioner
No other inhabitants in the tank. 2 large silk plants.

Saturday - bought the betta at PetCo. The date on the cup was the day prior so it had just come in. Seemed pretty mellow, not aggressive. Came home and put him in the QT tank. Temp about 77.5 - 78. I had a cartridge from an established tank in the filter. Betta hung out near the top of one of the tall plants most of the day. Chalked it up to stress.

Sunday - little guy ate a few freeze dried blood worms in the morning. Later I checked water and was very surprised to see somewhere between .5 and 1.0 ppm ammonia. Immediately did a large water change and dosed Prime. Tested ammonia shortly thereafter and it was less than .25. Did another large water change later that afternoon. Added a little Tetra Safe Start Plus to give the bacteria a boost. Tested after and 0 ammnonia. Added 2 different types of floating plants and a small sponge filter (low flow output) to help with filtration and oxygenate the water since the HOB is set to a very low flow.

Yesterday and today - water parameters consistently good - 0 ammonia or nitrite, 5-ish nitrate. Temp increased to about 79. The betta has been lying on the same spot on the floor of the tank all day yesterday and so far today. He moves a couple of times a day but really just laying there, which does not seem like normal behavior.

I'm assuming he is sick from the exposure to ammonia on Sunday. I have watched him swim (when he does move) and does not seem to have any trouble swimming / staying horizontal. However when he rests in the plants his back side sinks down and head up. I am not sure if he has a swim bladder issue or if the weight of his tail is just pulling him down when he rests. Like I said - I do not see him struggling to swim. But this is my first betta so I am not 100% sure if it could be a swim bladder issue.

Photo is attached. There is kind of a sand mound back there and his head is behind it - sorry it's the best photo I can get. If I see him swimming again soon will try to post a video.

Any suggestions? I am at a loss for what else to do to help the poor guy at this point. Thanks for reading this long post and for any advice. I am really kicking myself for that ammonia spike and hoping this beautiful little fish will recover.


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He moved out from behind the sand a bit. Better photo of his head.


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@EllRog Sure - tank photo attached. I am keeping the lights off again today for stress related reasons.


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After doing a WC with Prime, wait 24 hours before testing again.
Buckets or hose for the WC's?
After doing a WC with Prime, wait 24 hours before testing again.
Buckets or hose for the WC's?
I have 5 gallon RO containers that I use for water changes. I fill with water that goes through a filter system to remove chlorine, chloramine, lead etc - basically a drinking water filter. My tap has 0 GH so I add Equilibrium to the RO container and let it brew. I also add the water conditioner to the container several minutes before the water changes. The water in the containers is temp controlled to match the temperature of the tank before it goes in.
Okay here's a video of the little guy this morning. He is moving around more - not spending all day at the bottom, but occasionally resting there. If you watch the video he seems to be swimming okay and staying horizontal but when he stops moving his butt sinks down a bit. Is this normal and just the weight of his tail? Or is this a swim bladder issue?

He ate 2 or 3 freeze dried bloodworms on Sunday morning. I did not try to feed him on Monday or yesterday because he was on the bottom of the tank other than when he came to the top for air. I put a little daphnia in the tank near him today and he showed no interest.

I'm encouraged that he is moving a bit mid-tank and top of tank today but he is still lethargic which I can't figure out if it's personality, stress, or something is wrong like swim bladder.

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Okay here's a video of the little guy this morning. He is moving around more - not spending all day at the bottom, but occasionally resting there. If you watch the video he seems to be swimming okay and staying horizontal but when he stops moving his butt sinks down a bit. Is this normal and just the weight of his tail? Or is this a swim bladder issue?

Vid's not viewable yet.... ;)

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