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  1. J

    agressive females

    o nowwww u tell me :rofl: thanx for your reply!!
  2. J

    got an empty 10gal for females

    i had 3 females in 1 tank and it didnt go so well so if u put females togther keep and eye on them females can be aggressive and fight like the males
  3. J

    agressive females

    well about a week ago i bought 2 females from walmart i do believe they r ct's...they were next 2 each other for about 2 weeks at i figured they had time to get acquainted with each other...i have had my eye on them and decided to get them finally...well i come home and get them...
  4. J

    My new fishes from aquabid!

    beautiful, i wish i had a variet of bettas like that what did u pay for them and was shipping bad?
  5. J

    im leaving this forum!!!!

    well im still here lol i think ill stay for awhile :P
  6. J

    im leaving this forum!!!!

    i was pretending to be mad wuv :rofl: lol sarcasm :D ttyl
  7. J

    im leaving this forum!!!!

    i just wanna let u guys know that thanx 2 u, I HAVE BECOME A BETTA FANATIC!!! and now i cant resist them i walked into walmart the other nite and spent $70 :hyper: im addicted to them now :thumbs: o well i love fish now and i guess ill just thank u guys :cool...
  8. J

    Saved a couple of lives today

    U GO GIRL!!!! i am tempted 2 do the same thing sometimes maybe i will start!!!!!
  9. J

    the worst news ever

    i still say discipline the cat....find the biggest dogg in ur neighborhood and put the cat in its mouth and see how it likes it lolol
  10. J

    Can Bettas Eat fruit or other people food?

    yes, peas do work, i was constipated yesterday and ate a can of peas and pheww....did it ever come out :rofl:
  11. J

    ok 2 put carbon at the bottom?

    i was hoping that maybe it would make like the ammonia levels lower or something lol but thats why i asked thanx for your opinion
  12. J

    ok 2 put carbon at the bottom?

    who said i was using treatments? :P doesnt carbon get in the water anyways i mean it would have to...
  13. J

    ok 2 put carbon at the bottom?

    i was just wondering if it would help or hurt to put activated carbon under the gravel on the bottom of a small tank with an under gravel filter system? has anybody tried it? thanx for your input
  14. J

    Feeding Fry

    Vinegar eels, baby brine shrimp, egg yolk, crushed fish food....ive heard a lot of things being used, what is the best in your opinion and is there an alternative to using hatcheries??? im nearing the end of my conditioning so i wanna make sure i have the right foods ready, so if you can tell...
  15. J

    Searching for types of bettas

    i tried to find the site but they didnt have anything?? maybe it was the wrong one? what is the site for it?
  16. J

    Searching for types of bettas

    hey everyone, well i was down in knoxville, Tn 2day so i figured i would hit up some pet stores and see if i could find a different types of bettas, e.g.- CT, etc.....well i went to 5 different stores and not one had anything except VT's....o well i did end up getting some live plants...
  17. J

    My Master Plan

    how much r the shelves? there is no price on the site
  18. J

    100% water change???

    ok i see now, i thought i had 2 use cycles water to put my fish in...i guess i confused it with as long as i dechlorinate it and do a 100% water change at least once a week it should be ok? thanx a lot
  19. J

    100% water change???

    great, i use a corner filter with carbon and cotton stuff.....if that is the case then should i be able to use his water(10gal) to put into her bowl when i change her water?
  20. J

    100% water change???

    yeah, i have him in there now and my female in a 2.5......but when i want to do a 100% water change what would be best thanx
  21. J

    100% water change???

    ok, i have only one 10 gal. tank, and a couple of bowls...if i do a 100% water change, do i have to keep my betta in a bowl for 4 weeks or whatever it takes for the new water to cycle??...there has got to be an easier way...does the water have to be cycled...when i first got my betta i didnt...
  22. J

    I think my betta is ADHD!!

    o i c....they r beautiful...i never really noticed that b4 haha how much money do u have in the fish alone?
  23. J

    I think my betta is ADHD!!

    thats cool...what other names do u have?
  24. J

    Ghost Shrimp...

    mine gets along great with ghost shrimp....maybe they just need some room what did u have them in with the betta? i mean size of tank/bowl
  25. J

    I think my betta is ADHD!!

    El Shaddai i like that name, have u heard the song?
  26. J

    This forum

    OMG lol i cant believe u guys r still arguing....i read pages 1, 2 and 3 and then skipped to the last post on page 5 to see that nuttin changed....ppl were saying the same exact things lolol its funny im not saying anything about anything, i plead the 5th, hoping to avoid...
  27. J

    I think my betta is ADHD!! male betta has to be ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyper-activity Disorder) seems that he never sleeps (possibly the crystal meth that i feed him??? swims back and forth on one side of the tank...after he does this for a hot minute, he will start the next...
  28. J

    Betta won't eat bloodworms...

    no but i have a betta that swims and never stops....its weird its like he is taking after me with ADHD...hmmm i think ill post a thread with that sure to check it out
  29. J

    to cycle or not to cycle

    thanx a million.....when i did all my research before i got a couple of bettas, i didnt see thta anywhere so i pretty much just added my bettas in their tanks...they seem to be doing fine......should i do anything? or just leave them alone....i have been doing water changes everyday or at...
  30. J

    to cycle or not to cycle

    i kinda get the picture on cycling water but can some1 please send specifics on how and why thanx!!
  31. J

    Betta won't eat bloodworms...

    how do you feed them peas? do u cook them? and if so do u mush them up or just throw a whole pea in? thanx
  32. J

    How long will female be plump with eggs?

    cool, thanx a lot, i have been letting them see each other every so often while i condition them, and man they want to get at it, im surprised he hasnt built a nest already
  33. J

    Culturing Live Foods

    when i put a pie pan out, of course i put water in it but it would evaporate during the day most likely, should i keep putting water in it during the day? hmmm
  34. J

    OMG!!!! look at this

    wow, he is beautiful...i might try to get him :kana:
  35. J

    Culturing Live Foods

    daphnia...what exactly are they and how woulod i get them out of a lake or pond...and when u say baby fish, do u mean fry or just small fish?....thanx
  36. J

    Betta won't eat bloodworms...

    i use pellets, but i would rather them have a variety...i mean how would u feel if u had pizza for the rest of your life and nothing else, well i could prolly do that with out complaining much so bad example haha
  37. J

    "Betta Bulbs"

    i have seen bulbs (tho they werent called betta bulbs as i recall) sold at walmart :o 3 in a pack, i havnt tried them but i have thought about gettin a pack to try it interested in hearing others as well......
  38. J

    Culturing Live Foods

    ok, this is fun, im new so please dont mind the topics im i said in another topic, there isnt a pet store around here for miles and miles, are there any ways to start a culture of any kinds of live foods without buying a starter kit/starter culture...i know i could get something...