Culturing Live Foods


New Member
Jun 24, 2005
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Harlan County USA (KY)
ok, this is fun, im new so please dont mind the topics im i said in another topic, there isnt a pet store around here for miles and miles, are there any ways to start a culture of any kinds of live foods without buying a starter kit/starter culture...i know i could get something off of ebay or something but would like to avoid having to on a tight budget....i have thought of using mosqito larva but i have to wait till it gets a lil warmer here cuz i havnt seen any yet in buckets of water outside, and i can also catch night crawlers here, would that be a good idea if i just cut them in small little peices? if so could i cut them and then freeze them? thanx for reading this and i hope u will reply!!!
night crawlers cut up will be great for teh fish, iv done that, and also if u leave a pie dish out with water in it u can cult masquito larve. daphnia or (water fleas) are good for baby fish, u can find them in just about any lake or pond. for larger fish like oscars, iv heard tadpoles are great, but for a betta they may be too big. :thumbs:
try getting i forog t how you call them some people call them see monkeys but there shrimp its a kit you buy brine shrimp there called try this link you can buy them from this site brine shrimp on aqua bid or you can try giveing them veggy's
CLUELESS???? Posted on Jun 27 2005, 04:14 AM
try getting i forog t how you call them some people call them see monkeys but there shrimp its a kit you buy brine shrimp there called try this link you can buy them from this site brine shrimp on aqua bid or you can try giveing them veggy's

Veggies? what kind of veggies?
well when i had one the lfs told me boil veggies like celary cucumber all type but boiled and crushed put a little dont let the water cloud up
but try gettin brine shrimp like $1 some times on bid you can feed him out of the for 5 or 6 years
bettas dont eat that much
GuppyDude said:
night crawlers cut up will be great for teh fish, iv done that, and also if u leave a pie dish out with water in it u can cult masquito larve. daphnia or (water fleas) are good for baby fish, u can find them in just about any lake or pond. for larger fish like oscars, iv heard tadpoles are great, but for a betta they may be too big. :thumbs:
daphnia...what exactly are they and how woulod i get them out of a lake or pond...and when u say baby fish, do u mean fry or just small fish?....thanx
Shelled peas, cucumber, etc. You could also pick up some bloodworms (frozen or freeze-dried) at your next store visit. They last a LONG time if you don't feed them all the time.

Brine shrimp are a really big pain in the butt to raise... I wouldn't even go there. Lots of salt and aeration and such... a mess.

The pie pan is a good idea, though! Go after that one.
when i put a pie pan out, of course i put water in it but it would evaporate during the day most likely, should i keep putting water in it during the day? hmmm
pie dish is good but i would get a gallon water bottle and cut in half to get mesqito larve in there or a bucket becouse were you are at its hot !!!!! :*)
daphnia or water fleas are small brine shrimp sized critters that live in teh water, if u catch them you can culture them. u can remove them with a net form a pond or river with no problem

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