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  1. weathermen

    Cyanobacteria I Think Aka Shxt Brown Stuff

    I Give UP! :angry: I have tried black out for three days and no feeding, after three days tank looked great did a 80% water change three days later brown crap! I've added a Ehiem professinal at £200, run this for two weeks with de-nitrate and Phos, NOTHING! still brown crap! I converted my...
  2. weathermen

    Cyanobacteria I Think Aka Shxt Brown Stuff

    yeah I have a TDS which is reading 2! a fuge is the next move around xmas, I have found a source for acrylic and I'm ready to build! :rolleyes:
  3. weathermen

    Cyanobacteria I Think Aka Shxt Brown Stuff

    De-nitrate and water changes? is this not right :blush:
  4. weathermen

    Cyanobacteria I Think Aka Shxt Brown Stuff

    Hi all, I’m losing the battle! Over the last 5 weeks I’ve had a problem with Nitrates :angry: which has now sparked cyanobacteria?, my sand and live rock is covered in brown shxt :angry: and I have green algae pearling on the top of the live rock and around the pumps! The tank is 75 gallons UK...
  5. weathermen

    Bloody Next Door Neiborough...

    Seio's on wave maker are so, so quiet! well worth it, Hydors are good but each time they yurn on they rattle plus the black basket on the front keeps flying off when I first got them, Thank GOD for cable ties! Oh yes the Didge! just another hobby! :blush: great way to chill out! circular...
  6. weathermen

    Bloody Next Door Neiborough...

    I just read this and though "oh my god" I've had the same problem in my house, built 1928 with only two bricks keeping us apart, mine isn't the main pump it's my Hydors going on and off with the wave maker, those boys do rattle! :crazy: I'm changing over to Seio's :hyper: but still the others...
  7. weathermen

    Need To Save £ Or $

    right! I think I might go down the reactor route again, Keny Marine is £44 so that's not to much, cheers for response.
  8. weathermen

    Need To Save £ Or $

    Hi all I’ve had an idea not sure if it would work, I’m running a Kent Marine reactor for phos removal, I also want to add Seachem Matrix and carbon to my system in the sump, as we all know the price of reactors are real high! Has anyone ever used an internal filter in a sump running carbon or...
  9. weathermen

    Lite Set Torch For Vectron Uv

    thanks BIGC i will give that a go tomorrow cheers
  10. weathermen

    Lite Set Torch For Vectron Uv

    Hi all, I have just replaced the bulb on my vectron 600 UV but I can't find the lite-set torch for make it work, has anyone on here got a spare :blush: or know where I can get one :blush: I'm willing to pay either way, need to get this working, have tangs so better to be safe than sorry and...
  11. weathermen

    Domino Damsel Has Pushed It To Far

    I'll give that trap eeze a look into, also to those who have had Damsels, have you ever noticed the colour change thing they do! they go from jet black to a pale grey! I guess this is some sort mating thing going on, :blush: very pretty to watch for such an agressive fishy!
  12. weathermen

    Domino Damsel Has Pushed It To Far

    Thanks for your comments, Looks like I have the task of removing rock and getting them out, I guess we all gotta learn the hard way! shame I can't turn them into Sushi! "only Joking" :hyper: Not looking forward to that! :unsure: Cheers guys & girls !
  13. weathermen

    Domino Damsel Has Pushed It To Far

    Hi Littleme, thanks for that! I ahve tried to get them out after the event, just too much rock in the way! I think a new landscape is in order, remove all rock catch the blighters and re-landscape the tank! I was sold as semi aggresive! Oh POO! at least if they do go I can get the power blue...
  14. weathermen

    Domino Damsel Has Pushed It To Far

    I have a problem with my Domino Damsel fish! only one the other seems ok Original tank stock as follows 1 Yellow Tang 1 Cardinal 1 Dotty Back 1 Green Chromis 1 Regal Tang 2 Nemo Clowns I then Purchased two juvenile Domino Damsels, (no problem with integrating) three weeks later I bought a...
  15. weathermen

    Leaving Marines

    sorry to see you go! thanks for your help along the road! :blink:
  16. weathermen

    Need Help Deciding On Marine Or Fresh Water Aquarium.

    Nathan go with salt mate, I have freshwater and salt, I run a high tec freshwater with CO2 and fertz, I also have a 75g Marine, since I've gone to marine I feel this is where I wonna be, the science isn't that bad, you will get all the help you need on here, the main difference is cost! If I...
  17. weathermen

    New Tank

    Hi Mark the unit does come with the cables to hang, Bad news is I got intouch with 1st4aquatics to chase order and I have now been told that it will take two weeks for the light stand to come :angry: , I was like you are joking, "so why send the light unit ahead"? they said so you can wire it...
  18. weathermen

    New Tank

    Hi mark good news and bad news :angry: , light unit has arrived but no stand brackets! as soon as they come I will hook it up and post pics, unit does look very nice though :drool:
  19. weathermen

    New Tank

    hi mark456 I have the same size tank as you from seabray! I have just purchased the same make with 2 x150w, should be delivered today or tomorrow, I'll let you know what I think about it! :unsure:
  20. weathermen

    New Lighting Upgrade Need Advise

    hi there, sorry I didn't get back over the break! the sump I have is 29g, but the baffles are in the wrong place to turn into a refuge! this will be my next project! I'm going to order the 2 x 150w today! thanks for other offers but I need it to look nice and fuss free! :good: as soon as...
  21. weathermen

    New Lighting Upgrade Need Advise

    Hi Crazy fishes thanks for your advice! as for water movement I have three korila 3's plus will be getting 2 seio's as well! the ocean runner from the sump also pushed a good current on the surface! the Blau halide also do a 2 x 150w unit so that might be better than the 2 x 250w! I don't...
  22. weathermen

    New Lighting Upgrade Need Advise

    you will get rid of me soon and I will have a different question to ask, has anyone seen these? Blau Aquaristic Metal Halide Lighting :unsure: 90cm 2 x 250w with 2 x 39w T5 Atinic Tubes The ideal illumination to maintain corals in reef aquariums. Anti-corrosive anodised aluminium...
  23. weathermen

    New Lighting Upgrade Need Advise

    right, I see what your saying, right I'm going to go for a 250w halide with two T5's and hang it from the ceiling, at least then I can have other lights laying on the top glass to boost the light, thanks again :good:
  24. weathermen

    New Lighting Upgrade Need Advise

    I've been looking and I've seen this :hyper: Marine Lux T5 & Halide Complete Retro Kits are these good? :blink: I have about 10cm of room in my hood, will this be ok! my misses really, and I mean really doesn't want anything hanging from the ceiling, could this work? I feel lost at the...
  25. weathermen

    New Lighting Upgrade Need Advise

    Um interesting, :shifty: I haven't orderred yet! I'll have a look on the net and see what findings i get! thanks :good:
  26. weathermen

    New Lighting Upgrade Need Advise

    Hi ya thanks for that, my tank is 36 x 24 x 24, I think it might be better to go for the 250w and then add more light later! looks like I'm going to be spending more than I thought :crazy: cheers guys :good:
  27. weathermen

    New Lighting Upgrade Need Advise

    Hi all, just a real quick question, I won't to loose the interpet T5's and invest in an Arcadia Series 4 slimline overtank luminare! :hyper: the choice is 250w halide with 2 T5 24w blue's :unsure: or 150w hailde with 2 T5 24w blues, :unsure: the 250w is £449 :crazy: the 150w is £349...
  28. weathermen


    I used to use Java, but they always used to send my plants to the billing address not the delivery address, I had some sitting in transit for three days once, they delivered to the wrong place three times, also when I called them I found them very rude, I now use greenline or aqua essentails...
  29. weathermen

    Clowns Have Cluster Of Eggs

    cheers I'll go on the look out for the Neon Goby! :good:
  30. weathermen

    Live Stock On Line

    his is also a good one to try, never had a problem :hyper:
  31. weathermen

    Clowns Have Cluster Of Eggs

    cheers Skifletch, I've had the cleaner shrimp in with the malu since Decemeber, he has now only took the opertunity to eat him, :angry: I can't take the Malu away as the clown love it! don't I need a cleaner in the tank for tangs? itch? :unsure:
  32. weathermen

    Clowns Have Cluster Of Eggs

    cheers for that! not sure if I can get that set up in time :unsure: any ideas on what to do with the malu, has anyone else had this problem? :blink:
  33. weathermen

    Clowns Have Cluster Of Eggs

    Hi all my two clowns have a large cluster of eggs near their Malu anomone (which I must say is being a real #### at the moment :angry: ) it's eaten three peppermint shrimps and I find on sunday it's taken out my cleaner shrimp! is this normal????? anyway back to the clowns, :rolleyes: this...
  34. weathermen

    Malu Anemone V's Peppermint Shrimps

    Hi all, after finding out I have a major problem with Aiptasia, I've purchased three peppermint shrimps and a bottle of Joes Juice, well the shrimps went in sunday! checkinglast night I saw the remains on one stuck to my Malu anemone! "greedy little bastard" :angry: with a little digging...
  35. weathermen


    Hi tweedz, this bulb unit is a low enegy bulb, they sell these in Homebase! not sure if this is of any help! :unsure:
  36. weathermen

    Sump/skimmer Perormance

    Hi Sea Turtle, if you are using check valves go with the flapper or ball version, spring versions will drive you mad, TRUST ME! also ball valves will help with flow rates etc! all my sump has is heaters, filter foam, skimmer, return pump, two baffles and some bio balls, this will do you for...
  37. weathermen

    Hermit Crabs Reproducing

    that's great! what an amazin thing to see, fingers crossed they make it, so many places to hide! :good:
  38. weathermen

    I'm Ready To Show Pic's

    @ Skifletch, It didn't like the move, after the tank crack it spent two hours in a bucket that went down to around 21 in temp! then when I tried to get it in this tank it wouldn't leave my hand, 20 minutes before it would let go, my fingers were like a prune! I'm open for suggestions for more...
  39. weathermen

    I'm Ready To Show Pic's

    yet another great idea, I have orderred some Joe's Juice, I'll try all methords and see what happens, thanks again! peppermint shrimps tomorrow :drool:
  40. weathermen

    I'm Ready To Show Pic's

    Right you have made me jump this morning with my aiptasia problem, now I have just read that you can use lemon juice, I was given some medical syringes for injecting unwanted pest's, never knew it was these little buggers! I must have around 80 or more, has anyone used this methord? also...