New Lighting Upgrade Need Advise

if you want a cheap 250W MH we've one for sale, it's a security light jobby so not a pretty luminare but it works, got a spare bulb for it of 14000k and it's got all the fixing to attach to a wall.

be considerably cheaper than the luminaires if you want a really cost effective solution! lol
I think Ski sums that up: "WOW" indeed!!! That is certainly a lot of flow for a three foot tank. I take it you were also thinking of keeping SPS too? I don't think softies and LPS would be over pleased by being buffeted by those laminar currents or are you using a waver maker duberries? How big is you sump? Also have you gone that little bit further in corporating a refugium? That would be awesome for an SPS tank since nitrate and phosphate need to be unmeasurable as well as preventing algae growth like Ski mentioned!! You are most welcome for the advice I know how confusing it can get, but by the sounds of it your tank should thirve with adequate care and attention.

Good luck in the future

hi there, sorry I didn't get back over the break!

the sump I have is 29g, but the baffles are in the wrong place to turn into a refuge! this will be my next project! I'm going to order the 2 x 150w today!

thanks for other offers but I need it to look nice and fuss free! :good:

as soon as it is delievred and up and ready I will take some more pics!

I will be back for more info! :blush:

hope you all have a good weekend :drool:

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