I'm Ready To Show Pic's


Fish Fanatic
Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
Benfleet Essex (UK)
Hi all,

to all of you that helped with advice and stuff I thank you Oh yeah I will need more help! :blush: , here are a few pics of set up and fishy friends!












I think that's if :good: I'll get some pics of those who hide ASAP!
Thanks again!

Oh yeah in pic 4 what are they called :blush:
They look a hell of a lot like some really big aiptasia to me but they could be something that looks the same but isn't (does that make sense? :) ). I'm not expert especially when it comes to ID'ing things.

If they are Aiptasia you have a problem as they spread really quickly and sting everything they come into contact with so can take over an entire tank in a very short time.

I like the aquascaping, looks really good.
Great lookin tank. I'd get some joes juice or peppermint shrimp right away to keep those aiptasia in-check were it mine ;). And congrats on the carpet nem, those are not good shippers at all, you're lucky it's still with you.
Heh, the carpet could totally take the aiptasia down. ;) If it were my tank I'd just leave 'em; they look great in my opinion. What species is the purple anemone?
Thanks for your comments, :good:

I think the Purple anemone is a Malu, i could be wong :blush: ,

aiptasia I didn't know they were bad! I thought they looked great! are they a tank nasty then? :crazy:
Right you have made me jump this morning with my aiptasia problem,

now I have just read that you can use lemon juice, I was given some medical syringes for injecting unwanted pest's, never knew it was these little buggers! I must have around 80 or more, has anyone used this methord?

also what about a Copperband or Raccoon butterflyfish? could I have one of these in my tank?

I will however go along with the peppermint shrimp!
Another good method is boiling water, inject direct into the centre from a syringe. Works every time cost nothing and no worries about adding stuff to the aquarium :) Tanks looking well :)
yet another great idea, I have orderred some Joe's Juice, I'll try all methords and see what happens,

thanks again!

peppermint shrimps tomorrow :drool:
@ Skifletch,

It didn't like the move, after the tank crack it spent two hours in a bucket that went down to around 21 in temp! then when I tried to get it in this tank it wouldn't leave my hand, 20 minutes before it would let go, my fingers were like a prune!

I'm open for suggestions for more anemones! any ideas? :drool:
I was thinking of Polyps! easy to keep and do look good! what do you think,

anyone else throw me ideas as well, it's an open shop for ideas! let's build this baby up! :good:

I'm so happy it's friday! :rolleyes:
I would just leave the aiptasia if I were you. They really aren't causing too many problems by the looks of it. Hell, I'd take 'em off you if I didn't live across the ocean. :lol:

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