Clowns Have Cluster Of Eggs


Fish Fanatic
Jun 6, 2005
Reaction score
Benfleet Essex (UK)
Hi all

my two clowns have a large cluster of eggs near their Malu anomone (which I must say is being a real #### at the moment :angry: ) it's eaten three peppermint shrimps and I find on sunday it's taken out my cleaner shrimp! is this normal?????

anyway back to the clowns, :rolleyes:

this cluster must be around the size of a desert spoon, they are being very over protective and keep cleaning them all the time, will I be able to save any clowns for when they hatch??? :unsure:
cheers for that!

not sure if I can get that set up in time :unsure:

any ideas on what to do with the malu, has anyone else had this problem? :blink:
H. malu anemones are very aggressive ones, so the behavior of yours is regrettably normal. Your only options are to not keep shrimp, or not keep the nem...

As for the clowns, once they start laying eggs, they will continue to do so weekly ad infinitum so long as their habitat does not change. There will be other clutches of eggs ;)
cheers Skifletch,

I've had the cleaner shrimp in with the malu since Decemeber, he has now only took the opertunity to eat him, :angry:
I can't take the Malu away as the clown love it! don't I need a cleaner in the tank for tangs? itch? :unsure:
If the Tangs are healthy now, chances are they'll remain healthy. If you're really interested in a cleaner organism, consider a neon goby. They perform cleaning functions and are not really a target for the nem.

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