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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. JxsPxxle

    Broken filter

    I have took it apart and played around with it and not noticed anything, I am starting to think its likely an electrical issue instead. Hopefully someone can advise as I do not have a clue lol
  2. JxsPxxle

    Are these safe to use

    These are leaves from the Sycamore tree.
  3. JxsPxxle

    How to salt bath for fin rot

    One teaspoon of aquarium salt per gallon of water is the maximum cories can withstand.
  4. JxsPxxle

    Goldfish Help

    They will likely be ammonia burns, keep water quality top notch and try to eliminate all ammonia from the water. Do not over feed and do regular water changes. Make sure you cycle your tank.
  5. JxsPxxle

    Broken filter

    I have a 15 gallon tank with a filter that came with it, it has worked fine for over a year and around 4am a couple of nights ago I was randomly awoken and heard a very loud electricity/sparking sort of noise. When I went to investigate I found that my filter was no longer working. Have replaced...
  6. JxsPxxle

    hello new to forum

    Also what capacity is your tank?
  7. JxsPxxle

    hello new to forum

    Could be a problem with your tap water containing lots of nitrates if it is spiking quickly after a water change. Also you mentioned your nitrates went up to 3? If you mean 3ppm that is a perfectly safe amount of nitrates. Edit - Grammar
  8. JxsPxxle

    hello new to forum

    Welcome to the forum. Sounds like water changes are the way to go, maybe add some live plants to get those nitrates down.
  9. JxsPxxle

    Nano Tank Ideas

    As a rule of thumb I would only give them snails with shells smaller than the fish themselves, they do have a surprisingly large appetite and will eat a large snail. Snails like full grown nerites wouldn't be touched though. My LFS actually used to do the same for me and whenever I would come to...
  10. JxsPxxle

    Nano Tank Ideas

    Possibly a singular dwarf pea pufferfish. I had a group of 4 in a 15 gallon tank and it worked great, unfortunately two ended up jumping out of a tiny gap in the lid on the tank in the middle of the night and died, so do keep that in mind. Also, they ate my cherry shrimp so I would not suggest...
  11. JxsPxxle

    Fish tank has Ich

    You should do your best to reduce your ammonia levels. Do this by doing a fairly large water change (maybe 50%) and also using a gravel vacuum to get rid of any waste or left over food in your fish tank. Also make sure any dead plants are removed from the tank too. Try to cut down on how much...
  12. JxsPxxle

    What is eating my Hydrocotyle tripartita 'Japan'?

    I doubt shrimp would be the culprit
  13. JxsPxxle

    Mystery Bolivian ram illness

    It seems like potential ammonia poisoning, but you say all levels apart from nitrate are 0, are you sure your ammonia reading is 0? It could be left over food causing an ammonia spike, you mentioned changing the food just before the problem occurred.
  14. JxsPxxle

    42g Update!

    Keep that duckweed under control, it goes mental with good lighting lol
  15. JxsPxxle

    Help whats wrong with my 2 day old molly fry?

    It may be a problem with fin development or a deformity and the fish being off balance. If not I am not so sure, very strange.
  16. JxsPxxle

    Biorb filters…

    I would just vacuum around the rocks and maybe once every few weeks remove the media. Hope it goes well!
  17. JxsPxxle

    Found my First Cory eggs tonight

  18. JxsPxxle

    Biorb filters…

    As for the filter I am not sure what would be the best option, but definitely do vacuum the gravel weekly, just include it in when you do your water change that is what I usually do and all goes well. A monthly extra vacuum probably is not even necessary in my experience, your better off just...
  19. JxsPxxle

    Surely it cant be...?

    Had some peppered cories that large before, just sold as XL cories.
  20. JxsPxxle

    10 Tetra Fish with a Betta

    I currently have a 60 litre fish tank that has been established for just over a year now with one f betta fish, and 5 ember tetras. I am thinking of introducing 5 bleeding heart tetra, my betta is quite tame and has never attempted to chase the tetra, does this sound like a good idea?
  21. JxsPxxle

    Tank Scaping Ideas

    It's a 15 gallon long tank, I don't fancy showing pictures because it looks pretty crappy, then plants are very over grown.
  22. JxsPxxle

    Vote Now - January 2021 Pet of the Month contest

    This is lemon, he’s a round boi and I got him almost a year ago. He mainly eats morio worms but sometimes he enjoys his crickets if he’s feeling extra energetic , because he’s too much of a fatty to chase them around. I’m guessing he’s around two years old and the first picture shows him when i...
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  24. JxsPxxle

    Tank Scaping Ideas

    A year or so a go I was very much into the fish hobby, and then changed to prefer reptiles and invertebrates, now I am wanting to get back into fish again and give my tank a much needed make over and maybe get another tank or two. Please could I have some inspiration as I know you lot have some...
  25. JxsPxxle

    My 30L Tropical Cube

    You should get some Anubias Nana petite , and a wild type betta would look great in here, seen a few good ones on eBay recently
  26. JxsPxxle

    45 gallon ideas

    Bulldog Plecos are cool
  27. JxsPxxle

    Nitrates in tap water - tropical tank

    I've heard tap water filters can help with this.
  28. JxsPxxle

    Word Association Game

  29. JxsPxxle

    how to set up a planting light

    Im guessing you mean the tube lamps, you will need to find out the length and the bulb size (e.g. t5, t8) then get the appropriate fixture for it.
  30. JxsPxxle


    Cories would be a nice addition, this stocking seems fine for the tank size, you could certainly add more. A large shoal of tetras would be nice for a tank that big.
  31. JxsPxxle

    Betta hurt? What should I do?

    Just any plants that would provide somewhere for your betta to hide in or lay on, they like to make beds from plants.
  32. JxsPxxle

    Betta hurt? What should I do?

    My betta used to be in a tank with rocks and wood, and his fins would get ripped up by the filter flow pushing him into them, it could be this I solved the problem by taking out any decor that posed a threat and replaced it with soft, live plants such as hornwort.
  33. JxsPxxle

    Fins not healing after fin rot

    I suggest cleaning the gravel thoroughly with a gravel vacuum, and doing small daily water changes.
  34. JxsPxxle

    Did we get ich for Christmas?

    The best thing you can probably do is just let it happen, moving it to another tank or moving things around would cause more stress.
  35. JxsPxxle

    betta in 15 gallon

    Okay i’d rather be safe than sorry thanks for the info!
  36. JxsPxxle

    betta in 15 gallon

    My betta is fairly aggressive to be fair but doesn’t seem to mind the tetras, but will happily decapitate 10 neocardinia shrimp. Anything else I can put in there? Someone in the shop mentioned 3 cories but i’ve been lead to believe I need a group of 6-8 at least?
  37. JxsPxxle

    betta in 15 gallon

    I have a betta and 8 ember tetras in a 15 gallon tank, I was wondering if I could keep a dwarf crayfish in here. If not is there anything else that could live in the tank?
  38. JxsPxxle

    Tumour Growth on Betta?

    Asking for a friend, he sent me this picture of his Betta he has had for about 3 months now who appears to have grown a tumour around the gill area. Is this correct? Water parameters are fine, the tank was cycled prior to adding the fish and the only inhabitants are the fish and two nerite snails.