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  1. S

    My Tank Before And After

    ok here is my tank before i added the rocks and background... here it is with just rocks added.. and here is the garbage bag background! I'm most likely going to get a real background from the lfs to make the tank look more "full" comments welcomed:)
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    Pleco Pics

    cool, they look awesome.....those are really amazing pictures lol, as soon as mine sees the camera hes off behind a rock...
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    Suggest Me Some Fish

    Hey, I just wanted some imput on what fish would go okay in my tank, with my current tankmates being 4 cherry barbs(1m, 3f) a bristlenose plec, 1 m platy, and 6 head and tail light tetra I'm looking for something a bit bigger then these fish(2-5inches), that will like swimming in the middle to...
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    Rocks For Use In The Aquarium

    Thanks and I hope this helps others too:)
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    Rocks For Use In The Aquarium

    ok...and here is a pic of some slate chunks I found,(which you noted that shouldnt be used if they have veins of orange/iron) can i just break off those pieces and still use the slate? thanks for your help
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    Rocks For Use In The Aquarium

    well no.4 has fools gold I its a no lol and number 19 is granite I'm pretty sure, and the ridges are hard just like the rest of the rock...but on the underside theres this very red colour...i can take a pic if needed?
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    Rocks For Use In The Aquarium

    Just wondering, I picked these up from the local beach, it is freshwater, and I've done the vinegar test on all of them, nothing happened...I've now boiled for 25minutes, can you tell me if any of them arent ok for my tank. (I think alot are granite or quartz, its just a few I'm unsure of)...
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    Update:boiling Tank Decor

    Thanks alot...ya I've got some rocks instead lol I figured i 'melted' it a bit
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    When U Aquscape Do U

    IMO you can balance both so that you get the look you want, and the fish are happy. I found that my fish were wayy more active when I added more plants and hiding spots, and I love the look of rocks and lots of plants in a tank..Eitherway, if the fish are comfortable, then it will be alot...
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    Update:boiling Tank Decor

    well, its kinda soft and some parts are flaking off a its cooling its getting better though...someone please help??
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    Update:boiling Tank Decor

    I'm not using the tank lol, I already have an established tank, I just wanted to know how long I had to boil this decoration before i can use it in my tank. I've boiled it for over 45mins so far..
  12. S

    Update:boiling Tank Decor

    update: K I think that i wrecked it cuz the paint is peeling off a few it still okay to use??? Just wondering how long I would boil a tank decoration that used to be in a lizard terrarium (Its actually for the aquarium, but we just used it for the lizard) and is boiling it and...
  13. S

    Bad Fish Choice

    try the betta forum, I'm pretty sure the females can be in a community tank, but the males tend to either get beaten up by the other fish, or beat up the other fish lol, and its most likely too big for him, the males usually live on their own
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    Old Seashells In The Fw Aquarium

    no test kit lol...atm that does sound good but the thing is that from what I'm reading it slowly changes it over time, so i would have to test it after like a month and a few maybe...I'm now looking into driftwood which should be fine. Thanks alot
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    Old Seashells In The Fw Aquarium

    ya I'm thinking that ... would be beautiful in a tank though...guess I'll have to go saltwater for that...
  16. S

    Old Seashells In The Fw Aquarium

    does anybody have any idea? this site says that if you coat them in epoxy they should be okay, but I'm not sure if I could coat the inside of those shells? Maybe submerge it completely? lol hellppp ????
  17. S

    My Fish Keep Getting Stuck To The Filter

    i had that problem before in my old 10g because I was 40gallons OVERFILTERING...what is your filter rated for? that easily could be the problem, because the current is too strong, making the fish tired and weak, then their easily getting sick and dying, or they get so weak that they swim past...
  18. S

    Old Seashells In The Fw Aquarium

    Thanks for your opinions. Yes my tank is freshwater,(30g) and it has 4 cherry barbs, a bristlenose plec, 1 platy, and 6 glowlight tetra...I'm unsure of my pH but i know the water I'm using is RO water, so it shouldnt be hard or have high ph?(right??) Here are some photos of the shells Please...
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    Old Seashells In The Fw Aquarium

    Ok, so last night my dad got this great idea on how to spice up my tank..downstairs in my basement he has these 3 large conch shells that he picked up from the beach in Jamaica in around, 1984 he says....If I boil these/cook them/ somehow sanitize, will they be okay for my freshwater tank? My...
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    How Would I Travel With A Cake?

    Thanks all, very great ideas...I'm excited about it now!(Instead of dreading it lol)
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    How Would I Travel With A Cake?

    so this friday is my boyfriends birthday and it just so happens that I always bake a homemade cake for everyones birthday! The problem is he lives about 5 hours away by bus, and I want to bake the thing at home where I'm more comfortable using my familliar tools (I thought about cooking it at...
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    Diy 3d Foam Backgrounds?

    So I've been searching through threads, and I just really want to know if anyone knows any tutorials/journals ect fpr making 3d backgrounds out of styrofoam and cement?
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    My 30 Gal

    This is a picture I got of my plec today...Is this normal lol? :blink: And a picture of the whole tank...its kinda empty since lately my fish have been sick -_-
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    Update:( 3 Fish Dead..another On The Way Out

    so that just looks like flukes??? What kind of bacterial med? Like could you tell me what the labels might say? bacterial infection
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    Update:( 3 Fish Dead..another On The Way Out

    he was still alive here
  26. S

    Update:( 3 Fish Dead..another On The Way Out

    The orange Platy has just up and died on me!! He was acting exactly like the gourami and ram..hmm..something tells me this isnt just gill flukes...I'm uploading pics right now btw, yesterday I got this med called Life Bearer...apparently the clout would have hurt my plec the pet store guy...
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    Update:( 3 Fish Dead..another On The Way Out

    ok thank you....I'll update tomorrow..:)
  28. S

    Update:( 3 Fish Dead..another On The Way Out

    well i had these tabs, from "Jungle" and they said they treated internal, external ect...gill flukes are on there...but it didnt get rid of my internal parasites last time, so I'm not sure if I'd use it again...either way...I'll keep updated, thanks
  29. S

    Update:( 3 Fish Dead..another On The Way Out

    thank you.....well his gills are a little red...I mean...I dont know what 'normal' gills should be like, because every fish except the tetras all have a little colour to them...either way, I'm treating the whole tank so hopefully if he has it, he'll be alright
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    Update:( 3 Fish Dead..another On The Way Out

    do they sell it in canada...I guess I'll have to look also how do my other fishes gills look:(
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    Update:( 3 Fish Dead..another On The Way Out

    more we go.. I couldnt get a very close one of the barbs, their way too skittish lol
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    Update:( 3 Fish Dead..another On The Way Out

    I thought there really wasnt much you can do cuz at the time the worms were right out of the platy and I could see them so...I'll go to the petstore tomorrow....I'm going to take pics of my other platies too and you can see the difference...I'll add them on in a bit
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    Update:( 3 Fish Dead..another On The Way Out

    okay well I will have to go tomorrow there anything else you suggest I pick up while I'm there? I've had advice from you befire about internal parasites as well, and I just want to know of theres anything that I can do about that because it always seems that I have problems...
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    Update:( 3 Fish Dead..another On The Way Out

    yeah its only the platy I'm worried about....his belly does look really weird in the 2nd pic...and i tried to get a front view, cuz hes barely there at all.....I just want to know how to save the rest of my fish, cuz it seems like its contagious or something considering 2 of my healthiest...
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    Update:( 3 Fish Dead..another On The Way Out

    well no flicking, but I'm not sure about 'jerky' swimming because the tetras have always seemed pretty jumpy when I'm near the tank
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    Update:( 3 Fish Dead..another On The Way Out

    yep, they all ate normally...I'm trying to get the rest of the pics just 1 min
  37. S

    Update:( 3 Fish Dead..another On The Way Out

    I havent seen it go to the bathroom. They only seem to get a U shape after they get stuck to the filter, which i think is part of that maybe It seemed like their head was the weight, the fish constantly were 'nosediving' and laying sideways on the bottom trying to move and breathe. only the...
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    Update:( 3 Fish Dead..another On The Way Out

    I'm just going to list this to make reading much faster. 4 days ago Bolivian Ram starts acting weird. He hides, swims kinda out of balance. Everything in the tank was as normal as can be as far as I know. I find him stuck to the filter a few hours later. After that he just gets worse and...