Update:( 3 Fish Dead..another On The Way Out

Finding out for you on that med.
The other fish look fine apart from that last pic of the blue platy, can you describe his gills.
thank you.....well his gills are a little red...I mean...I dont know what 'normal' gills should be like, because every fish except the tetras all have a little colour to them...either way, I'm treating the whole tank so hopefully if he has it, he'll be alright
I would definately treat for flukes.
I will see about that med for you.
It can be shipped but it depends on if customs let it through, good luck.
well i had these tabs, from "Jungle" and they said they treated internal, external ect...gill flukes are on there...but it didnt get rid of my internal parasites last time, so I'm not sure if I'd use it again...either way...I'll keep updated, thanks
Sometimes you have to medicate a few weeks later again to make sure they have gone.
The orange Platy has just up and died on me!! He was acting exactly like the gourami and ram..hmm..something tells me this isnt just gill flukes...I'm uploading pics right now
btw, yesterday I got this med called Life Bearer...apparently the clout would have hurt my plec the pet store guy said.. and I'm feeding anti parasite food as well...all the other fish are acting fine, even the platy with the horrible gills...and they look worse since I added the meds? Whats up with that


he was still alive here


Flukes are nasty as in there hooks or suckers they have a nasty bacteria, once the pierce the skin bacteria enters the fish.
When you have flukes you have to treat also with a bacterial med.

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